Typical Overwatch MMR

Haven’t played in almost a year. Play comp. Win 1, lose 9. Get ranked at 3,200 SR in diamond. Overwatch MMR

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and what was your previous SR?

I feel like that shouldn’t be relevant considering I haven’t played the game in almost a year. Not to mention how much they constantly change the game and rework characters pretty much invalidates my past MMR. And again, with a 1w 9L and literally every game my team was telling me to ‘uninstall’ and stop playing, I probably wasn’t even good enough to be in silver let alone diamond+. Not to mention players past Diamond are supposed to decay back down to 3000 SR after no play time, so if I truly decayed back down to 3k SR, I don’t see how 1 win in 10 would allow me to not only retain diamond but be placed into mid diamond.


Decay doesn’t affect internal SR, which is what determines your placement.

I just feel that they should probably revisit some of their “Internal SR” then because me having not played the game in almost a year, going 1 and 9 and still getting ranked in Diamond seems a little imbalanced. Like sure if I win 8 or 9 games then w/e, I guess I can see that, but I literally won 1 game (barely) and the other 9 were complete fails. The newest character from when I played was Doomfist so I knew nothing of Moira, Wrecking Ball and Bridgit and yet somehow they feel I should be diamond because I won a single game during placements.

Regardless of any justification you give to their ‘internal SR’ I feel it just doesn’t justify for placing me diamond after having not so much as touched the game in the past year and just further validates why I stopped playing this game. Regardless I just needed to vent so there’s no need for further replies to this post and I’ll lock it or w/e. Maybe Blizzard should take a page out of the book of some other games that actually have a decent MMR system.


You don’t really forget how to play the game.

You may have gotten rusty after a year but I’m sure you didn’t just jump straight into a comp game first thing after that long break. There were a few QPs here and there.

So you’re still a diamond player skillfully. Plus after that long your MMR should have reset so youre lucky.

  1. Please answer the question about your previous SR. Whether or not you think it should be relevant, it is relevant.

  2. If you haven’t played in a while, the uncertainty in your SR/MMR goes up. This makes it so that as you lose games, you fall to your new level much faster than an established player.

  3. Starting off with your old MMR is a better guess than throwing you at 2350, like it would for a new player.

  4. Keep playing. Write down your SR after every game. Let us know how long it takes to find your new level.

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