✅ Less SR for DPS at Platinum+

The DPS queue times in Platinum and above aren’t going to change, unless the population size of DPS changes.

However the problem is the perception that Tanks would be “boosted”, and be overwhelmed at higher ranks.

So let’s approach it from the other direction.

Reduce the DPS SR gains from wins, by some percentage proportional to the regional amount of Tanks and Healers in those skill brackets.

The effect?

  • Less DPS population in Platinum and above.
  • Truly amazing DPS get to enjoy reasonable queue times.

Note, changed it from Diamond to Platinum, so that it pushes DPS closer to the center of the population bell curve at 2500SR.

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No. This is a terrible idea

If anything Sr for dps should be more drastic in BOTH directions due to que times


Less sr just seems unfair, if you’re a DPS, or any role for that matter, whose doing well enough to climb, they should climb. There shouldn’t be an exception just because of the population. It’ll lead to even more bad matchmaking.


High queue times for DPS that would still be Diamond and above after this change is unfair.

Kinda reasonable and smart change IMO. But less SR is kinda meh. Maybe more SR for tanks and supports? But this will make more toxicity like: “Boosted tank/support main or whatever.”

We need to have some balance in amount of players between roles and their SR. This is the first solution I’ve ever seen tbh.

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You could extend performance based sr for DPS into masters. Then you’ll have a lot of fall off based on performance but also people not needing to play since they reached masters and that’s where they stop caring

except the queue time for all the roles increase drastically in higher elos, not just DPS. DPS just has the longest queue times because it’s the most popular role.

While true, the queue times for DPS are a lot higher than Healer or Tank.

Like a 3x or 5x difference in magnitude.

This is a terrible idea that wouldn’t work in a million years.


Hadn’t really thought that one through, but they could work. I’m not entirely sure about the tradeoffs there though. I’d have to read up on that.

You think it wouldn’t reduce the population of DPS in Diamond and above?

Keeping DPS players in lower elos than they should be will less SR per win is only going to make the queue times for Healers and Tanks at higher elos longer, because now the DPS that were in their rank are being kept in lower ranks longer than they should be, and it will inflate the DPS queue times in Diamond even more.

It would reduce the population of DPS players everywhere. We have to wait for long queue times just to receive less sr? Plus it’s blatant discrimination that only DPS receive less sr. You sound like one of those people on the forums telling DPS players to suffer and that they deserve the long queue times.


So what you’re saying is that it should be Platinum and above, to push all the way back to the top of the population bell curve at 2500SR.

Good idea.

I’ll edit the post.

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…no, i’m saying it’s a bad idea that no matter where the cap is, is going to inflate the wait times for every role even more.

The point is that by pushing DPS closer to the higher populated matches, also thinning out the population of DPS at higher tiers would improve their queue times.

It’s just gonna make the queue times worse for everyone. Less DPS = longer queue times for suppors/tanks. Less players in multiple ranks in general = longer queue times across the board.


That’s not how math works.


It’s exactly how it works. I don’t see how you don’t understand it. It’s pretty basic math.


If you put more DPS into the MOST POPULATED ELOS, it will INCREASE the wait time.