Support Symmetra concept

Since people start posting Symmetra rework concepts again here is mine:


  • Shield HP reduced from 125 to 100

  • Moved to support class

Primary Fire: Photon Projector

  • Damage changed from 60/120/180 to 70/90/110

  • Ranged increased from 12 to 14 meters

  • Charge time reduced from 1.33 to 1 second

  • Ammo increased from 70 to 100

Secondary Fire: Photon Projector

  • Speed reduced rom 25 to 15 m/s

  • No longer has AoE

  • Can pierce through barriers and enemies again

E: Photon Shields

  • Give 75 temporary shields to an ally

  • After 1 second they start to decay at 25/s (they decay all at once unlike Lucio or Sigma shields)

  • Each time shields decay, the ally is healed for 80% of the decayed amount (the maximum healing is 60 in 3 seconds)

  • Cooldown is 4 seconds

For her shift and ultimate I’m not 100% sure what to do so I’m going to present 2 versions.
EDIT: I prefer the second one.

Version A:
Shift: Sentry Turret

  • Charges increased from 3 to 6

  • Can deploy a max of 6 turrets

  • Damage reduced from 40 to 20

  • Turrets prioritize enemies that got damaged by Photon Projector (like Torb turret)

  • Travel speed increased from 15 to 30 m/s

  • Cooldown reduced from 10 to 8

  • Health reduced from 30 to 1

Ultimate: Teleporter

  • Works like 2.0 teleporter

  • Can be placed up to 20 meters away

  • By pressing Q again Teleporter gets destroyed and Symmetra gains her ult charge back based on how many charges were left. 5 meters range

Ultimate: Shield Generator

  • Additional Shield HP reduced from 75 to 50

  • Can be placed up to 20 meters away

  • By pressing Q again Shield Generator gets destroyed and Symmetra gains her full ult charge back. 5 meters range

(MAYBE) F: Photon Barrier

  • Health reduced from 1050 to 400
  • Cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds

Version B:
Shift: Hard Light

  • This is her construction mode. She can chose between Sentry Turret, Teleporter and Shield Generator
  • Has 6 charges. Cooldown is 8 seconds

Sentry Turret

  • Can deploy a max of 6 turrets instead of 3

  • Damage reduced from 40 to 20

  • Turrets prioritize enemies that got damaged by Photon Projector (like Torb turret)

  • Travel speed increased from 15 to 30 m/s

  • Health reduced from 30 to 1

  • Costs 1 charge of Hard Light

  • (MAYBE) Uses her old deploying animation again. Range increased to 20 meters. Slow removed. Only if construction mode doesn’t work/feels weird with throwable turrets.


  • Works like 2.0 teleporter
  • Can be placed up to 20 meters away
  • Charges reduced from 6 to 1
  • Costs 3 charges of Hard Light

Shield Generator

  • Additional Shield HP reduced from 75 to 50
  • Health reduced from 50/350 to 50/250
  • Range reduced from 50 meters to 25 meters
  • Can be placed up to 20 meters away
  • Costs 3 charges of Hard Light

Ultimate: Photon Barrier

  • Ult costs reduced by 10%

Why no 3.0 teleporter?
I think 3.0 teleporter is not healthy for the game because is has the potential to be one of the most broken abilites in the game and Symmetra 3.0 struggles to be a good hero because of this potential. By reverthing it back to 2.0 teleporter this problem will be fixed and it’s still powerful because it works like Mercy’s Rez.

"Why no healing beam, healing orbs or healing turrets?"
Healing beam and healing orbs would feel extremly weird because it would change Symmetra’s playstyle to a bootleg Mercy/Moira. And she would become a Main healer by this. Healing turrets might work if the devs figure a way out and I would prefer them over DPS Symmetra but they’re not my first choice either.

I don’t want Symmetra to heal.
It’s necessary if Symmetra becomes a support again. She should not become a main healer but she needs a healing ability. That’s why I think her Photon Shields can work well. The healing is very low and delayed so it feels more like a small side effect.
They are not my idea. TTraw used those Photon Shields in his concept 1 year ago.

"This is so broken!"
It might be but numbers can be changed. This is more about finding a support kit for Symmetra.

“Why 2 versions?”
Both version are like a mix of Symmetra 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.
The main difference is her wall which doesn’t exist in the first one but many people actually like it. Photon Barrier could be a third ult next to Teleporter and Shield Gen but I don’t think this would feel good because the wall works so different compared to TP/SG. But moving TP/SG to her turrets could work and I like the idea of having an arsenal of buildable objects.

“Too many abilites.”
I don’t think this is a problem because Mercy has a lot abilites in her kit too.
And there are other abilities in the game which have many effects. Antinade is like a 4-in-1 ability.

“Why using her old Turret animation in version B?”
Unlike Teleporter and Shield Generator her turrets don’t use the “placing mode” anymore like they used to. I don’t know if this can be a problem or feels weird to use. If Symmetra needs to lose her throwable turrets that’s how I would change it.