Can mercy be able to do reliable damage?

Without the whole disabling her ability to heal with a weapon swap?

its clunky at this point in the game…literally every other support does not have this issue and has thrived.

Mercy is simply incapable of dishing out reliable dps and her healing just doesn’t justify it.

That is part of what is truly holding her back imho.


What may justify it may be the fact that she can resurrect teammates.

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Her damage is not to be scoffed at, and her true value comes from Damage Boost.

And she is not the only hero who can old heal or attack at a time, Moira functions similarly

Average damage boost is 1k per match, average damage from other supports is over 4k.

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Let me have my fun. Minimize the weapon swap delay!

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Well considering Mercy is specifically designed to quickly enable her teammates across the battlefield rather than dish damage out herself, I don’t think this is really that much of an issue. If you want to dish out reliable damage playing support, firstly you should consider that focusing on doing damage alone is generally the wrong tactic with that role, and secondly pick one of the any other supports that dish damage.
Are you gonna complain Brig doesn’t do any damage from a distance? Or that Ana can’t heal herself without a health pack or her Anti-nade? Heroes are supposed to be diverse in their playstyles and kits. Giving mercy more “reliable damage” really removes a lot of what a lot of people really like about her, the fact that she isn’t so aim-centric and expected to make picks on the enemies

All it would take is a number change, and while we do have a mobile support in the form of Lucio, it’d be nice to have a mobile support that has more healing. (And I’d still use damage boost anyway, most likely.)

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Make it so she does burn damage to whoever is between her target heal and her? Auto missiles from her wings to her target? Nah just leave her alone she accomplishes her goal. At best make her pistol hit scan but with less bullets.

I don’t know what you mean at all. Lucio is the only hero to provide mobility, mercy has high mobility with higher direct healing.
I would be interested to see her pistol as a hitscan, but it’s not hard to land her shots against most targets aside from a few like Pharah or Wrecking ball

Hit scan Mercy Pistol would be amazing, finally flankers couldn’t just dance around those slow as molasses bullets.

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Yeah, it would probably get some reductions in damage, rate, and ammo. But I’d certainly like to try it out.
Mercy is my most played hero and I love making picks with her

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I don’t mean “mobile support” in terms of providing mobility, I mean that the character itself is highly mobile. Guardian Angel is really fun to use.

I’m much more interested in being able to switch to pistol without an age-long delay, than turning it into a hitscan weapon.

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I could see this as a talent tree in ow2.

In what universe you are able to do so much damage, when you have feeders to heal all the time?

It would be nice to have a press and hold feature that swaps as quickly as LMB and RMB.

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In this fast paced game there is just so much time to kill her before she can rez though…

Mercy is in a tricky spot where she’s balanced right now but she is extremely limited in what kind of direct value she can make (value without reliance on teammates). If you buff her she’ll risk being overtuned, and reworking her seems like a disaster waiting to happen considering the number of dedicated OTPs she has. I’ve mentioned it before, but reducing the time it takes for her to swap weapons might be an option.

She should attach her blaster to her staff to avoid the need to switch weapons.

I have played around on Mercy for a bit lately, but in truth I feel like if she can do a lot more damage sure it would be good for her, but bad for the team. If you can regenerate your health AND deal decent damage, why heal your ungrateful team mates when you can just dominate the other team yourself? :sweat_smile: