Mercy Mains Want Rez Gone

Yeah yeah we get it. Your free to reply. It’s just a coincidence that you feel like replying to me half the time.

Spin it how you want man.


I don’t even care at this point. The rez is suck a pain the use on live that it’s honestly not worth the trouble most of the time.



  1. I have not replied to all of your posts

  2. There is not spin in any of the statements I have made in this thread

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I’m a Mercy main and I like rez :frowning: it’s a cool concept

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Ya do it enough


I have already fully clarified this matter, and have nothing further to add at this time

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I have also fully clarified the matter ^.^ thanks though


Replacing res with a either a burst heal that restores HP in inverse proportion to the target’s health, or a short duration status (1-3 seconds) with an effect that is triggered by lethal damage, negating that damage while either fully healing or providing heavy healing might be an interesting idea, working as a sort of proactive ‘revive’ ability.

Tbh I’d rather have everyone be able to res like in the archives missions. This way snipers keep the one shot aspect of the class and it brings in mini objectives and makes the game more dynamic by forcing the team to make snap decisions (ie move the tank line to defend someone res-in a team mate).


Here’s the thing.

The “Mercy you fell in love with” is still here. She has had so much added to her kit, much more than before, the only difference being she no longer has mass rez.

There is a whole group of “Revert Mercy” people, people (like myself) who enjoy her how she is and doesn’t think she needs changing, and then another group who apparently want rez gone which has always been tied to her identity.

Who is right? Why should they listen to one group over the other?


I have mixed feelings about removing rez. It’s a powerful ability, but it’s also the longest cooldown in the game. If it were gone, she could have a 15s cooldown instead of 30s. Ressurect can’t even be used every 30s. There aren’t many opportunities to pull off a safe rez. On average, I only use it 5 times per 10 minutes. Same with Animetic (a master Mercy main) (in comp). Compared to that, how often does Baptiste get to use his Regenerative Burst (a 15s cooldown) in 10 minutes?

I don’t want to see it gone, I just hate it as an ability, make it an ult (not mass rez).

In every game I had with Mercy as Brig I out healed a mercy. Every freaking game. So in the end her healing is worse than Ana, Moira, Bab and Brigs. But on the other hand she dont have so much valuable tools like zens discord or lucius speed that also offer good ults. The only value she brings is damage buff and rez. Even when I play Mercy rez is often times a death move so I am a damage booster or semi healer.

Its always funny when they want that I swap to mercy from brig and then after a round then dont want that anymore XD

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What a load. You’re giving Rez some false equivalency. You’re looking at it in a vacuum, as if Nano Boost, Transcendence, Infra Sight, etc, etc, require something of the user. I could go on, listing things like building that ult, timing of the ult, but I get the idea that mere facts won’t move you from that bubble.

my top wish for mercy is still juggling back in valkyrie via higher hps on main target and lower ones on chained targets

as for rez… it s a meh but i wish there was an alternate e ability, shares the same 30s cd. activates when there isn’t a rez target nearby and gives mercy 60hps for a duration

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Yeah I hate rez, not fun standing still for 2 seconds when the rest of her kit is very mobile. Remove E-Rez for someting else, a burst heal would be splendid, or a cleanse/protection ability.


I find Mercy very fun but rez stop her to get any new interesting mechanics from the dev team. Yes please remove it.

I personally made a thread about nerfing it because it seems to be the ability that keeps Mercy from being a main healer while actually being a main healer with ridiculously low healing output but I wouldn’t want it removed, just nerf it so the ally resurrects with 100 HP which would add a ton of counterplay.

If this is the price to get 60 HPs back I’m all for it.

I’ll throw in my 2 cents. I am fine with her current abilities. I would not mind a bit more healing on primary again. 55 and like a 5% ult increase is fine too.

I like current mercy. I think her healing is a little weak sometimes but that’s my only issue with her.