Mercy doesn't feel empowering anymore

Don’t have time to grind through ranks, so I only play placements.

And I won’t call it “benefit”, that I escape alive - just didn’t want to give enemies free ult charge. More like a convenience, so I don’t have to respawn.

Whenever enemies decide to target me all the time, it usually ends in their defeat, but most of the time they just run over my teammates, not wasting time chasing me.

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This point comes up a lot. I 100% admit that out of combat regen is a great thing, but it also means that Mercy has zero way to self heal in an “oh crud” moment. So yes, it’s a good thing, but it doesn’t help as much in the heat of the moment as other self-healing abilities.

Though I do see the logic, you’re now down an ult that you could have saved and used to engage with had you just died and regrouped with your team. The enemy is probably down an ult now considering the rest of your team is dead so it was the perfect time to pop valk for an initiation advantage, but you can’t now 'cause it’s gone.

Often they didn’t use ult for that. Just simple snowball effect from one teammate, who stepped just a bit too far.

Chasing me usually brings defeat for other team. One such game I will remember for a while, with about 4 enemies doing everything to keep me dead. Almost shame, that they forgot to push payload, because of that.

Every single time I read one of these threads about Mercy it is plagued by the same misconceptions and animosity.

Somehow the entire community forgets that release Mercy did not have immunity to death when casting Resurrect. That was the tipping point. When Blizzard screwed up and made it so there was no price to pay for resurrecting your entire team, people started hiding after getting ultimate, knowing they wouldn’t die when they cast the ability.

Before then, the only thing people complained about was;
“I hit Q and my Q should be stronger then Mercy’s Q”

Mass Resurrect is what defined Ultimate economy. Without Mass Resurrect the enemy team, or your team, can just wait until they have 6 ultimate’s and then vomit them all at once guaranteeing them the team fight win. Mercy held that in check. Even now years later after the change Blizzard had to reduce the amount of ultimate charge gained, again, to solve the problem of ultimate vomit. It still isn’t enough.

I stopped playing Mercy after the first competitive season of Overwatch. I stopped playing her because I knew Blizzard was making a huge mistake with invulnerability during the casting of Mass Resurrect. Blizzard made the mistake and here we all are arguing about Mercy 2 years and change later, always blaming it on someone else.


So…why is Dodo chastising them for using it in a way that they get value from it???

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I agree with you Mercy plays like main healer with the stats of an off healer she is an abomination… I really hate having a mercy in my team now… Because when she is picked… She is often picked with another off healer

Me and Dodo disagree on many things, simple as that.

I mean, I don’t disagree to be honest. With that being said, there was still more issues with it. Namely, it was just ultimately un impactful as an ultimate.

This article has a section that shows the impact mass res had during pro play, and why it needed to be changed otherwise mercy would just never see any reasonable play in pro play. With Mass Res, she was stagnant even before the invincibility buff.

I didn’t see anything of the sort. I did see Dodo suggesting there are other uses that would benefit the team more. I personally agree. So do you apparently with respect to the multiple ways you know it could be used.


It won’t ever be enough. Even if you make sure players gain 1 ult during whole game, they will try to stack it up.

Numbers always helped to counter skill. And it was most obvious with old rez - eliminating 5 players at once can be tricky task, even if all 5 are at potato level. With ults it works same way: can’t kill everyone, when you got 5 enemies at once using ults.

They both have their pros and cons. I play both and I can almost always out heal Mercy. Mercy is almost always being attacked or dived on, while they leave Moira alone for the most part. Mercy takes much more skill and awareness to play than Moira.

I guess it’s their wording.

Makes it feels that they are shaming Cleo for using it in a way they found to get the most value from it.

I mean

Makes it sound like it’s bad they use it like that-when they’ stated it’s how they tend to get value from Valk.


I used to quite like playing Mercy a few weeks ago, during my first month of playing Overwatch, but after a while I started to worry and feel like if I picked her, I wouldn’t be as reliable of a healer as some of the other options. I wasn’t sure why, but now it all makes sense to me now that I’ve seen the comparison to other healing outputs… I totally agree Mercy needs some kind of buff, but other than some number changes, I don’t think Blizzard would be comfortable with doing much.
I believe that at the very least, she should have a higher healing-per-second. Maybe also give Resurrection a bigger range, so it’s harder for a Rez to be cancelled by being booped away, instead of simply killed.

To be fair to you I read the article. It misses some intense realities.

  1. It rewards the Mercy player for that mass rez, and if they end up winning the map, they get a handsome SR bonus.

After people were gaming the system this was changed. It took too long, about 2 months, but it was changed before Overwatch League was a thing.

  1. For all of Mercy’s attractiveness as a healer, she doesn’t have a whole lot more to offer her team.

They don’t even mention Damage Boost, or the fact that Mercy, unlike the other healers mentioned wasn’t a prime target to Dive. Mercy could move out of the way, making your Dive attempt null.

  1. At the end of the day, you’re there for Resurrection.

This was the major point of contention with the forums at the time before Mercy was changed to having immunity to death when casting Mass Resurrect. The better you were with Mercy, the less value you could get from her ultimate. That was the problem. Somehow Blizzard in their infinite wisdom thought, “well lets just make it so people want to not play the game for a bit instead.”

She was stagnant, for everyone getting paid to play the game I guess. Mercy had invuln in all the first season of Overwatch League, so I am not sure what pro-play they are talking about.

I’m not going to pretend to know dodo’s motives behind their words, but taking them at face value it seems like they’re just discussing alternative uses they personally think would have been a better option.

I guess I can see how you would infer it that way though, especially in the self fulfilling prophecy comments. Though I did read through those comments a bit more than just what was quoted, to make sure I wasn’t leaving out context.


X amount of healing in 5 seconds, when combined with E ability.

It’s irrelevant. None of moira’s or ana’s high burst healing can heal through, one hit kill actions, like widow or hanzo, etc. Where mercy’s rez is useful to revive those.

Well tone and inflection cannot be heard in text, so all depending on how each person reads it.

It’s like:

“If we stay here, they’ll find us”

Can both be comforting or terrifying depending on how you read it.

How Dodo constantly point out that Cleo uses it as an escape has me reading it as them calling them out for using it in a way they don’t approve.

Though that’s me.

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Just to clarify: English isn’t my native language, so my words could be interpreted in wrong way.

To be fair, exclusively using valk as an escape is objectively mismanaged use of a very versatile ultimate.

However Cleo has mentioned it’s how they get the most value from it.

I don’t see what’s wrong if they use it in a way that will guarantee them value vs using it in a way that have them feel it was wasted.

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