They way to 'fix' mercy

Above all, I think mercy needs a rework or buff on her offensive kit. If she even has one…

The new generation of healers have such an interesting kit, I feel mercy is absolutely not on the same level. Maybe her gun should be reworked or something to make her feel more fun again. Just increasing her being output doesn’t make her more fun.

Also, I’m against mass ress returning.

What do you all think? Any suggestions, besides just boosting her healing?

Making the GUN better???

Hell YEAH.

Her gun is actually already really good. It does 100dps without headshots and the bullets are huge. Her gun is criminally underused by the community.

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I think both of these two ideas on Mercy would be really fun:

🕊[Mercy] TwoHanded Blaster & Staff
🕊 [Mercy] Heal Boost, Damage Pierce

The short description of each:

  • Equipping blaster = blaster on leftclick, half-hps heals on right click.
  • Reload on staff = 2 seconds of either 100hps, or 30% damage boost and non-explosive attacks pierce through multiple enemies.

I don’t think turning a healer into a DPS is a good idea.
Her gun is pretty damn awesome without buffs. Mercys who can aim are scary.

It’s one reason why I hate Valkyrie’s existence. Endless ammo.
(I am also a Mercy main.)

It’s about extending her kit, not making her overpowered.

So for example: pressing down her blaster, creates a bigger bullet, that does less damage.

It’s these kind of small adds that make a character more fun, I think