I’ve thought about it, still don’t like Mercy changes

about the opinion of your rez part…i like doing insane rezes behind wall and under the bridge. nerfing mobility while rezzing…i will miss those moments xD if they do nerf the mobility while rezzing

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Wouldnt care if Mercy was diamond S tier +, if shes unfun, I dont want to play her, simple as.


and I appreciate your honesty in this matter, Moira might not have been the best example then that’s on me

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I had to reread this multiple times. I’m not fully understanding. Can you elaborate more on this please?

I agree, but on console it’s harder to hit targets so maybe they were directly trying to target the console playerbase? I’ve been struggling to try to 180 while doing backwards GA and only way is to up my horizontal sensitivity an outrageous amount to the point I don’t know how to reliable backwards GA 180 tech but still be able to shoot people with my pistol when needed. It stinks.

Yes and they can buff damage beam in valk for all I care.

This ^^^ This sums up GA very well.

I miss old regen in valk, I hate being pigeon holed into only heal which is what you kind of have to do now to survive in valk. If I want to battle mercy or blue beam valk it’s extremely difficult. Before her ult had more versatility.


It is what it is. It just depends on who you are talking to. I have had people call me mentally challenged and delusional just because I felt Hog’s hook combo was fine. You never know what you will see on the Internet.

That being said, I see that Mercy players are extremely common targets to this type of vitriol. I definitely agree with your point entirely.


Don’t worry I would too, I guess I’m just trying to give some compromises for the people who are really against rez. I’m pretty indifferent, but if I’m going to be honest here- the fact that there are multiple characters in the game that can one-shot (Hanzo, Widow, Soj) I truly don’t believe that rez is as impactful as people make it out to be. Sure I can see how it’s frustrating to have the work you did be undone, but that’s kind of supports whole deal (obviously to a much lesser extent). You shoot a tank a bunch and the ana snipe heals them back to full, again this isn’t a great example but you get the point. It’s a complicated subject in general.

i just wanna play the pre patch mercyy againn she was soooo much fun…so the next patch will be dropping next week…cant wait!! to be disappointed once again…

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Yeah course! Sorry, even I’m rereading it and it’s worded a bit strangely.

I think the short GA cooldown was what made the skill-cap so high before the nerf, but it also made her fairly easy to pick up (honestly similar to rein, easy character to start off with, hard to master). Bungy jumping around is one thing, but high-level mercy players making calculated decisions every time they GA’d to reposition, find cover, and do whatever the team needs them to do, was part of why the skill cap was so high before. Like watching top 500 mercy’s vod review and explaining their positioning vs casual mercy’s is entirely different. Sure, they’re both flying around a bunch, but one is being infinitely more effective if that makes sense. Lowering the GA has forced more casual/low elo players to be more aware of their positioning, but has punished those who were not only good at positioning but also very good at using their movement to its “full potential” I guess.

I hope that makes more sense!!

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Check this thread out

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just opened blizzard launcher and saw that there is pre release content on overwatch which means they already did the patch(will be releasing next week i think)… just have to wait now and see

To be clear I’m scared. If I have to make another forum post I swear to god blizzard-

i’m also so scared honestly bcs im 90% sure they will f it up again with mercy

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Now I am intrigued, would the speed boost be like Lucio’s briefly just in the air, or would that also apply to on the ground as well?

While I think something like that would help, unfortunately, I’m not sure how it would correlate with fixing the synergy issues. It could definitely assist, but I’m not sure it would solve them. But again I’m open to ideas like that cause rn she’s in such a weird state to play that I’ll take anything other than being told that mercy mains should stop crying and just pick another character-

It is a sad thing to see Mercy gutted like she is right now

I sincerely hope all of the recent changes are undone


It would be both in the air and on the ground, as long as she GA she will receive a small GA boost afterward.

I would go forth to say allow her to charge her GA meter a tad bit faster, but I want to test out the speed boost first if they are going to be adamant on keeping these changes

I agree, I just want them to do a full GA revert back to OW1 honestly. However, with the speed boost just allows her to keep that momentum after-wards, allowing her to slightly be less chunky until her GA is available.

Either that or just reduce GA to 1.8, max 2.0 seconds.

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2.5% actually. At 3% damage boost, current Sojourn right click headshot becomes a one-shot (200.85 damage).

Other then that, I agree with most of the things you said and really want to thank you for taking the time to put it all down. I don’t know how impactful a nerf to 20% blue beam would be, I think we’ll have to see numbers to really get an educated opinion on that, but overall I think most Mercy mains would agree with me saying fun has a much, much higher priority then being meta or “too strong”.

Oh and, about GA : if S2 GA was too strong, nerfing speed instead of cooldown would have been so much better in my opinion. And that’s before talking about changing code directly : someone suggested having SJ be an acceleration instead of an instant push, so if you change direction using SJ you’ll still carry a lot of original GA’s momentum. It’ll make for new techs while also making her movement more predictable (bouncing back would still work, but much slower as some of SJ’s speed would be spent slowing down from GA’s speed). This, to me, sounds like the best nerf they can do.

As far as rez is concerned, the best suggestion to me still is to just exchange Valk and rez (obviously tweaking some numbers or giving us a powered-down version of mass rez while doing so). Make it so the ult-like ability is an ult and the “amp-like ability” is just an ability.


I would’ve been fine with one nerf to GA, not both a CD nerf and 20% nerfed backwards momentum, it basically killed any reason for the healing changes outside of pocketing which as a Mercy player, I hate that Mercy is stuck in this “pocketing only” vicious cycle, and the developers completely threw a curve ball with those changes and just made the problem worse.


She’s fine, don’t change it. GA cooldown makes her feel clunkier, but that was a fix because they gave her more ammo. She needed more ammo so she could have SOME sort of independence. But every time one character changes it affects EVERY other character in the game in some way, leading THOSE characters to eventually need a buff/nerf. You change Mercy’s damage boost and now most of the dps need a nerf. It’s a never ending cycle of making minor tweaks to make the complaining population happy for a month while pissing off everyone else

I would hate to be a dev for this game.

I understand some buffs/nerfs but I find it’s rarely a matter of the character, and more about the players skill and knowledge of the game. A difference of .5 seconds on a CD doesn’t sway an entire game. The right meta and team play does. I think that’s the entire point of the game. Isn’t it?

Yeah that whole 5 more ammo really changed Mercy’s play style a lot /s.

Actually if Damage Boost didn’t exist it would lead to more DPS getting buffed since Mercy can’t break their TtK, most DPS characters get nerfed a lot because of the synergy with Mercy (Ashe, Sojourn, etc), and changing Damage Boost percentages wouldn’t fix that in it’s current state, at least for Sojourn’s Rail.

They’ll most likely keep nerfing Sojourn instead of changing Mercy’s play style to make DPS less problematic with her.

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Thank you for giving the exact number! I had already written so much I got a bit lazy and didn’t want to do the math-. 20% Blue beam would be a drastic change, so I absolutely agree that it would take some testing and tweaking.

And your GA idea is really interesting! Nerfing speed in the air scares me a bit cause I’ve heard people throw out some crazy numbers like 20% speed reduction for all GA’s, which I think would gut the character, but having an acceleration mechanic would justify having a short GA CD while still making it a bit easier to hit her while she’s in the air.

Rez is hard, but switching Valk to being on a rez like cooldown (obviously less healing and for a shorter period of time) and rez being an ult is a good option. Also, having rezzes only able to be done during valk is another opinion I’ve heard thrown around, but I do think she would have to get another ability on CD to compensate for that, and again, it would take some testing to not make it too overpowered.

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