Mercy Mains Want Rez Gone

I have never appreciated tying a hero to a single ability.
I think Rez is a bad ability if mercy has the sole monopoly of it. Old version of the game? Dope. Fine. Nifty.

New? Outdated and niche and unneeded. I would prefer something more active both on the recieving end and as. That is, you postulate that DPS don’t like it because of how it takes away their efforts. But often, I don’t like Rez because I don’t like being rezzed myself.

I don’t have issues with its power or find it oppressive .I find it unneeded and outdated.

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There are other aspects of Mercy that make her a good pick still. It’s understandable that they balanced her kit around rez, but the rest of her kit pretty much stayed the same, like I said, rez is still a powerful ability.

Wait, what? you don’t like being rezzed? …in a 6v6 team based game you don’t like being rezzed? ok this is new… unless your Mercy rezzed you while 3 of your team mates are dead and you are back again in the middle of the fight surrounded by enemies then your Mercy is bad and I wouldn’t like to be rezzed either, that would be just feeding. Otherwise why don’t you like being rezzed? LOL even if you have your ultimate you don’t like being rezzed? outdated? I’m laughing so hard dude this is meta.


People vastly overestimate the power of rez.

It basically is a “win more” ability. It doesn’t really help you when you’re down, and only helps you when you were likely to win already.

The only time it really has value is to negate a sniper pick when you have time to rez before the teams clash and battle for space.

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I never said it wasn’t. Far better now that the game physics are more fluid imo

… You need to calm down. Especially as this seems to be a thing a few people have been experiencing not just me circa some other mercy threads.

If I die, it’s not often for me, that I’m out of position or running reckless. For me, I often died to a counter. And that’s fine. The game is meant to be around that. But mercy taking it upon herself that we need a “main tank” versus an “appropriate tank” is one I have no say in. So when she rezzes me as Winston just to eat reaper blasts to my face, I just fed and didn’t add value to my team which wasn’t needed . I could have, and I personally, am always willing to switch.

Apart from zarya and zen, I am not particularly tied to ults. And find that holding onto an ult for a switch is a like… Basic ow 101 mistake even prior to ult economy changes.

I am amazed that you manage to find it SO HILARIOUS tho. Like, heaven forbid someone likes having control of their hero.

Nah dude. I don’t always find myself grateful to be rezzed. You know what I dig? Bubbles. I would love a mercy bubble.

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Change her E to instantly delete someone with her staff. Boom, balanced.

As I see it, people generally under estimate the power of rez


If it means they can finally buff the rest of her kit then I’d happily get rid of res.

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Your problems are over if you tell your Mercy not to rez you. However, I’ve been in the same situation when I see my tank is not working, he died, and I knew he wasn’t the right tank against enemy comp but playing Mercy or using rez is not going to change the fact that we need another tank nor it is forcing a tank switch to another… so any Mercy player would still try to rez (if there’s no danger) no matter what tank you are, unless you tell her not to rez because you want to switch… just use communication and you’re set.

I laughed so hard because lit it was the first time I saw someone saying “I dont like to be rezzed” in a 6v6 team based game where Mercy’s single rez can make the situation equal for your team’s good. A clutch rez not even having the full team alive can make your team win the match/checkpoint if the rezzed player has ultimate… as I main healer myself I found your statement very funny.

If you would like a thread about how I don’t like being rezzed always, feel free to make a new one. I’ve already gone over this on other threads. I merely was responding that no. Not everyone likes Rez over power or oppressiveness nor are all DPS mains

Cool. But it’s a sentiment I’m not alone in. But I can’t force you to have my experiences nor do I feel I responded in a manner to suggest trolling or a joke of any sort

It can. It can also feed.

I didn’t say Rez couldn’t have value. You read what you wanted to read

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Well I will have to agree on disagree and then agree but disagree in your statement because we the angel guardians of Mercy movement :blush:with our gold-plat tier since season 1 to 17 knows perfectly that Mass resurrect is the only viable way to save Mercy and OW :slight_smile:

Rez needs invulnerability for mercy lol…

Now you don’t always like to being rezzed? ok we are making progress.

I’ve had your experiences at being bad rezzed, that’s why I knew what you mean in the first place. But that’s not on the hero, that’s on the player, do you understand what I mean?

I never suggest you were trolling or anything like that. Sorry if I laughed so much.

yes it can. Like I said before. Rezzing when half your team is dead, no team mates with ultimates or at already lost team fights are rezes with no value, but in any other cases it can/may be game changing. I’m not even mentioning rezzes at overtime… sometimes it doesn’t even matter if you have ultimate, just having one more team mate alive can make a difference… and if he happens to have Q well… Deathblossom, Dva bomb, Earthshatter, Barrage, Nano, Emp… (Introduce any ultimate here) can def help you to win.

Now… please don’t tell me you wanted to switch hero at overtime…

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QuizzyBunny called it “Rez sickness” wherein when you die you usually begin thinking of what to do when you return, what path to take, things like that.

When you’re suddenly rezzed you’re tossed into a situation you didn’t plan for (whether you didn’t track your Mercy’s rezzes or you think you died in a bad spot for even a Rez attempt).

There a a lot of players who don’t like being rezzed because it suddenly interrupts their thinking process and regain their bearings could result them in dying again just as soon as they were brought back.

It’s a rare but not uncommon complaint I’ve seen.


Use mic. Write it in chat if you’re fast and have time. That’s what I do.


I’ve already said what the crux of my argument is.

Widow could be able to only hit headshots and no dmg otherwise but could one shot any hero including tanks. That wouldnt be great always, but it wouldn’t suit the new direction of the game even tho it can be good.

… Some people like getting spanked at certain times. it doesn’t mean often.

:roll_eyes: Again. My own gripes with Rez aren’t my focus. It’s your postulation about who it is and why.

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Not everyone uses a mic.

Also tunnel vision is a thing.

I play with friends and sometimes I’ll be planning my next step or want to switch but I’m rezzed just in the process of stating that.

I’ve done this too I’ll race into Rez and the hear; “No Medi I wanted to switch!”

Not everyone calls out when they will Rez like not everyone will call out “don’t Rez me”.


I hate Rez as an E ability.

The massive slow+forever cast time feels terrible to use, and is completely immersion-breaking.

It’s “out of combat” connotations and the fact that such a strong ability isn’t earned means that it doesn’t really have any notable skill ceiling. No big strategies, no complex planning or decision-making. Just the simple: “will using this get me killed, Y/N? If yes, then don’t use. If no, then use.”

It takes up so much of Mercy’s power budget that she can’t have even an actual ultimate. Even her core identity as the OG primary healer and “the go-to healer for raw healing power” had to be kneecapped to make space for E-rez.

I want rez off of E, but I don’t want it removed from Mercy’s kit completely. It’s an integral part of her character, like Hanzo being a bow-weilder or Reinhardt carrying a giant shield.

It would be so much easier to balance Rez if it was Mercy’s ult. Just swap Valk and Rez’s places in Mercy’s kit, making adjustments/reworks to each one as needed.

Some want her rez gone.
Some want her rez moved back to e only (not mass rez)
Some are perfectly fine with where she is, and if any changes were needed rez wouldn’t be it.

Nobody can speak for the majority and say “most want this” when there is no real data to suggest that.


If you are thinking about switching you have to be fast. Fast at thinking and reacting in this game is crutial. So even if you didn’t get rez you are telling me your team has to wait until you decide what to play? you only have 5 to 6 seconds usually to make your choice otherwise you’ll make your team suffer waiting for you.

Using mic actually is what players need to do to get better at this game because Game experience is so much better using comms, it can actually help you win games, it is big adventage to have good comms. As for myself I usually (not always) call my rez before pressing E, and I get a lot of “don’t rez me, I’m gonna switch” at the begining of the match (and in the middle if some enemy switch to counter us) when some team mate realize they have to switch in order to counter enemy comp. So I don’t really see a problem with the hero here, only communication and player problems.

Many strong abilities in this game aren’t earned though. If you press the Deflect button as Genji, you will be invulnerable to Damage even if you don’t aim correctly. As Zarya, you can just click a button and use a Bubble that will absorb the dmg you receive.

Same thing with Mercy. Press a button, Rez someone (if you time the Rez right).

Like, this is a really bad argument for changing or removing Rez lol. “It isn’t earned”.

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