Mercy is going to be useless

Literally the first three threads on the forums.

But yeah, nobody is saying that.


to make fun of all the dumb threads that are about to show up saying mercy is now bad.

she’s still op, this changes nothing.

but her rabid fan base are gonna start reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee’ing

See, but they basically have. What do you call the Megathread if not a dumpster?

There are plenty of ideas and solutions there that I believe have merit, yet they don’t say a word about them and make balance decisions that we (for good reason) kept saying should never happen.

Actually, it’s already started. Someone linked 3 threads already.

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But they dont care about her. Sure she’s still effective to play but she is a boring mess. That doesnt translate into numbers for people to see.

They keep nerfing parts of her kit that have little to no effect on her outside of making her more of a chore for the player. :woman_shrugging:

Honest Mercy players would tell you. They know she’s fine but they also know she’s boring. Even though there are others who find something fun about her too…

I was unaware of the Mercy changes when posting. But my God, are the devs clueless of their own game.

i hope u get suspended for trolling like i got on my other account for sarcasm xDDDDD

can’t wait for people to soft throw on Ana for the next week till it dawns on everyone that she’s still trash and mercy is still the best healer by a mile.

just 1 trick mercy for next week boys, free sr LuL

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

I don’t necessarily agree that this nerf was the best course of action but honestly I’ll take anything at this point.

I don’t know what kind of conclusion they came to in order to think of this. Her healing barely changed with the rework, even with Valkyrie. She wasn’t a great pick because of it before, and she still isn’t now.

Yes, but by making her base kit worse they’re lowering her overall kit worse.

Honestly they’re probably doing this because it’s the easiest option.

Overall I dont think these changes will hurt her by much. I’m just gonna sit back and wait to see what happens since we got other support buffs with her nerf and Brigs.

I can only make assumptions at this point. I assume she’s fine. Ana will get a bit of play after these changes then she will fall back out of use. Mercy with her consistent heals and res will return. Brig may or may not lose her footing not sure at this point with her main source of protection nerfed.

Lucio’s and Moira’s changes I dont really know since I dont play them too often. Guess we’ll see. :blush:

This is my point exactly. These changes aren’t going to amount to anything. Ask any pro why Mercy is so annoying or good, they’ll say her rez and chain beam boost in Valk.

I’m actually dumbfounded.

I bet next they’ll give her GA a 4 second cooldown because some bronze McCree had a rough time hitting her.


Its actually going to change very little, rez is the reason shes good, and thats not going to change. The buffs to other supports are welcome, I think they are all heading in the right direction apart from ana’s, while her ult did/does need buffing. I dont think healing was it, giving some movement speed boost back would of been a start

Oh right sorry, didnt read the script, yes as a mercy main she will now be dead, I am a dirty mercy player who cannot learn how to play game so need to play OP hero and now I am mad because she useless grrr etc etc

Was that what you wanted to hear? Im glad i could provide

Been treated the equivalent of human trash in this community is getting very old, very quickly.

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With all of the changes, Mercy being the best support in the game (Besides maybe Zen) will not change.

I stopped visiting that megathread once it became a thread purely used to call the devs meanies that don’t play the game (cause obviously thats logical), when I visited it it was all essentially screeching to revert Mercy which isn’t productive in the slightest. That megathread is trash, but it’s the trash of their own making.

But, fun is subjective, if she’s balanced and the players that are currently playing her find her unfun, switch, then perhaps (as harsh as it sounds) don’t play Mercy.

The moral here is that Mercy players tend not to play other heroes, similar to players, but moreso.

They’re not going to stop playing Mercy, so they’ll find some way to make her useful, then people will complain about that. They’ll complain and complain until blizz decide it’s time for the triannual “crap all over Mercy players” update.

Lol, bronze Mccree…

I’ll be honest I dont play comp or QP so none of these changes will effect me overall. But I do watch the meta and sometimes OWL just to see how all the crying and speculation turns out.

I don’t think they seem to get it when it comes to Mercy. She gets all these nerfs and yet she remains meta… cant they figure anything out. Lol :joy::joy::joy:

to flame, pretty much.

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It makes sense coming from someone equally as brain dead, takes one to know one I guess.