More SR for Tanks?

Let’s retire this idea, in favor of this one:

✅ Less SR for DPS at Platinum+

If the problem is that higher ranks don’t have enough Tanks. What if they gave Tanks 10% more SR for wins in Comp


No, rank needs to be earned, boy.


I know you really want to find a solution for the problem that the solution is the problem wasn’t a problem but this is definitely not the way to go about it.

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what did they mean by this


Any particular reason?

One would think the difference between a GM tank and a Masters tank is somewhat marginal.

Also tanks are a lot less technical than DPS at high tiers.

I’m a tank main and that sounds awful. I don’t need nor want free SR.

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That the 2-2-2 queue time debacle is a human nature problem and can’t be solved.

SR is separated now, this just skews SR for one role. This could have been another bad idea they could have tried before forcing 2-2-2 on people but it still would not have changed anything.

That’s kind of the point.

The problem is something to do with population.

And if you can change the population dynamic, it can fix the problem.

It’s a human nature people. People want to play the role they want. Trying to move them away from it is not going to work in the numbers they need. And as I posted elsewhere, when this fails after it hits QP, I will not accept anything less than a public apology and firing of those responsible.

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What does this fix? You’re not going to get a higher Sr or anything from this

No doubt, so if human nature isn’t really changable, you need a systematic solution instead.

Or you accept it.

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Reduces DPS queue times in Masters and GM.

Or you create the proper incentives.

And a lootbox here or there doesn’t help at very high tiers.

What people really want at high tiers is SR.

Bribing is a failure state. You accept that more people are going to play damage than the other roles and stop trying to shoehorn in the role limits.

Hypothetically if there is no one there to play the players someone needs to be pulled up…

Maybe tanks were ranked lower bc their team was never forced to have 2 tanks and 2 healers until now… now that they have proper support they should rank up more

This either leads to trash tier tanking at higher ranks, or unstable SR, neither of which is conducive to a competitive experience.

Why are you at the negotiation phase? 2-2-2 is probably going to stay no matter the pain.

I was just joking, I do not really care. I sort of want to fall on tank so the matches are easier to carry. I am used to doing that, so I need my opponents to be a bit… Not good.

On the contrary, I’ve been asking for RoleQueue for a year :slight_smile: Repeatedly and loudly.

However 15-30 minute queues for GM/Masters DPS is really bad.

Especially because that’s the rank almost all the streamers are at.

So I’ve been searching for solutions for the extreme situations where RoleQueue doesn’t work well. Like the top 5% of Competitive players.

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