Mercy doesn't feel empowering anymore

again, this doesnt sound like a Mercy problem,. it sounds like a player problem

I work with what I got. Still, having only one player able to get things done with my buffs on them out of 5 is very low ratio.

No. I quoted them, with links in which the context is more then there. Do you really want me to go step by step in each individual conversation now and show exactly who you were replying to in what matter, that would make “it’s an escape button, as soon as you hear any ult” and “for me valkyrie is just that: ult you can easily throw away, and no one will even notice. Escape ability on charge, if you want” Sound any less like you saying you use valk to escape.


You didn’t quote what I were responding to, so again, you took them out of context.
And yes, I see Valkyrie as some weird “escape ability with charge”, that happens to have “lazy mode” for beams.

Judging by what it provides, it seems to be it’s main purpose, as most of benefits allow to stay away from fight or easily avoid attackers. But it doesn’t seem to benefit teammates that much, which I find odd for support ult.

dude you’re amazing.
Even with pictures you managed to not understand.

*graphic shows mass rez was one the worst ults in the game.
dude: “let’s balance it by adding cast time and los check and remove invulnerability”

And that is somehow not gonna hurt tempo rez.

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Agreed, I know the feeling. Thankfully role queue has made this more noticeable. I don’t support OWL either, but you only have to see how Mercy is played there, compared to other main healers (and she’s not played all that often either, in comparison to the other main healers).

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The problem wasn’t her ult, it was her midfight. It doesn’t matter if she ults when she has nothing to do after bringing her team back.

Just use her as an off-healer. You get more value out of damage boost and Rez and feel more like you’re providing something to the team when not trying to focus on healing the most.

I mean it goes against what the devs said about her but playing her like that made her more fun for me to play.

I got outhealed by a Zenyatta but got like 3x the damage assists-also didn’t need to use Rez as much cause the threat was taken care of before my teammate could die.


You asked for it.

Context #1

Context #2

Context #3


Context #4

Context #5

Like… Iunno what else to say here. These are your own words.


This is getting juicy.

And I am not ashamed of it: if my team is bad, I will use Valkyrie to escape. And yes: it doesn’t tank any ult either, so when one is activated, it’s time to get out.

Kaz, I am out of likes at the moment.

I will pay you proper respect as soon as I get some more


Well, That’s all I asked for. You to be truthful.

That still is a reflection of your own gameplay though. Like, that’s not a mercy issue.

Lmao, don’t worry about it. I do it for the luls to be honest.


All 3 have ways of healing through/around barriers.

Teach us how ana heals someone inside winston dome

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Well, hope you had your fun. I found it boring, to be honest, and something obvious to anyone playing Mercy in regular games, that have no comms or chat.




No offense but all I’m seeing here is that Cleo gets the most value from Valk by using it as an escape.

I mean it’s versatile enough that everyone can find a part they find works for them the best.

I use it for damage boost or diving back lines.

Some use it to just pistol and go after high ground heroes.

Some use it to patch-up after a push.

Some use it to make call outs.

I mean what’s wrong if they find the best use is escaping? It keeps them alive doesn’t it?

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i agree

but no one wants to do that

Only one thing: it doesn’t keep my team alive, unfortunately, unless they are really elusive. Then again, 60 hps aren’t that great, when you have 2-3 enemies targeting someone on your team.

Well, higher elo Mercy’s just don’t seem to agree. We’ve got Ryan who frequents these threads saying how much they enjoy new mercy and the benefits current valk does have, that doesn’t involve it as an escape button on charge.

Maybe that is what it’s like in low elo, but if that’s what you’re doing in low elo, maybe that’s why you’re still in a low elo. Continuing to repeat the same things is just going to end up giving you the same results, which is only hurting your own gameplay.

That was what was being presented yes, because they specifically said they didn’t use it that way. I’m glad you fully see them acknowledging thats how they use it and gain benefit from it though. You helped prove the point that those words do say exactly that.