đź•Š[Mercy] TwoHanded Blaster & Staff

When Mercy switches to her weapon, she would hold the blaster in her left hand, and the staff in her right hand.

  • Left click = Blaster
  • Right click = Reduced HPS heal beam
  • Both can be used simultaneously.

Would make it so that the weapon switch almost acts more like a “Stance Switch” from some fighting games.

Would give Mercy players more fun, decisions and playstyle variety.
Without significantly raising the power of Mercy.


That’s why I use the battle ready mercy for my victory pose.

I always said that you can both increase Mercy’s skill and viability by allowing her to use both heals and shooting.

Maybe not at the same time but essentially having a primary and secondary.

I only play battle Mercy (securing kills if and when I can with my blaster) only really boosting Ultimates. The biggest draw back of this playstyle is the years it takes me to swap between weapons.

Often I will use a GA trick Jump and swap midflight but it’s still clunky as hell.

Well, the idea would be, at the same time. But maybe only 25-30hps. Whatever number makes that balance right.

It could make an interesting E ability but need some play testing to make sure it actually added value to the character.

The idea is to add fun, without adding much value.

Intentionally not changing her balance by much.

Which leaves “budget” left to make sure she’s fun and balanced.

Ah, so this replaces just using her blaster?

I’m not sure I like that idea. She’s a dedicated healer. This seems to lessen that by making her an off healer/DPS like all the others.


This would replace just using the blaster.

Would allow Mercy players to mix up their playstyle, get a bit more value in the midfight, and most importantly, use the blaster more regularly without getting yelled at by her team.

I always thought that a twohanded mercy stance could go with the damage boost and blaster, while the onehanded mercy could have the normal healing beam.

Yeah, I thought about that too. But then realized damage boost and blaster at the same time might cause some balance issues. And this is meant to be a “cost neutral” balance change.

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The thing is is that they can’t do that because of controller support.

Fair point.

Why is that? Mercy can alternate between heal and damage boost on console.

How would this be any different?

Hi I’m a console ex mercy main and all the buttons are being used for mercy besides on dpad.

What does the damage boost button do when you are using blaster?

Btw, given your username/icon, figure you might like this:

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Of i forgot about that, your right

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Oh very nice… This is pretty much relevant to my interest.

She needs offensive power that doesn’t immediately remove her ability to contribute as a support.

Every other support can do so, and I firmly believe something similar to suggested would go a long way to improving her “fun” factor.

It’s the single thing that singles mercy out from the other supports, they can all instantly provide offensive power for themselves or their team. Mercy cannot. It is not what makes her unique it’s what makes her lame (in comparison).

She needs something like this if only in inspiration.


I agree because I worry where the staff is when she’s not holding it… also, if I recall correctly, some time ago blizz said that her blaster was able to fit on her staff O.o but they discarded the idea for some reason…

I would dread the number of Mercies that never leave this mode.

Way, way back in the TF2 beta, people were using the Medic as a damage character because his gun was unique and pretty good. He wasn’t OP, but Valve went ahead and nerfed his gun anyway so people would only use it as a backup, as intended. This improved the game drastically because people stopped getting mad at Medics that weren’t healing the team.

Loads of people would take a penalty to healing to using the blaster all the time, and everyone else would think of them as less of a team player for it. Trust me, this would worsen the mood. It would also be incredibly strong without serious nerfs to both, making it hard-to-impossible to balance.