Moira lock tracking is still on

Tbh, I suppose you could argue that Sombra’s hack is a soft-lock, as it has extra LOS checks and zero tolerance at the time at which it comes into effect. That makes it distinctly different to other lock on abilities like Mercy’s, Symmetra’s old beam, or Sombra’s old hack that can get you through walls momentarily.

That is exactly what it is though. You want people to stop using good examples and arguments against your position lol. And you offer literally nothing for your position.

Start doing damage with Moira, now move your screen away from the enemy.

Does the beam stay on the enemy?


Then it isn’t a lock-on.

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I don’t know what to say. I know I should expect these kind of things from Blizz but still.

They are nerfing not one aspect of the beams but multiple aspects of the beams. So you look at the damage and it’s not bad but then you look at the Width of the beam reduction and it just multiplies it.

Who cares if Zaray’s low charged beam is slightly thicker, it’s a low charged freaken beam.

But Symm’s nerf is just unbelievable. By half. They nerfed her short little beam’s width by half. Wow.

The Sigma tweaks are meh, we still don’t really have a full grasp of what he can do so seems odd they are moving to adjust him so fast. It’s not like he’s much of an issue.

What I take from this? They are trying to protect their new baby boy Sigma from one of his weaknesses. Beam users.

Not cool Bliz, not cool.

The Bastion buff is pretty funny, yet another thing that doesn’t address any of his problems. I’d call it throwing him a bone but it really isn’t.

zarya is like my favourite off-tank too, and i like sym, she’s like a mage character and that’s pretty dope.

like these changes would indeed change a lot of things for them, it’s probably just a counter nerf to that fixing of the beams before.

but really, this one kind of hurt.

sigma i’m kind of ok with, he can still 2-shot people if he’s accurate and his rock is now slightly more imposing, and that ult activation thing i really didn’t notice much difference when i used it but it seemed the same, i’ll be able to probably tell in-game against him though, that thing did activate really fast, but the bigger issue with that thing is that it ignores LOS stuff, i think that’s even more of an offender really.


This thread is lulsy. The level of dumb here is astounding. Moira has never and still doesn’t have a lock on.

If it’s just the animation we are seeing. Mercy isn’t a lock on either, her invisible healing sphere just isn’t shown. Spooky.

You can interpret it that way if you want.

Now you just have to exercise your basic geometry and understand the differences between a sphere and a cone or cylinder. Along with how the differences are magnified when their volumes and positions relative to the character model are changed.

Can you do this?

We’re not. I think we all know how easy she is to aim with, if anyone is saying otherwise then that’s silly.
All we’re saying is that it’s not a lock-on. It’s just false to say that it is. If you want to argue a point about a character, at least be correct.

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Come on man. Really? Your drawing your assessment from a POTG? This is the problem. Why don’t you actually play as Moira - just for one round - and then you’ll see quite clearly that she’s not a lock on.

No. Sombra hack is a lock on that is BROKEN BY LINE OF SIGHT. That’s one of it’s counters. You counter it by breaking the line of sight. That doesn’t make it any less of a lock on. For Moira, the very second her beam moves off the character’s hitbox, it stops dealing damage. That’s not a lock on. That’s not any kind of lock on. That’s a beam weapon. Just like Zarya. Just like Sym. The only difference is that so you know who is being damaged, the beam’s visuals curve to the enemy its damaging in the same way that Winston’s tesla cannon also does the same so you know who’s being damaged. Is Winston’s a lock on too?

Good thing it only does 50 dps.

I hope you don’t have comprehension and reading problems. Treat it while you are young, if you don’t it may affect your life.

He showed evidence. You didn’t.


The threads where people don’t know the visuals vs the effects of beam abilities are back? And yes, Moira was minimally affected by the beam fix because her beam is just that, a beam. Like Zarya/Symmetra have it. It’s not a lock-on like old Symm beam was or like Mercy healing/boost are.

Mommy, that 50 DPS healer killed me in 4 seconds, soooo much damage!

Say, should we use that “50 DPS is too much” for every character then? Sure, we’ll adjust for tracking ease, but 50 effective DPS isn’t a lot, a spray&pray Soldier already does more than that, nevermind what happens if you ever notice that Zenyatta or Mercy or Baptiste have weapons.

No, Mercy is lock on because once she is locked on to her target it cannot be broken by someone walking in front of her. Her beam will not attach to another teammate that walks in front of her. The only limitation to her lock on is range.

Moira’s attack will be broken by someone walking in front of her. She physically can’t lock on to people.

There is such a huge difference between Mercy’s beam and Moira’s attack. It can only attack 1 person that is the closest in the range of the beam. Basically think of it like her Coalescence, but if her ult stopped abruptly when one person stepped in it.

Argue that it’s “too large”, has “too much range”, I don’t personally care that people will (falsely) use the term “soft lock” (Even though there is no true soft lock, just cone attacks or lock on) but at least understand the mechanics of it.

The bot hitboxes are the size of a barn. And Moira does not have lock-on, for the fourteen-thousandth time.

You’re right that this is a bad way to measure a lock on. You do not need to be able to maintain a lock for 180 degrees for it to be lock on. And not being able to maintain it for the full 180 doesn’t disqualify it as lock on. Because these terms would disqualify hack, when hack is a lock on.

But still, that doesn’t magically make Moira’s right click a lock on.

The only difference being?
Moira’s attack locks on to a target on it’s own vs Choosing when to lock on with a Mercy beam. It’s all just animation based on the hero, so neither actually lock on.