Thanks! I’ll check them out right away.
Below are my concepts for D.Mon and Overlord
D.Mon (Main Tank)
Stats: 200 health, 200 armor
Affiliation: MEKA squad
Playstyle: D.Mon is a brawler tank. Can act as a main tank for the team with her barrier.
Look and Feel: You have all seen the art for D.Mon and Beast. Nothing more to add except that her shield should be larger that what we saw on the art. Upon dying D.Mon works like Hammond, not like D.Va. There will be no baby D.Mon running around.
LMB - Brawl / Melee attacks like Malganis from HotS or Attikus from Battleborn. Works similarly to Reinhard’s melee attack. Max range 5 meters. Damage 80 per hit. Each swing can only damage one target. 1 swing per 0.5 seconds.
RMB - MEKA Shield / Just as Rein or Brigitte D.Mon can raise a shield barrier. Sizewise, shield is half the width of Rein’s barrier and as tall as Brigitte’s. Health 1000. Regenerates at the same rate as Brigittes. Heals D.Mon for 20% of damage absorbed. 10% speed reduction while having shield active. Activates 3rd person view.
E - Power Tow / Skill shot. D.Mon dettaches Beast’s left fist, which will remain attached to the arm with a power cable. The fist will be thrown at a target the same way Brigitte’s whip shot or Roadhog’s hook do. Max range, 20 meters. If the shot lands D.Mon will use her boosters and a towing mechanism to propel herself to the targets position. Think of it as a reverse hook. This ability does no damage to the target, but it will stay in place until D.Mon arrives to the location. 8 second cooldown.
Shift - Thunder Clap / Similar to WoWs warrior ability with the same name. Slam both fists on the ground and blast nearby enemies in a 5 meter radius for 100 damage and slow them by 25% for 2 seconds.
Ult - Release the Beast / Transformation Ult. D.Mon lowers the metal plate over Beast’s head to fully cover the pilot’s cabin. Best gains 600 armor and becomes Unstoppable (anti CC) Increases movement and attack speed by 20%. Lasts 8 seconds.
Overlord (Main Support)
Hero: Overlord
Stats: 100 health 100 shields
Affiliation: MEKA squad
Playstyle: Overlord is a support hero with a passive playstyle. He uses his mech Mastermind to fly around the battlefield and help his allies with his support drones. There’s no pilot Overlord. If the MEKA dies, he dies, just like Wrecking Ball. I know the mech has hands and arms, but they will only be used for melee strikes (giving them other abilities didn’t fit well with my concept). Overlord can have air control from the battlefield. If the wishes to engage and do damage, he will need to get close to the enemy.
Look and Feel: You have all seen the art for Overlord and Mastermind.
LMB - Fusion Gun / I still have to figure out the numbers for the main weapon; nevertheless the idea is to have a short range cannon that works just like D.Va’s (the one that’s already on the Mech’s model), but instead of having two cannons it only has one. This way, it will do roughly half the amount of D.Va’s damage. This gun doesn’t need to reload, but does overheat and will need to stop firing for 1.5 seconds after firing continuously for 8 seconds.
Passive - Hover / Overlord’s passive allows him to hover and fly on the battlefield all the time, in the same way Mercy can move while having Valkyrie active. 6m/s omnidirectional flight.
E - Resiliency Drone / Anti CC drone. Max range 30 meters. Overlord casts an anti cc drone over the shoulder of a targeted ally. For 3 seconds, the ally is immune to crowd control abilities. Doesn’t require to maintain line of sight. After the effect, the drone disappears (returns to Mastermind) Only one ally can receive the drone’s benefit at a time. 8 second cooldown. Targeted ability just like Zenyatta’s orb of harmony.
Shift - Life Support Drone / Overlord casts a drone over the shoulder of a targeted ally. So long as Overlord maintains line of sight, the drone slowly restores health to his ally on a rate of 20 health per second. Max range 30 meters to cast the drones. 3 drones can be active at the same time. You can choose to heal 3 allies at the same time, or stack your 3 drones on one same ally. If only one drone is on the ally it heals at a rate of 20hps, 2 drones on the same ally do a total of 35 hps, and 3 drones on the same ally do a total of 45 hps (20+15+10). Drones are immune to damage. Losing line of sight returns the drones to Overlord. There is a 1 second delay between the deployment of each drone. Targeted ability just like Zenyatta’s orb of harmony.
Ult - Defibrillator Drone / Cast a larger drone to protect an ally from Death. Lasts for 5 seconds. If the ally takes fatal damage while the drone is active, it will be healed for max health. If this effect triggers, the drone disappears. Think of this ability as a preemptive rez.