Mercy, nearly 2 weeks now

Agree. Two weeks and I’m not getting use to, I just almost stop playing her.

Latest nerf is so illogical and completely destroyed iconic “feels” of the character that was created for years.


I’m pretty sure this phenomenon is almost entirely caused by the beam being highly visible. Ana doesn’t get the same complaints pretty much purely because it’s less noticeable to enemies when she’s actually much stronger at it. Kiriko does get similar complaints but mainly for her Ofuda because that is also highly visible, she heals at 78hp/s but has to go all-healing to be worthwhile because the travel time of her healing is pretty dangerous for rescuing low health people.


I really hate how the adjustments to Mercy’s healing output are a nerf in most scenarios on paper. In practice, it’s rare that the healing increase actually matters, mostly just if a tank is being pelted at just the right damage to stay below half despite the extra healing.

To really make her into a triage healer, Mercy would be better off having her old healing output and gaining a per target burst heal cooldown that can only trigger if the target is below half.

Nerfing her mobility significantly while trying to push triage healing made absolutely no sense; she needs to be able to bounce around to do this job consistently.

And despite the on-paper theoretical benefits her Ult has now, it just doesn’t feel very good or much more helpful most of the time. It’s much harder to get any value (or survivability) out of it unless the team is bunched up and fairly injured. I think the ult needs significant changes still to make it more broadly useful/impactful. It wasn’t great before the changes, and it’s still not usually that good.

I’d appreciate another 5 damage per bullet on her pistol, but that’s beside the point that basically all the changes they made to Mercy sucked.


Mercy is better now even with GA nerf. You just gotta be smart on your GA dash to people. That healing boost is super awesome.

Translates to: Stand around doing nothing more often.


I made a thread with suggestions, I just hope they revert the change as a whole, but it not…

She “could” survive bob if ur teams all critical, but the moment they are healed up? she dies.

and S76 she can NOT outheal even if ur entire team is critical (as again her self heal dies when they past that sub 50%)


as far as I am concerned, she was gutted by this latest set of changes

I dont see this as an overreaction, rather, an honest appraisal of the changes that were made

Not a fan of the GA changes.

I tended to be a triage healing Mercy, and not a boost bot Mercy. My average healing is down a little, I believe due to the fact that I just can’t get to people like I could pre-GA-nerf. The near death saves are fun though, but everything over 50% is just bad.

The heal-you-heal-me passive is 50/50. If someone is attacking you, you can’t attack back, or you lose the healing; and that healing might not even be there when you need it if your target doesn’t need healing, or needs very little.

The loss of self-heal in Valk is a nerf.

The absence of any reliable self healing if you get caught out 1v1 is a nerf.

Her abysmal DPS output is embarrassing. If you tried to match say Moira, Ana, Zen, etc., in dps, then your healing is in the dumpster, because you can only do one thing at a time as Mercy. And if you stick to healing, then your dps contribution is back to trash. Where all the other supports can do both at the same time, and more often than not, match their dps and hps numbers. I may beat their hps in a match, but their collective numbers (dps+hps) are generally stronger than Mercy’s.

All that said, I still find her playable, though as more of a pocket-bot than a triage healer IMHO.

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I don’t know why they are not testing anymore… are they afraid of the results??? I feel like the GA change was really a “we need to nerf something fast” and not calculated at all… they have the experimental card right there… why don’t they test things? how do they hear the community when there is no way to reach them?

This devteam would do the public testing, receive negative feedback, and then still push the changes out to the actual game.

yeah idk it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Her movement maybe needed changes but not like this. and then they buffed her ability to just pocket people a lot lmao

This nerf was uncalled for. If your dev team does not play mercy at a decent skill level then maybe they shouldnt be making changes. Watch this video Season 3 MERCY REWORK + NEW PASSIVE | Overwatch 2 - YouTube.
Also in being able to send this complaint i want to complain a bout this forums page capcha. It is obviously designed to piss off your player base.

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very well said OP.

I disagreed with most of the aarguments made by the “nerf mercy” crowd, but the changes Blizzard made didnt even address their concerns. No one asked for these changes and very few are happy with them


After 2 weeks she seems just fine to me.

She dies more when caught out of position and she is stronger when played with teammates, just like she should be.

The version of Mercy makes perfect sense, ya’ll are just drunk on hypermobility juice.

I think a nice thing to do would be to have normal GA be 1.5 seconds again, but using slingshot adds to its cooldown.

1.5 sec GA worked for 6 years in the less dangerous OW1. Yes, in OW2 it became more powerful with versatile and easy slingshotting, so then why not nerf only that part of it?

But overall she’s hardly gutted or anything, still decent to play.

Only if she plays with 4 tanks and they’re all critical the whole time.

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She’s probably stronger from a balance perspective, but I have no satisfaction or joy whatsoever playing her.
Hoping for a revert to GA, but it’s unlikely, so maybe I’ll see something in season 4.

Tweaks need to be made to her CD on GA and tweaks to the synergy in her kit. I don’t necessarily think we need 1.5 back, but I do think there is a middle ground. Resynergizing her kit by default will help her feel more fluid but I do think her GA needs to be tweaked to be shorter so that we can open more play styles out side of pocket along with being able have skill expressions with movement again. I don’t die more often really than I did with the 1.5 CD, I just feel at mercy(ironic) to my dps playing well. I don’t feel like I am able to make as many plays anymore on my own merit like baiting an ult intentionally since it is so risky.

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Honestly, keep everything but reduce the GA cooldown ever so slightly. I’ve noticed I’ve been dying a whole lot more than previously. Granted, I have been trying to play back (and sadly pocket more). But my personal play style of bouncing between everyone no longer works. I struggle to even keep up with a sprinting soldier or blasting off Pharah. Feel as though reducing the GA cooldown could help bring her back up in terms of speed.