Make mercy feel better

Again, a judgement of balance

what makes you think that your judgement of balance is superior to mine?

Factually, I have never made such a statement

Factually, I have made no such claim

there’s no self doubt in your sentences you clearly believe that you say is 100% right!

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do you think that your judgement of balance is superior to mine?

I am confident in my ability to judge such things

I have made no such statement

so you do believe that you’re absolutely right when it comes to balance of the game!

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i didn’t ask whether you have or have not made such statement i’m asking do you or do you not think that your judgement of balance is superior to mine?

I have never made such a statement

but you did mention that

and based on that what i have concluded is valid!

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One is of course free to conclude whatever one wishes based on whatever, or even without basis at all. That said, I don’t know what you have concluded


If one has decided to come to that conclusion, one has every right to do so, regardless of the presence or absence of supporting facts

No, please stop. Superjump needs to stay tied to bunnyhop like it is right now. It’s skillful, and clean to use. It’s not buggy, it’s not unreliable. If you are experiencing buggy issues with it, you are doing it wrong.

Making it it’s own ‘regular ability’ just makes Mercy more dumbed down and uninteresting.


do you believe that you’re absolutely right when it comes to balance of the game?

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I have made no such statement

do you or do you not believe that you’re absolutely right when it comes to the balance of the game?

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Near as I can tell, this set of questions seem (to me) to be leading in the direction of something as yet unspecified

Could you outline where this set of questions is leading?