MMR Hard reset each season?

Jeff, Meff & Teff,

For the love of #insert deity#, make placement matches relevant again.

Gods will get to smurf if that is the sensation that they seek and the occasional lucky plebian will get to learn from [& with] those much more proficient then them.

It will make for much more meaningful placements & spicier seasons.

I mean…

Throw out all data compiled to have chaos for a ladder until things settle back where they were? Pass. Hard pass


This is true

Very very true

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I don’t think this would be a good idea. It would lead to players falling to ranks they shouldn’t be, and players climbing to ranks they shouldn’t be at.


I don’t get why people think a reset will put them a rank or two up. If you belonged there you’d earn it yourself! Those players will still body you while games of former bronze, bronze, silver, silver, plat, bronze v 3 bronze, a GM, and gold fight it out as they’re apparently all equal now! It’d be a mess and would settle the same way after a ton of time.


Which would allow the ‘good’ players to feel their growth and work for their rank and the ‘bad’ players experience what its like playing with more complicated mechanics (and game sense). Win-Win.

They already did.

It would mean Bronze players might get lucky and get into Diamond. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not have Bronze players in Diamond.


It would give meaning to the seasonal grind if you want to keep your rank at a certain level.

Ehhh that’s only somewhat true, especially in the lower ranks where teams don’t function well at all. No matter what you do, there are a lot of games down there out of your control (unless you’re like a plat or above player) If you’re meant to be plat or above it may be easy, but if you’re maybe meant to be mid silver, that climb becomes much more difficult


No, it’d actively remove that as the players would be in various spots they don’t belong in for ages until things settled. Do you truly believe your rank is lower than it should be? Show some footage and see if anyone else agrees.


Why should they be denied the chance to contend and learn with players of that rank if they perform well enough to “cheat” the complicated SR system?

if you didn’t know, it takes into account many more stats then W/L ratios* and a bronze player that has gotten into a flow to perform as a diamond should be rewarded appropriately…


*In fact, I think it doesn’t take it into account at all and you can lose the majority of your matches and still end up at the same rank (or even above) as long as you keep your individual gameplay stats [per hero] to a certain level.

I climbed nearly 1100 SR last season starting at 950. Does that obliterate your narrative? If you are meant to climb then you certainly will.

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Yet you are displeased with how the placement system treated you this spin around.

Because a bronze doing well is not ready for diamonds; they are ready for higher bronze or silver. If those are easy then higher silver and gold and so on. Stomping bronze doesn’t mean you are Diamond. I am gold and could roflstomp bronze if I was a disgusting, throwing smurf. I am not btw.

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Cuz I woulda climbed more in 10 games grinding. I find placements nonsense as they end you up roughly where you were. That’s sn issue with placements not advocating for an mmr reset.

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Good job? I was supporting you and now you’re mad for some reason sheesh

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No, you are at the rank you belong in. Contrary to what most conspiracy theorists on this forum believe the matchmaker is actually accurate if you play enough games. All my accounts are usually within 100-200 sr of my main.

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I read it as dismissive and that it was to justify being a low rank and stuck there. I never checked your profile. My apologies. I responded curtly and gave it a bad impression. Sorry!


No worries, I was taking it from personal experience when I play with my friend (who’s bronze) and we get bronze teammates. I played reaper, got 54 elims, 16k damage, and 4 deaths (not to mention a solo team kill with my ult)and we still lost


We are talking about a “bronze” who has for 10 games, in the majority of the time, performed as well as a Diamond both in ability use (dmg done/blocked/healed/emp-ed/frozen etc) and mechanics (% hit/crit rate, death rate, duel rate etc).

The only way you can make placements meaningful is by having a MMR reset. Even if they change the ‘rule’ of a +/- 100 SR adjustment [per season placement] to lets say +/- 1000 SR, sooner or later everyone will start asking for more [eventually leading to an SR reset].

Again, placements dont place you by your W/L, but rather your individual performance per hero x your previous season results. The first part of this equation is great, the second beats the point of seasons, making it just one giant long season with breaks.