MERCY Bugs have not been addressed for a Year! A lot of them are game breaking

Mercy is currently in a pretty decent spot to require any buffs.

She might be, but she also might need it with the release of a new healer?

Or when you try to GA to a teammate and it cuts the GA short and you wind up like 2 feet from where you started. GA is a very inconsistent and buggy ability.


THIS THIS is one of the most annoying ones , but not as annoying as the one that send you backwards

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It’s not giving enough for her defensive/offensive assist, and is still accounting for Resurrects (which are worth more) but don’t happen often enough to keep the on fire rate above the breaking point.

So they need to bump up the amount of on fire rate gained when assisting allies.

And I believe the amount per Rez was adjust when she could Rez 4 times in a matter of 20 seconds, but never readjusted when they took out the extra charge and gave it the cast time and slow.


Not all exploits are exploits in nature. Something that was created unintentionally does not mean it’s a bug. As I said before, all exploits are first a feature, It’s devs job to decide if they want to keep it or not.


Wow. Very great and detailed topic. Thank you very much for bringing these bugs into light. I really hope they will be fixed over time!

Welcome to the club.

But if I remember correctly, the Mercy bugs have appeared somewhere after 2018 Pink Mercy event. After a while the bugs were getting more and more frequent

There are some bugs that you didn’t mention that are even more common and arguably more game breaking.

Namely, Mercy does not get ult charge from damage boosting people/kills, no auditory tick sound, and Valk beams not going through enemy barriers properly.


Interesting, these have not been mentioned much and I have missed them. Will look around the threads and will add those posts to the Op if they are valid.

Thank you for adding more info :slight_smile:

Thank you, Ryan! :rosette:

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This could have been latency, but I’ve had multiple occasions where I’ve been smashing the res key while in range and it doesn’t res for like 3 seconds.

This can make a safe res turn into a dangerous one and a team mate straight up not be able to be ressed.


With good latency, that still happens quite often

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Alright. Cause I wouldn’t be lagging, but I would still experience that.

I do dislike that sometimes Mercy does not hear any “tick” sounds when a team mate that you are healing / damage boosting does damage to an enemy or kills them. While that isn’t really anything major, but sucks to think that your Junkrat aint landing any bombs spamming so you think you should damage boost another dps


i legitimately thought damage boosting didnt give ult charge period, I thought that was the intended purpose since it’s been that way since I started playing 2 years ago :sweat_smile:

I think this is the valk bug you were talking about

It actually has only been like this for the past few months, after they changed damage boost to apply on projectiles when they got shot rather then when they hit an enemy. This was released during the same time Baptiste came out, so if you played her before that, she got ult charge from damage boosting! But yeah it’s a bad bug!