My first way would try a support that heals through shield regeneration.
TTraw made an awesome concept where Symmetra can convert normal HP into Shield HP.
Lately, the debate about the discrepancy in numbers between Supports, Tanks and DPS is more heated than usual, which is only exaggerated by the fact that our newest support-looking champion is, in fact, another damage dealer. Looking through forums at the time I’ve seen a lot requests about instantly reworking Echo into a healer to create a more even number of choices among the queues, and so as to not overwhelm DPS queue times even more.
However what did catch my interest is that, people who a…
I also made a concept that inspired by him.
This concept is highly inspired by TTraw’s rework for Symmetra. I recommend to take a look at his ideas first.
I think it’s actually really hard to rework Symmetra into a support again. During her lifespawn she recieved so many new abilities which makes it difficult to create a Symmetra for everyone.
A second important aspect is to make Symmetra more active. Sym 2.0 is often seen as too passive because she didn’t have supporting abilites beside her ults which were objects. You place…
Plus I made a non-healing concept about a Sym 1.0 rework.
This is my 2nd rework for Symmetra.
While the first concept was based on a very cool rework concept made by TTraw the second rework will focus Symmetra 1.0.
Passive: Shield Aura
Symmetra and allies within a 30 meters range with recieve 25 permanent shield health.
First ability: Photon Shields
No longer gives 25 permanent shields.
Now gives temporary shields based on how much HP are missing. (A Roadhog with 130 HP will get 470 shields. A Brig with 245 HP will get 5 shields. A Genji wit…
If Symmetra has to heal I think she should heal even less than Zen. So she can heal her team but it’s not the main part of her kit. She should focus on shields.