Mercy Mains Want Rez Gone

Not all of them, but I am seeing a spike in the popularity of the “Change or Remove Rez” movement.

I, a Mercy main, also want Rez gone. Honestly, let’s do it. Make Mercy the hero we fell in love with, not the boring one she is now.


As an avid Mercy player, I’m not a fan of having any kind of rez mechanic in this game. I disagree that she’s boring, though. When I play her, Mercy has more to do on a second to second basis than any other hero. I love her current state apart from being able to rez. I’d rather have a proactive ability that helps keep my team alive.


Shes not boring as she is.
But I would fall under the crowd of players who would prefer Resurrect removed.


I want Valkyrie gone but count me in, why not? Nothing left to lose.


This doesn’t really make sense as the hero you fell in love with had Rez…
Mercy’s base gamplay is still the same.


You used to have a rewarding ultimate. Now I can fly…

Also res feels like doo doo to use and my healing
Is lower so


A rewarding ultimate that required nothing of you, and again how does removing Rez all together turn her back to the hero you fell in love with?


She should get Bastions, Reinhardts or D.Vas ultimate

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It’s actually better and more active because of all the bu… sorry, “features” that got added to GA.


Buff her damage too, lets make mercy a dps


Nope. I want her to have rez, unless they give her a really good ability which can replace rez. (I don’t think it will happen.)

She’s fun, impactful, and statisfying to play. The current mercy is good. (imo)


Valk wouldn’t be her ultimate more than likely, meaning it would turn into an ability, which it already feels like, and be given a new ultimate with the potential to be engaging and fun to use like mass res was.

I really like it, so please don’t remove it


What you’re talking about lol

Most of her value right now is in Rez

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She isn’t picked for res, she is picked for pocketing. And she is completely balanced around an ability that simply shouldn’t be an ability.

In my games, players say “Switch to mercy, we might need rez”

She’s picked for rez.


Engaging and fun to use? Most of the time people just shift in, hit Q and shift out again…

There was nothing fun about it, all it really is, is the feeling of “I did a thing” because of how powerful of an ability it was. There is 0 mechanics, skill or even gamesense envolved in this other than understanding that your teammates are dead.

The new Rez being punishable actually adds all that as there is a risk factor and it requires gamesense and situational awareness to use as well as the posibility of coordiating with your teammates.


In my games, people say, “Switch off Mercy, we need Ana”


Ok, 60% of her value is in dmg boost. The other 35% is Rez. Only 5% of her value is in her healing.

Get Rez out of the equation and she will be no doubt the weakest support in the game.

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If we weren’t playing dive or double sniper/bunker I’d ask my Mercy to swap as well. The wrong tool for the job.

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