Mercy Mains Want Rez Gone

If it means Valkyrie can be improved upon, so it actually feels like an ultimate ability, and the new ability to replace resurrect isn’t cheap to have and fairly niche to use then I’m all for resurrect being removed. Resurrect, as it currently is, feels like an ability that’s unearned and also a chain with a heavy weight that you’re dragging along the ground (in terms of usage and also holding back other parts of Mercy’s kit). Right now, as odd as it might be for some to hear, to me and various others it just seems Ana, Baptiste and even Moira (despite her lack of utility) feel more engaging and impactful than Mercy.

As iconic as it is, I do feel it’s massively overrated and kind of holding back something that could be more engaging.


Also Mercy is a completely awareness dependent hero. She can and she needs to keep her eyes open, keeping track and analyzing everything, Mercy works on predictions a lot, predicting whos gonna take dmg, whos gonna engage, who on the enemy is engaging on who, keeping track of ults, because shes very vulnerable to flying into a bad position, with dmg boost for example you constantly need to switch from boosting who ever is in the best spot to deal dmg, to who needs ult charge (dmg boosting teammates so they get important ults for the fight etc.), assess if a 1v1 is happening do you heal,dmg boost, or pistol (for example if you have a hog vs hog situation its usually better to dmg boost your hog and help him kill the other guy faster). And thats kinda the shorter version. Not to mention Mercy probably has some of the highest APM (actions per minute) in the game with everything in her kit, id argue baptiste comes close tho.
I mean sure, she can just afk hold M1 but tbh Ana and Bap can just sit behind tanks and lob healing into them with 0 effort, its not what youre supposed to be doing and it doesnt mean youre playing your hero properly.

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I ask for that since they’ve put a ridiculus “anchor” and cast time at this 30sec ability who need a teammate dead to be useful…

Rez was nice on AoE ultimate.
It’s was an amazing feeling and a possible return of a fight.

This ability and new ult just feel boring af.
I’d prefers to get something useful to prevent the death of a mate or something like a beam amplifier (like lucio boost) rather than a skill who put me in danger most of the time If I want to use it when really needed.

Anything but not something who make me a pigeon target on a 30sec CD.

an ability with a cooldown that long is a failed one.


I much prefer her as she is now.

like BigMainLittleChains?

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I love it. Just don’t remove it. Let’s make it her Ultimate again. Simple. It can be an Ultimate without being Mass Res. It needs only a brainstorming.

You do not speak for most Mercy mains.


If they remove it, id like to have an Archives-alike Rez mechanic for all hero instead.

agreed - many of us like rez as it is and would not want it to be removed


I have a lot of hours with Mercy, I main support heroes. Mercy is my third most played support with more than 150+. IMO I don’t want rez gone. Rez is the second reason why I pick Mercy, first being damage boost. Rez is still a powerful ability that can save the match, more even so if a dead team mate has ultimate. When enemy has snipers, when right positioned Mercy can undo their kills. Honestly I don’t find her boring…

I know there are some Mercy players who want rez gone but I don’t think they are a lot and they surely have their own reasons… maybe they don’t find her powerfull? (don’t know why). What I see playing QP (not on ranked) is a bunch of players whining about Mercy and saying rez should be gone… but funny thing is they are usually dps players. So that make me think dps players are the ones who actually want rez gone, and I’m sorry but that just means they are bad. Mercy is not an oppressive hero, she is not op and hasn’t been in a long time.

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I believe this is the first and only time we have ever agreed on anything

a momentous event

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LOL or at least competitive witn ana dps

Before when people were complaining about Mercy 24/7, yes.

Now, no. She is perfectly fine where she is at.

Oh, it is the marching band that drums the drums and plays a thing until Overwatch heroes have a uniqueness of nothing.

Go away, you, the streamers and Pros are why we are in this mess. The quicker Overwatch devs plug their ears to your demands and moves us closer to the Overwatch we all fell in love with, the better.

There are many who don’t like resurrect, and some other parts of Mercy, as it currently is too.


How about taking a page from Dirty Bomb instead, all the healers could, well technically revive cause they have a “downed mode” before death…

Anywho!!! Revive by;

Defibrillator (you can get Elon’s via this too)
Revive gun
Bionic Pulse (an AOE revive)
Self-Revive (Only one character and he has an AOE heal)

-Trials of Osiris Self-Rez Sunsinger flashbacks intensify–

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lol I just bring DB each time a suggestion of “more Rez opportunity for characters”

Honestly it wouldn’t work in OW as it is now. Too small of teams. Too small of maps. Too short of matches.

Could be fun had OW gone in a different direction.