Bogus placements

So i was in silver before. i win 7 lose 3 get a good amount of golds just to be placed at 1600? low silver not even a slight upgrade. What happened? 30-40% accuracy… i lost almost all of them last season i played and got placed higher…and i played MUCH worse then, this is stupid and inconsistent.

Placements normally just puts you at roughly where you were last season, with the W/L of placements as a slight change to where you placed at the end of last season, but otherwise the only placements that matter are the first placements.


That’s bull, that’s means to get placed where I should actually be placed and not be stuck with a bunch of people that can’t make simple shots like a sitting single still sym turret right in front of them, until they die. I would have to make a new account. Literally WTF??? Made me really just want to stop playing, and it’s the same reason I took 3 seasons off till hamster came out. Blizzard, you idiots, stop screwing people over that just want a fair chance to play your game. One season I managed to grind myself out and hit gold, the carries just weren’t fun, when you can’t trust your team mates to do crap it’s not fun. Just to get placed back in silver the next season. The placements I just did were so easy that most of the time I was just laughing through them, because I’m getting placed with bronze and low silvers it’s really not fair. Then I’m getting endorsed by all these crappy players forcing you to play with them again making elo hell worse…i mean come on! It feels like a never ending cycle.

Edit:Only one of those losses were an actual loss, the other two were because my team was so bad they would wipe before the fight even really began. Standing around like sitting ducks, not understanding high ground advantage, not using any type of cover, just standing still and shooting. The only time a challenge appears is when there is a very obvious smurf, actually trying.

The only placements that matter are the first placements you do. Well, actually I did fall from 3100 to 2800 last season due to losing 8 placements.

Anyway, your previous rank has a large part to play when determining your new rank for the next season. Usually, they don’t change much. It isn’t, and shouldn’t put you up 300 SR higher than your last rank, no matter how many wins you got. If you look at placements literally, there are 2-3 days inbetween each season. I highly doubt anyone would have improved so much within 2-3 days in order to go up a rank.

Your stats on Tracer indicate that you really aren’t overperforming by any significant amount. You are a silver player.

For this season or overall cuz overall it’s crap, I wasn’t just learning to play fps’s on pc my accuracy was 10-20% I deserved to Be down there, when I started. now days it’s averaging around 40% u can check this season on my profile. I’m diamond on PS4 so it’s not like I don’t understand tactics or what it takes to get that rating.

For this season it’s 37% and 5% crit. That’s pretty average, and that’s against silver players. And it’s not all about accuracy. Really everything is just average on her against silver players. So the placement system put you right back in silver.

Yea but I completely destroy the overly confident smurfs that are supposedly in gm, and anyone else in deathmatch to the point where it’s boring and not regally a challenge at all. Wish I had these recorded now, so u can see the blatant one sidedness in so many of these games.

I think you’re too confident in your skill. If you were that good, you would be climbing. Not being rude, but I think that’s your problem. You think you’re way too good, that whenever you recieve a rank you don’t think you’re at. You get annoyed.

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Deathmatch means nothing dude. I lose to plats in it all the time, but when I smurf in plat it is easy easy wins.

You sound really toxic actually. I don’t think they’d want you in Diamond or higher with this type of attitude. Maybe that is what is holding you back, and you are avoiding addressing it.

i am the best player ever to touch the game, i average 80 elims every game. 100% accuracy on hanzo btw

but i am stuck in SILVER because of teammates WTF!? why am i not in top 500 rigged system


I went up 95 from my season end going 8-2. 5 more games(4-1) and I’m up another 100. Come again? I’m climbing so why not let people climb?

OP: you’re average elims per life are not climbing numbers. Not even 2/life? Cmon. You’re a DPS and supposed to be getting those squishy kills. You need to either kill more and/or (more likely) die less.

My placements went 7-3, with one of the losses being a leaver. I ended up 60 points higher than my S11 ending SR, which was about 10 points below my all-time S11 high. In other words, I’d have been better off playing normal S11 matches, where a 7-3 record would have placed me a lot higher.

My original placement matches in S10 put me at 1665, and that was with two leaver matches. Really, though, I’ve been as low as 600, and the quality of the matches is no different there than at 1665.

Placements don’t mean much, all its for is so that people actually have to play some comp to get the comp points

I don’t think anyone has provided the detailed explanation why returning players continue to build off their existing SR/hidden MMR in each season. Here is the official word from Principal Designer Scott Mercer when this change was made back in season 3.

Source: Overwatch Forums

Now please note the system used to drop a player’s SR by several hundred points regardless of the result of those 10 matches. This didn’t feel too good and they changed this in season 6:

Source: Welcome to Season 6 of Competitive Play - News - Overwatch

But in short, this ensure that you are playing fair matches. If you are in silver there is a reason. Bronze and Silver are filled by players who are vulnerable to being outplayed in terms of mechanical skill and game awareness. I once fell to high bronze due to tilt and rage a long time ago, I easily bounced back by learning not to tilt, and played Pharah… lots and lots of Pharah. Why? Because at Silver, players typically don’t have the common sense to look up.