King (MEKA) Hero Kit Concept

King [Singijeon Mech]

[Ranged Bruiser / Dive-Tank / Maybe kinda overloaded DPS! (jk)]

Making this was hard. :smiley:
There’s little to go on beyond missiles & trying to make it work may have made it broken.
I could maybe lose an ability or so, either Rocket Arrow or Castle Walls to limit them to one niche (ranged-anchor or dive-bruiser)?
Or I could combine one of them into his ultimate? I will discuss that later.

Ultimately, a bunch of this is my own speculation & ideas assigned into the character based on what they could logically use to be different & viable.

**King Lore Summary & Speculation**

Kyung-Soo Han’s handle (King) suggests a very self-confident (even cocky?), strong-minded & ambitious individual, who could possibly even take/assign himself the role of leader within the squad; despite there maybe being others more worthy of working as their tactician (Overlord).

He is also known to be D.Va’s ex-rival within the e-sports scene; suggesting his own ambitions of glory, a competitive streak & possibly even a cocky attitude that may occasionally put him at odds with the other MEKA members or even lead him to act recklessly.

His mech’s name (Singijeon) being that of a traditional Korean weapon (a rocket-propelled arrow), infers he is patriotic & appreciates his country’s history.
This national pride could further lead into his recklessness or even prove to be his redeeming factor that does push him to save the day.

This could all also be way too similar to D.Va (or even potentially D.Mon), unless his arc for doing so makes sense in its own right & maybe even applies back to D.Va’s in an interesting way; but this is true for all the maybe MEKA heroes.

King has been confirmed by Michael Chu to be the DPS of the MEKA Squad, but I still feel that that only applies within that context.

In a wider context, King therefore has to be a Bruiser, as the mech has to be resilient to even be worth using as its hitbox will make it easy to hit (high health); but he will still have consistently decent damage & ways to mitigate this incoming damage that do not include blocking.

**King Hero Kit**

HP: 400 - 600 max. split between Health & Armour or Shields?

With little damage prevention but a lot of damage mitigation, armour makes the most sense on top of damage resistance to ensure King can sustain through fights (see further down). Or if this is too oppressive, using shields could help work providing regeneration through the damage they are likely to be taking.

Several of his abilities function best at range, but he also has some skills to keep himself safe & make space at close quarters.
I would classify him as an off-tank in some regard, but where he falls between bruiser & dive-tank I am unsure.

His mobility is very limited & I have focused him into damage resistance so I will say bruiser.
I guess he could also be used as a main tank in similar situations to Orisa due to his ranged capabilites?

M1: Arm Cannons

Could either function similarly to Hammond’s quad cannons or as higher flat damage pulse projectiles (the latter is preferable to make King different & enhance his ranged capabilities); based on the gwishin combat image from Shooting Star.
The arms have 4 gun barrels altogether, 2 for each arm; seen properly on the Busan MEKA Base map.

Primary Fire variations:

1.) High fire rate hit-scan lasers. Large clip size (max. 100). Normal fall-off.
2.) Moderate/slow fire rate, fast projectile, moderate damage (20-40 each?) pulse impacts / explosive rounds w/ small AoE (fires 2 rounds simultaneously). Moderate clip size (20-40).

With either, movement slows a la D.Va when firing.

M2: Missile Salvos (Resource-based)

While M2 is held, missiles fire ahead a la D.Va’s Micro Missiles from alternating salvos.
Each missile functions similarly to D.Va’s, dealing small/moderate impact & explosive damage.

Functions from a resource meter / has its own ammo count (unsure: anywhere from 40-100?).
Replenishes very slowly, but using Castle Walls causes missiles to regenerate more quickly.

When Lock-On has been set on a target, missiles follow assigned target mid-flight, until their lock-on has expired; causing the missile to continue straight on it’s current vector.

Ability 1 (E): Lock-On (various ideas)

Enter a mode whereby aiming at / close to a certain enemy for a short period of time locks King’s missile salvos onto them for a short period of time afterwards; extending beyond the loss of LoS.
OR press to initiate lock on to every enemy currently in view, cast takes 1 or 2 seconds & has a short/moderate cooldown.

Focus works from a resource meter similar to Defence Matrix so multiple targets can be locked on to OR only a single target can be locked on to at a time with no resource, but a cooldown instead.

Or if the second variation is used; the more enemies locked on to reduces the amount of missiles aimed at each so greatly loses effectiveness, but can be used at any time, on cooldown or via a resource meter?

Toggle mode on/off?

King cannot activate Missile Salvos, Rocket Arrow or Exorcise while in this mode/the cast is locking on to a target/targets.

Ability 2 (Shift): Exorcise (Moderate cooldown 7-10 secs?)

The player enters 3rd person view as King makes his mech’s torso spin on the axis connecting it to the legs. Singijeon’s heavily armoured forearms serve as formidable clubs to damage & knockback nearby enemies.

King gains 20% damage resistance but no CC resistances whatsoever.
This transformation lasts 2-5 seconds & can be cancelled early by re-pressing Shift.

King can move as normal in this form, even using Rocket Arrow in his visual direction.
He cannot use his Arm Cannons, Lock-On or Last Stand at this time, but can fire his Missile Salvos.
Firing missiles slows the spin of Exorcise.

Using his ultimate stops the spinning & cancels the transformation, but it can be lined up during the transformation.

Ability 3 / Jump (Space): Rocket Arrow (Moderate cooldown 6-8 secs?)

Holding jump (Space) charges up a powerful forward leap that moves a short-moderate distance in the direction the player is looking based on charge.
This works similarly to Genji’s dash in that it only has “forward” momentum & does not arc & float like Winston’s jump.
It also comes to a dead stop at the end of the movement to activate a burst of damage & knockback.

During the charge & leap animations, King gains 20% damage resistance (persists slightly afterwards?).
Charge, Shield Bash & Rocket Punch all cancel Rocket Arrow & themselves.
During the leap animation only, no other inputs can be made.

During the charge animation only, King’s movement speed slows just as when firing. If also firing, movement speed is lowered even further.
If stunned etc. during the charge animation, the ability goes on cooldown.
Lock-On, Exorcise & Castle Walls cannot be used during this time.

Exorcise can be triggered before using Rocket Arrow, to give the damage hitbox a size increase & throw enemies further away. But, landing this combination on an enemy will cancel Exorcise early.

Ability 4 / Crouch (Ctrl): Entrench/Castle Walls (Long cooldown - 12+ secs)

King plants his mech’s legs firmly into the ground, rooting it in place & making him immune to any Disruption-type Forced Movement, but not Conditions a la Bastion (I would posit that Doomfist can punch him out of this mode, but maybe we’ll leave that argument xD).

This action cannot be undone for a short period of time (3-6 sec) & can only be performed when touching the ground. It may also have to only be usable for a set duration rather than being fully controllable.

King’s missiles replenish much faster in this mode & his primary fire rate increases somewhat.
Lock-On locks on more quickly & Exorcise does still spin the torso around, but King can obviously not move.

It could be possible that using Rocket Arrow or Entrench/Castle Walls prevents the other from being used for a short period, while the damage resistance effects linger slightly in-between & could even briefly stack?

From here this can work in a few different ways dependant on the kind of kit we ultimately want King to have. I would like him to be able to provide some utility to his team beyond damage & I feel this is the best ability to do so with.

Of the versions I have in mind, two depend on the kind of health pool King has (armour vs shields), one is an option to allow him to work as a pseudo-anchor tank regardless of how his health pool is composed & the last one focuses more on his personal survival so as to make him a pure bruiser.
The anchor tank version may be too much as his kit largely allows him to work as a bruiser already, but with a predominant reliance on ranged damage this could be desirable/necessary.

Certain versions (or all of them) may have to subject to a set duration that forces King out of this mode, especially with the added effects to be discussed.

Additions to Entrench/Castle Walls

Armour-HP Version:

Only during the time King is rooted, King & every ally in an area around him gain 10-20% damage resistance.
Whether this granted damage resistance stacks with any other damage resistance or the manner in which it could do so is up for debate.
Either yes, no or reduced additive stacks beyond the base 20%.
(0.25/0.5 extra over 20% i.e. Sentry Bastion would have 25%/30%)

Shield-HP Version:

King fully depletes his shield health to gift it to allies in the area. (50-75 each & can gift more shields than King has shield-HP).
King can either gain 20-50% DR in this form & his shields will not recharge, or his shields will recharge as normal if he doesn’t take damage.
When the mode is ended by King/the duration ends, he re-absorbs any available shields from his team; & if this amount exceed his maximum health, he gains temporary decaying shield health as a pseudo-overheal.

Barrier Version:

When entering this mode, King summons a chest/head height barrier in the shape of castle walls encircling his mech at a short distance when in this form. The barrier has one unifying health pool (1000?) & the full depletion of this will also knock King out of the transformation.
This version could be cancellable; either losing the shield or leaving it in place as you move on. This version of King should probably have less health than the other versions (closer to 400 than 600).

Solo Bruiser Version:

Only King gains damage resistance in this form. Should be at least 20% but could maybe be more; as his DPS won’t be anywhere near Bastion’s, but should be more reliable. This could persist beyond his transformation somewhat.
He could also have an AoE knockback as he stamps into the floor.

Any of these above are considerations for extra effects to add to Entrench/Castle Walls & would be subject to the overall hero’s role.

Ultimate (Q): Bombardment (Dual-Cast-time type)

Place a horizontal or forward-facing line in front of you at a great distance by pressing Q multiple times to set the orientation a la Symmetra’s ultimate until the vector is set & then triggered by M1.

Once it is, multiple rockets (equal to at least a full salvo) are simultaneously launched directly upwards until Q is re-triggered to send the missiles to the assigned location. This can obviously be used to hit enemies directly above you & on the ground in your chosen area; given you time the Q presses correctly.

These destroy themselves on the environment given bad pathing or mis-timed redirection so the player must be aware when using this ult in enclosed spaces so as to not just shoot the roof etc.

The initial firing cast-time can be cancelled by stuns etc. (as with other cast-time ultimates) but once the missiles are airborne, the redirection input can be delayed but not cancelled by stuns etc.

These missiles could deal more damage per missile than the usual Salvos & possibly be a type used purely for the ultimate; firing from a separate system?

Also replenishes Missile Salvos? Depletes them?


If Castle Walls & Rocket Arrow or Exorcise are too powerful on the same character, the one that is removed could be worked into the ultimate in some way; especially if losing one of these abilities makes the character weak, too similar to existing heroes, or even just uninteresting.

Rocket Arrow makes the least sense to remove as otherwise this version of King has no use for his boosters xD, but I will discuss the ultimate rework in that instance as well.

Ultimate Re-works

Castle Walls + Bombardment = Bulwark (Transformation type w/ an added cast?)

King embeds his mech’s legs in the ground, receiving & bestowing all the benefits described above, while also automatically launching a full missile salvo upwards to crash down within the area of Bulwark’s effect.
This could use normal Missile Salvo ammo as there are plenty of other things going on. This would likely deplete the resource meter by half its current state in order to activate the missile effect of the ultimate.
The missile deployment part of the ultimate would be cancellable via stuns etc., but the overall transformation would not.

Rocket Arrow + Bombardment = Red Carpet (Channelled type or Transformation type?)

Singijeon’s thrusters are thrown into overdrive & King propels forward at top speed, smashing through enemies; while also firing multiple missiles into the air along his path that come crashing back down behind him.

Exorcise + Bombardment = Firestorm (Channelled type or Transformation type?)

King spins the torso of Singijeon rapidly around, knocking enemies around. As he cannot fire directly at anyone due to the speed of rotation, King instead looses his entire supply of missiles upwards to fall back down behind his path of destruction.

Passive: Dethroned / Coronation [Singijeon-bi] (Eject / Call Mech)

Baby King - 150 HP

Explosive bolt crossbow - fast-moving projectile.
Moderate damage on bolt contact, 1-2 second fuse & moderate damage small explosion AoE.
Bolts can stick into walls/scenery/payloads etc. & will still detonate.
Must reload/restring between each shot, or max 3 shots per “clip” with 3 separate strings & a longer overall reload.

Coronation [Singijeon-bi (Rocket Arrow Rain)]

Missiles fall in an area around King as Singijeon slides in from behind him (not affecting enemies itself) before opening it’s hatch to allow King inside.


I’d rather keep King with the abilities as set because otherwise he feels way too similar to D.Va, or could possibly just be a feeder tank. There’s also no viable way to make him a “DPS”.

With no damage blocking (except for maybe with Castle Walls) & no huge burst damage potential; I feel he needs things like reliable ranged damage, a decent health pool, damage resistance & some area control & denial to be viable.

From this I’ve tried to make him as a off-tank bruiser (Roadhog/Zarya/Hammond sort of), but with his ranged abilities & certain potentials for Castle Walls he could become a kind of ranged main tank that focuses in area denial & damage (alternative/pseudo-Orisa?).

I do understand this kit could very well be over-tuned or just way too much; any re-fits on the abilities could be interesting. :slight_smile:


Wow! Super detailed! I love it!

Based off the kit. I’d probably set him at 450 with a little armor.

The second primary option sounds like the closest one the primary fire he uses in the kaiju scene so I can that one :slight_smile:

That m2 sounds absolutely amazing. I really like the idea of them on a resource meter and the way they engage. Very nice! :+1:

For the first ability I really like the second option. It would really be a good handle targets putting more pressure on enemy healers to maintain all thier allies.

The spinning could be cool but I feel like it might same his guns so I’m not 100% sure it would fit for his slender arms lol maybe.
I would probably make this your jump ability 3 instead. And when holding it you fall a little slower to do things like lock-on while in mid air.

Something you could is make castle wall synergize with your missles. Like when you lock down in a spot it drains your missle resources slower allowing you to fire a bit more of them. I probably wouldn’t do the bonus for the team but maintain it for him. This would give him more dps potential while justifying the extra health more in my eyes . :slight_smile:

Passive I love the explosive crossbow idea! Super cool!!! Great idea. Sounds special to him while maintaining the meka identity. It works!

Your coronation sounds cool. Will thing I will say is king sounds like he would want to stay at a distance so what if you could mark a open location. And it fires your missles straight up and then lands in the aoe you marked. I think that keeps your idea, keeps it true to the character and gives it more of a way to be effective withough suicide lol

Your kit sounds like a perfect bulky damage dealer. It’s sounds really exciting! Awesome job! Really! :slight_smile:


Thanks man :slight_smile: took a while, glad you like it ha!

For the spinning & clubbing arms, his arms look as if they’re one solid piece, or at least reinforced. There’s also the large housing at the “elbows” that could be the main “club” or that the longer barrels retract into when he uses Exorcise so as to not damage them?

Castle Walls does make your missile replenishment speed up loads :slight_smile: I think I only mentioned in the bit about missiles though?
Would you want the barrier aspect to CW? I’d like the damage resistance/shield sharing with the team so he has some value to apply directly to his team, but as a Bruiser maybe he doesn’t need it / shouldn’t have it?
As he’s primarily going to fight from range, I wanted him to be able to do so while mitigating damage somehow so I’d like one of them in some form ha!

( I also now have ideas for a tank with a damage resistance aura :smiley: )

I had thought of Coronation more as something you’d build up to & use if enemies caught up to you, a bit more close-range damage to give yourself some space to set back up properly. But that’s not a bad alternative! xD

There’s a few other ways you could take the kit, but does it overall feel like too much?

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I think I would do the resistance over offering shield. It makes it less complicated and you don’t lose that precious shield health lol

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Ah, but if you do share your shield, it can gift the team effectively more health than you had to give, you also get 50% DR & your own shields can regenerate as normal.
AND when the transformation is ended, all existing shields on teammates get put on to King so he can temporarily go up to like 700 HP if the right circumstances occur xD.

My main concern with that is whether to use the barrier instead of DR or shield sharing? Makes him feel more like a tank then too? But you’re right, the shield sharing may be just a bit too complicated xD DR seems best as that’s more his thing.

Oh, armour or shield health then?

He seems more like armor type to me. It would help him if he’s locking him self in place for a second too. :slight_smile:

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I’ve updated how that ability could work now, just giving all those options; but yeah I think you’re right that he should be an armour-based Bruiser with no direct utility for the team so he can be the true “MEKA DPS”. :slight_smile:

Also, so it’s linked together… :slight_smile:

you did a so well job, that is better u take care of King more than me, i’m busy in this period x.x
Now we need just the last guy for Casino :).


Hey thanks man :slight_smile: maybe we could all do Casino together, I have very few ideas but I do have some.
I think his Baby form weapon could be something like a mini version of Halo’s Needler for instance xD

Casino is the big mystery one lol I don’t think anyone is completely sure what he does lol

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yep, true, also i like more the pilot than the Meka design, i mean the colors are swag, but shape too similar

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