Congratulations for absolutely trashing Mercy yet again

“Mercy is too good Mercy is too good”.

You have given us a Mercy megathread for almost a year now, and clearly you have no issue kicking us further and further into the dirt while avoiding the real issue (That a free revive every 30 seconds with ZERO EFFORT PUT IN is broken.). Not only have you shown a complete lack of any acknowledgement of ANY OF THE POSTS WE’VE MADE OR SUGGESTIONS FOR NEARLY A YEAR. But you dun gone and made it WORSE.

No one even asked for the rework that broke a previously arguably underpowered hero (Mercy) who wasn’t FOTM since season 1 because of the dive metas and tank metas.

NOW YOU NERFED HER IN THE WRONG WAY. Instead of nerfing the free UNEARNED revive every 30 seconds and making it earned like Torbjorn armor packs, you go and nerf the damn healing beam. WHAT!?!?!?!?!?

How about you hire me onto your balance team because anyone who has played this game knows the fact is Ana just isn’t good enough and Moira isn’t all that wonderful either. Especially with that new “nerf” that was apparently a “bugfix” for her not healing through shields. (Lol bug? That’s news to me still.)

The buffs that were given? They helped, but they needed even more help ontop of that.


You have so far:

1: Destroyed her ultimate

2: Now destroyed her healing beam which means she now also

3: has an additional 20% time needed to even get her ult

4: Which now her ult only heals people for 50hp/s.

Meaning you have literally destroyed Mercy’s character and what she was at release with impunity. That raise from 50 to 60 hp/s was NEEDED back during release as she was doing so poorly.

Now you take it away instead of realizing the real issue here is Ana is an immobile too high of risk for completely unreliable heals?

Or that Mercy will ALWAYS be a must pick with a freely given every 30 seconds res?

https:// i.imgur. com/D0Jlg0i.png

There are other games worth my time.


o yeah, you’re totally qualified for this lol. Maybe get over yourself idk?

Mercy needed nerfs, ana’s buffs are wonderful.


This is actually the 4th post in the last 10 minutes that I see this mercy is trash comment,and I will post the same answer.

“mercy is still OP lmao”


The raise from 50HP/s to 60HP/s was needed for OLD Mercy. New Mercy has far more utility outside of healing than old Mercy could ever hope for, including rez, her old ultimate. Get off your high horse and accept your main is overpowered.


She’s still going to remain extremely strong because of her unearned 30 second rez and due to the fact that Valk gets rid of her weaknesses as a single target healer.

they’re nerfing in the wrong direction and I’m lost without words



It is as easy as slapping the Torbjorn mechanic onto her res. Making it a “mini ult”.

I am 100% on the same page as you. This is the wrong way to nerf and makes the game flat out worse.

See but that isn’t the issue here.

The issue here is that Mercy is a must pick because of Rez on a cooldown. As long as she has that, nothing will change.

So this healing nerf is basically just a kick in the balls that will make our jobs harder, and yet Mercy will still have to be picked all the time.

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It will calm down some people for a couple of weeks before they start to say she’s OP. You know like during spring.

2 degrees in what?.. Unless you work in the industry you do NOT have qualifications, and based on your posts in the op you clearly do not. Sit.

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It’s rather incredible considering she has a 11.91% pickrate… Mercy still has by far the best mobility of any healer, dare I say, every character in game. She has lock on healing and damage boost, and her ultimate is a extremely powerful ability.


Pick two for Mercy: High healing, high mobility, high utility. Right now she has all 3. Pick two for her, just like every other support only has two.


My choice is: Put a cost / earned factor onto the res. Like Torbjorn armor.

Right now no one is that excited for a Mercy res because everyone is handed it out every 30 seconds like freaking candy at Halloween.

Make it earned.

You’d think after her tenth nerf, people would finally acknowledge the fact that her rework was a failure.

She needed another rework. Not more unnecessary nerfs.


Not sure why you’re replying to me, I’m not saying that Mercy is perfect (or was) at 60 HPS.

I 100% agree that she’s overtuned. My point was that Rez is 90% of the reason she’s overtuned. Changing her healing won’t change anything unless they make a big, drastic change to it.

Good. Mercy needs nerfs.

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Mercy still has good utility and consistent healing still, it ain’t high as it used to be but Mercy still provide a lot.

I might say that the Lucio changes is probably what will knock the Mercy lock pick since he got an ult that can actually save the team.

In other words, dive is back.

Edit: Then again, Dive never really died.

you can leave and play others games, we will not miss you

This isn’t the nerf you want.

She is still overtuned. THAT IS WHY I AM COMPLAINING.

This is the wrong way to do it. Until revive is earned she will NOT lose her must-pick status.


Guess it’s time to leave the forums until all this mercy crap dies down again. It was fun folks.

I did mention several times in the forums that the buff Mercy got back then in world of tanks meta on her healing should get reverted.

The mad men did it and I have no regrets in repeating this suggestion over and over again.

There was absolutely no reason for Mercy to still have the old buff while Ana was nerfed to the ground, as the purpose of that buff was long gone. However, I am somewhat positive that it will hardly impact her pick rates, again.