More SR for Tanks?

Well, it would still really just be a percentage difference. So tanks that are already high SR would just have proportionally higher SR.

A percentage difference that will add up overtime and lead to the same problem. I think the best solution I’ve seen is dropping tank players into a priority dps queue after they finish a certain number of tank games. Perhaps 3 tank games for 1 dps priority queue.

The biggest issue I am seeing since the introduction of role queue is that while the skill is more constant across all roles, the relative performance of tanks to the DPS at the same rank - comparing the performance of tanks/dps before and after role queue - is that DPS performance/ability is significantly, significantly lower in RQ. The DPS you now end up with under RQ feels like the DPS on your team are what you would have experienced in a match at a rank perhaps as much as 800SR lower, while the tanks and support remain at the same skill level.

This is creating some pretty significant issues because no matter how well tanks perform their roles, the DPS are simply not able to perform at the level you would expect of them at that rank. Fortunately however, the same is true for both your own team and the defenders. The result I’m seeing is enemy DPS are far, far easier to kill; but conversely your own DPS achieve far, far less to progress your own teams objective goals.

I honestly do believe that RQ beta should be looking to address this - and I would hope the outcome ends up being that nearly across the entire board the SR of DPS players ends up shifted downwards by a factor of 400-800SR.

Incidentally this would actually have a positive effect on queue times at high ranks; at low ranks it may blow out DPS queue times a bit, however, that would cause people to see that with the queues being so high, they should instead play other roles which have lower queue times - so it may even out. Unless, that is, people who end up say at X on DPS all end up at X+500 on tank - in which case we may end up with a tank oversupply in high ranks and a complete void of tanks in low ranks.

Disagree, i want to earn my rank as everybody else.

Ehhhh as a guy who has been one of the earliest to make threads on role q, I can’t let you away with this one. You spent the last few months reposting threads of alternate versions of role q where it went something like 2-2-1- flex or something along those lines?.

You never got behind pure 222.

Doesn’t SR mean that tanks are rated relative to other tanks, so giving them more SR would actually do nothing?

People who don’t want to tank aren’t going to play tank for the possibility of higher gains for a role they don’t care about.

All this does is reward people who happen to enjoy playing tank, either as their main or off role.

Except for the one a month and a half before RoleQ came out, that was nearly identical to what we got :slight_smile:

Assuming you rename the “Quickplay Unlocked Queue” to “Quickplay Classic”.

✅ [2-2-2] Putting RoleQ into Quickplay

So would it be easier to just make it more difficult to maintain and climb SR with DPS above Gold?

Thus reducing the population of DPS above Platinum.

So your solution is to either boost players artificially or make it harder for others in the same way?

I didn’t even think about the population of tanks at higher ranks.

There is definitely a lot of good players at lower ranks but they just don’t have friends to play with so ranking up is impossible unless your lucky

Played last night on my Gold Mercy ranked role.
The Zarya gold tank said he was 3800 DPS player.
“Apparently I’m a bad tank.”
We won that game.

Yeah pretty much, however it seems like the solution should be less SR for DPS, because people complain about handouts.

Or possibly half and half, so it’s less obvious.

I thought 2-2-2 was meant to fix this? You know turning them selfish DPS into Tanks and Supports or something.

or Just nerf the tank counters. They buffed them to fight goats, and then made goats impossible anyway.

Side note why are all of the easy dps so good against tanks and so bad against the harder dps heroes? Why is every tank counter dps so easy to play? Why does every tank counter dps counter every single tank?

Sigma helps, for sure. But like, there’s a serious design issue there

Mostly fixed, but it’s a problem for the top 15% of players in Comp, primarily the top 5%.


It should happen naturally. If only 5 people are queing tank, they are only competing within themselves

Lots of GM players complaining about 15-30 minute DPS queues.

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I don’t quite see how more SR for Tanks could really change that though. You would still only have a small amount of people who can play at that level anyways.