What if Changing Weapons also changed abilities?

Imagine if heroes like Torbjorn and Mercy, who have secondary weapons, actually had different abilities when they swapped to their secondary weapons.

For example, imagine if Torb, when using hammer, could suddenly use armor packs again instead of turret.

Or if Mercy, when using pistol as battle Mercy, ACTUALLY BECAME BATTLE MERCY, complete with relevant more combat-oriented abilities.

What do you guys think? Would that be fun to do?


Sounds fun.

πŸ•Š[Mercy] TwoHanded Blaster & Staff

I mean, I think the reason Mercy can only use 1 at a time, is because she’s the defensive version of Zenyatta, and vice versa, although there are also some current balance issues.

But the whole, change weapons + abilities thing, could also apply to future new heroes. :slight_smile: