Since we don’t know everything. I wanted to give voicelines that I think would match the meka pilots. Just a fun thread throwing out ideas. What is voiceline you would like for your favorite character i ngame? slight_smile:
D.mon: (strong and holds a emphasis on strength)
After killing a doomfist- “you have my respect. I hope they will remember you.”
“The hardest choices require the strongest wills“
“Buff this”
“I’ll crush you”
“Stop me if you can”
“I’ll turn you into a toothpick”
“What’s the matter? Too weak?”
“The beast is unleashed”
“Finally I get to break something”
"Playin’ for keeps is still playin”
“What’s the old saying’? Damned if we do…”
“Look alive everyone, it’s show time!”
“All in”
“Still got an ace up my sleeve”
“Take a chance”
“Hit me”
“Too slow”
“Gotta be faster than that!”
“Eyes on the prize”
Overlord:( confidence in intelligence and strategy)
“Work smarter not harder”
“Watch a mastermind at work”
“Drones ready”
“Flying sky high”
“Great minds think alike”
“So you want to play hide and seek?”
“Too smart for you?”
“Come on… I even left you a way to escape”
“Auto-pilot activate”
“Smart is the new sexy”
King: ( has confidence in his big guns and damage out put)
“Your optimism is misplaced”
“Ever seen it rain fire”
“All hail the king”
“All bark all bite”
“Clear the area”
“Tactical nuke imbound”
“Aveng- I mean MEKA Squad assemble!”