Resurrection is the most overrated ability in the game

Probably an unpopular opinion, but I feel like it’s grossly overrated. Hear me out.

  • It has a very long cool-down.
  • It’s very situational.
  • No good using if 2+ players are down.
  • No use once enemy have positional advantage.
  • Often used to bring someone back during a period where it doesn’t really confer an advantage as the enemy aren’t in a position to push anyway.
  • Having to wait for someone to die because there is no way to keep them up, to bring them back is just inefficient, and concedes space.

Sure there are times when you bring someone back, and they turn the tide - usually with an ult of their own - but these are rare.

People shouldn’t be dying in the first place and there are plenty of heroes, not just support, who can prevent things getting that far.

And yet people fawn over it like it’s the greatest ability ever to bring someone back.


If you want a real hot take just say something like Ana is overrated

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I think it’s powerful but situational for sure

Time to see how this thread goes

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The real contest here is whether EMP is even more overrated.

The problem is people still look at it through the lens of the Moth Meta Mercy
People still haven’t gotten over that dark period and show it with the whole “Mercy is fine” meme

If Mercy is so good and easy
pick her up and place Masters
All you who say Mercy is fine
Do all your placements on support with her
and grind all the way to Masters+ with her

It won’t be a fun experience


No, people look at it through an “I got a pick and it got undone” lens.

When they probably weren’t going to make a push, never mind an actual successful one, off the back of it.


It’s pretty good when it works, which usually isn’t that hard to set up as a team. Bringing back that dummy who ran in front of the tank and died can save you 20-30 seconds of would-be resetting. If you can find an opening to bring back tanks themselves, it’s like a 500-600 HP burst heal that’s not even an ultimate.

That’s not to say it’s the same crazy game-dictating ability it used to be, though. With the cast time it has now, it’s usually possible for the opposing team to position in a way that prevents it from happening mid-fight, and Mercy has to take a short break from doing other stuff for a few seconds if she does go for it.

That’s fixing mistakes that shouldn’t be happening anyway, and aren’t the problematic ones that get you rolled.

Those kinds of well executed picks while taking space aren’t the kind Mercy can actually help you with.

Or Baps Field. That thing is crazy overrated.

For all of the same reasons.

I’m not saying it is more overrated, but, it certainly is in the running.

I’ve agree on this for a but tbh

they will be if you try to use it and get picked

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80% of team fights go to the team who gets the first pick.

Mercy literally deletes that when she uses Rez.


I gotta agree with this 100%. Going into a fight a man/woman down is tough.

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Over the last month, Mercy averaged roughly the second most picked support in GM (5.54% pickrate in GM, 5.16% in Masters) basically being tied with Zen who slightly beat her out in Masters (5.25%) and was beaten by her in GM (4.79%).

Maybe the meta will be slightly different with Sigma in the mix, and Role Queue as well, Overbuff doesn’t have those statistics sadly.

Realistically the biggest “problem” Mercy faces is that Ana is so much better than she is.

For Supports, Ana is basically Mr Burns Sun Blocker, and is leaving everyone else in her shade.

I was never around for Mercy 1.0 (which was probably for the best), but if I remember correctly, one of the later Mercy versions got instant rez cooldown when ult-ing. Personally, I think that was the best version of Mercy since it made her Ult more strategic than is does now.

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It doesn’t make a 7v6 but it kinda does sometimes.