Mercy's Guardian Angel Suggestions


I am not saying that Mercy is weak. If anything these changes DID NOT change anything other than making Mercy just feels very clunky. These season 3 changes again DID NOT address the top 2 issues that many player have when playing against her.

  • Damage Boost
  • Resurrection

  • Realistically, these changes are both nerfs and buff, overall making her an even stronger pocket hero, while also enforcing enforcing the Mercy players to pocket even more.

    These are just suggestion as a whole, if the devs are going to keep the changes in game., which I think she will receive changes pretty soon due to the uproar of both parties Both…

  • Mercy Players
  • Non- Mercy Players

  • Guardian Angel: Now grants a small speed boost for 1.5 seconds after GA to a target.

    The small gust of wind grants her a small speed boost. This way she can fulfill the triage healer role slightly better with the added speed boost to Guardian Angel. Since the changes compared to pre-nerf Mercy just contrast from each other.

    If it was up to me, I would fully revert Overwatch 2 GA changes back to how Mercy GA was in Overwatch 1, as she was fine back then in terms of movement.

    Let me know what you guys think about this idea, constructive criticism/ feedback is always welcome.


    I feel as though the idea is pretty good if they want to keep this nerfed Guardian Angel. It seems like a nice compromise that would make her feel less clunky and not influence her survivability to an excessive extent.

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    Exactly what I was thinking, you can cancel GA slightly early to gain that extra speed boost, and by the time the speed boost ends, then GA would be available again to use.

    But hopefully, the devs just revert and try a different approach on Mercy, as GA is not the main issue. I am now seeing people coming for Zenyatta’s Discord Orb as well.

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    Tbh, I could see them going back on the 1.5sec GA. But I really doubt they would throw the current GA system they got out the window.

    If it were me, I’d just do

    1.5sec GA
    20% Recovery Passive
    47% slower GA during Valk (to match normal GA)

    Then as for the pocketing issue

    • Pharah: 50% Less rocket explosion radius, no self damage from rockets, more self knockback from rockets.
    • Widow: 150hp, 7sec grapple, 125 base damage, 2x headshot
    • Sojourn: Can’t headshot with basic Rail, 100 damage max on basic Rail, 225hp, 5sec PowerSlide

    Guardian angel 6 second cd.
    Guardian angel now provides 50 shields to target and 20% damage reduction for 2 seconds.

    That could work as well, my only issue and this is just me…

    Valk, is described to enhance all her abilities, If this was the case then the only thing that valk will now do is just enhance her Cadesus Staff and Cadesus Blaster Pistol.

    Well, changing a text description from 5 years ago isn’t that difficult.

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    oof, I do not know about this one, that is a HUGE dip into her mobility, like HUGE. It it interesting, but mobility is where she shines at

    I have seen very mobile mercies even with the nerf. Honestly. If they gave her a long cd like the other healers people will really see lol. It’s still good.

    They also buffed her healing so any reverts would have to unbuff the healing, she’s sorta better at saving people besides herself now.

    That is also true, at that point, I would just simply switch Valk and Ressurection and have Valk on E and Res on Q

    You know it’s only going to promote even more pocketing with your weird suggestion.

    Ya now the MAIN thing people complain about Mercy?

    Sounds like you just want a perma pocket hero.


    You would think.

    But I get the feeling the devs wanna make some small numbers tweaks on Mercy, then ignore her for the next long while to focus on other “foundational” issues.

    Those are the Mercy players who adpated to the changes, giving her a longer cooldown would mean that she should have her own mobility that is not attached to having a teammate. If anyhting that you suggested would be a good reload ability when she is on her staff

    but GA on a 6 second cooldown, would mean that she should be able to GA independently without the requirement of a teammate

    Realistically there are only two ways to improve her in the triage role.

    1. Improve her mobility so that she is harder to hit.
    2. Make her tankier so that she is harder to kill.

    The triage role can only be performed when you’re not at risk of death. If you’re at risk of death she ends up in the pocket role behind hard cover.

    Nobody wants a tankier Mercy. It feels very silly and wrong for the character, but if you really wanted to make her a triage healer without the mobility she used to have then give her a burst self-heal that she gets when she swaps beam target, put it on a resource meter gained from beaming so that there’s a limited time between uses. This will highly incentivise being in the middle of groups while giving her the ability to burst self-heal when she requires it.

    Honestly, like I love Valk as an ultimate, but if they would swap her Q and E

    Res would be rewarded, and dependent on the Mercy player

    Valk, will allow Mercy to have her own form of independent movement that she can control

    Right, but that’s a whole level of drama they probably aren’t up for now.

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    Or they could just give her like flight jump like pharah or something. Honestly the new baseline mobility was a huge buff to her mobility. They made it accessible to everyone.

    They assessed her baseline kit is a bit too mobile so they nerfed it and buffed her healing. Which is huge.

    They also designed mercy since day 1 not to be aim intensive.

    They can nerf guardian angel, and do something simple like a little flight jump with increased mobility. Doesn’t have to just be guardian angel.

    The good thing was they made the jump techs accessible to everyone. Now they can tune Mercy better with that being baseline as they just buffed her healing. The guardian techs seem insane. I am interested to see what they come up with her in pve.

    Exactly, you are completely correct. Which is sad, but the truth.