6 nerfs on Mercy now

It seems that every 2 months they add another mercy nerf to make her even more garbage. How long until she becomes even less played than ana?


Every time something happens to mercy people say “She’s gonna become never played, she’s garbage” and every time they’ve been wrong and she’s still been the strongest and most picked support.

That won’t change this time, she’ll still be picked A BUNCH, but now maybe other healers will get picked a bit more


Where’s Moira snacking on some popcorn when you need her?!

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Perhaps she could be reverted?

We learned out lesson Blizzard. We will not waste our ults, return mercy the meme has gone long enough already


I just love their argument. “She heals too much compared to the other healers!”

Moira heals just 2,000 less on average. Seems like a lot, but that’s completely ignoring the nearly 7,000 more damage that Moira adds. And sure you can make the argument that Mercy has way more utility, and that’s true. But Blizzard didn’t use that as a reasoning.

Ana of course averages 4,000 less than Mercy, but still brings some damage to the board. But Ana has many problems with her kit, and I don’t think this is a sign Mercy is too strong.

I mean this just feel like a lazy change. They don’t want to take the time to actually balance her so they just change the most obvious thing they can and give a braindead reasoning that can be easily rebutted. Just pathetic.


here :wink:


The main issue is resurrect without a resource meter which needs to be build up.

As long as it is on a simple cooldown the nerfs will keep coming.

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Considering her contast and 100% relliant healing,the rez build up will happen fast no matter what.It doesn not deppend on the players skill,but on how much the enemmy team feeds.

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lucio’s change is the only good change

you can’t change my mind

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Please don’t start the drama for just a nerf on her healing output, you are just ridiculous .
At least now i have an excuse to play others healer than Mercy every single games

They should give poor Ana shields already(50-100)

The number of nerfs does not determine the effectiveness. Genji got quite a few nerfs, but was still one of the best DPS in the game until a counter was released. Mercy was even more OP than release Genji. I think we’ll be fine

people just hate having their kill undone thats why there is so much mercy hate IMO, but its unfounded dps players can just shut up and stop trying to get mercy literally nerfed from the game.

Give her souls of the enemy to collect (like scrap or the old reaper). If you have X souls together you get a resurrect.

Then the damage boost finally makes sense in her kit because you need the kills to get the rez.

Even better


<slowmo>Ttthhee Rrreeewwwooorrrkkk wwwaaasss aaa sssuuucccccceeesss </slowmo>

Ok… Now tell me how will you feel if your main recived 8 nerfs on 6 months then another 4 months later??

How long until she becomes even less played than ana?

Considering Mercy is 3x Ana’s pickrate and is used near 100% of the time in pro play, and Ressurect will still always be one of the greatest abilities in the game I think she’ll be fine. She’ll always remain the healer of choice in lower elo along with moira but y’all want to be dramatic about it.

It’s her 10th nerf actually XD.


Allow me to laugh

ha ha ha.

mercy is still op lmao

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