MMR Hard reset each season?

BS. And getting the same numbers as a Diamond against bronzes isn’t indicative of being diamond. The diamomd gets those against diamonds; they’d do way better against bronzes. And anyone doing that well would climb on their own as is.


This is not about ‘the rank that one belongs in’ but rather about Seasons having a point instead of being just “a bit more rigid Quick Play”.

Actually, if you go through all of these stats (from ability performance, to aim x dmg) on most OW stat sites, and take a look at them per rank, there is a clear difference in the performance of the players, even if a ‘bronze’ is aiming versus a ‘bronze’ player.

As the fellow above, you seem to be misunderstanding the goal of an “MMR Reset”. It is not a cry to get people in their right rank, but a way to make the placements [and consequently] the seasons feel like seperate instances of a more varied experience*, instead of just steadily climbing, dropping or remaining where you are.
*A GM that got too stoned on his placements will have to grind through the muddy cespool that is Bronze & a Bronze that got lucky to go into the flow for 10 games [to have 60%+ hitrate with hitscan, 20k+dmg & 0-2 deaths per game] will get to experience getting crushed by the gamesense of the masters. Win-Win.

Those numbers level out midrank. A GM Mercy v a Plat Mercy is healing roughly the same. Other factors are what separates them.

And to think I want a GM in bronze or bronze in GM? I couldn’t reject that more forcefully if I tried. I’d never want that. Everyone would have a miserable time.

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Yes indeed, other factors seperate them.

There is way more stats that go into consideration then what i stated above [hence the ‘etc’ part]. I believe that Everything from the hero profile page goes into consideration, plus situational stats [that don’t appear there, such as wining duels, saving a team mate from dying or popping off with your ults] and the main problem in the equation remains the fact that it is based on your previous season rank combined with a cap of how much SR you can gain.

Past Performance Is No Guarantee of Future Results, but also not an indicator for Future Failure.

But it is a safe assumption you’re roughly the same game to game to game to game. And if we have such a chain we can form a range you likely belong in. But if you can prove em wrong then power to you!

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If the “bronze” player can consistently play like that, then they will quickly climb. I would bet that I could easily have a 90%+ win rate in bronze, playing any character.

The seasons do have a point. They reset your stats.

You can look at season x and say, “oh wow, look how bad my stats were in that season compared to this one.” Or, “man, last season my moira stats were really bad, I should work on getting those up this season.” etc. etc.

The point of seasons is not to have players playing in bronze one season, then diamond the next, then gold the third…

10 games is not nearly enough to judge where a player belongs. The SR system even gives greater gains/losses to new accounts, for this very reason.

I’m not sure why you want a bunch of unevenly matched players playing with each other, but that seems to be what you’re calling for.

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ok we all instantly start in plat, an elo hell with a ton of throwers and everyone will fall too low. keep me in touch, bs idea ngl
and if u cant climb out of bronze its not the reason to make hard reset every season dude, u seem like a bronze hardstuck crying about hard mmr reset hoping that u will get a higher sr. but u wont.

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That is a wrong assumption not taking into consideration the fact that a big portion of the games are not simply not winnable solo (even at the bronze rank), as has been proven in many instances by GM/Top500 streamers. By only rewarding consistency, we are only rewarding the most_hard_core_of_grinders and giving only them a chance for substantial growth, as well as making the placements not mean anything.

If you flunk your placements and end up in bronze, then you should have no problem climbing back up with your 90%+ win rate [predictions], and as a punishment maybe you will teach some of your less educated team mates how to improve in the game.

The stats lose their comparative value as soon as a new hero comes out or the meta gets shifted due to balance changes. You can’t compare from her D.Mx. glory days with now, right? You can’t compare mercy/moira healing from pre-nerf season and now, right? You can’t compare hitscan dmg before the dmg drop off improvement and now, right?

‘A bunch of of unevenly matched players’ will bring for greater growth of said players (both for the skillful as persons, and for the less fortunate as players) by appropriately awarding them for their placement performance. If you don’t recall, your First placement for competetive will put you with and against Bronze to Master players in the different matches that you are going to play, and if a bronze gets “lucky” to out-stat that Master, it most certainly deserves the spot (more-so then someone staying there because of their past glory).

At the end of the day, Competetive has become stale [as proven by a multitude of Vlogs and articles on this forum and elsewhere] and radical changes should be tested to see what works. Saying that ‘its going to be a mess’ or ‘everyone will just end up in the same rank’ without an empirical test is simply meaningless [as much as the season placements themselves].


You realize that people created ranks in games so that this wouldn’t happen, right? I don’t even know what to say to you, lol.

If that’s your (and others) opinion, then I suggest you stop playing it and find something else to do with your time.

I (and many others) are still having fun with it.


You realize that those created ranks will fare better if placements mattered [more then they do now, with lets say each match being worth +/- 100 SR so that people can get a chance playing at a higher level].

At the end of the day, nobody gets better by roflstomping noobs or contesting with people at about their current skill - they get better by playing with [much] better players. And the “pros” that are going to flunk their placements will have to prove themselves each season repeatedly, especially to avoid the situations where players that haven’t played for 5+ seasons end up in a +/- 100 SR after placements when their actual [current] MMR is much lower.

And forums exist to state opinions and experiences of players with the game. Look at how many “Placements are senseless” - “MMR is broken” articles there are, and then find as many praising the system. I really urge you to bring you (and the many others having fun) to come and teach all of us here complaining how to have fun.