Make mercy feel better

Press crouch and Guardian Angel at the same time?

If you need something new to play with, go play with super jumping. If you get really good with it, you can even do a bit more of an evasive Rez.

I just checked the live servers. The no movement speed penalty bug thingy seems to have been fixed? Valk Rez feels the same to me as it did before

It’s Overwatch. If you don’t like it, you go and play another game.

Because they didn’t buff her. It was a bug on the PTR and they fixed it.

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Yah, I really wouldn’t take anything they say too seriously. Regardless of their intent it rarely turns out well for Mercy. If they make any changes to Mercy I think there is a significant risk it will ultimately make her feel worse to play. Mercy is a mismanaged intellectual property that causes drama and hate due to the polarization in the community, which Blizzard is primarily responsible for due to the mismanagement.

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Ah yes, ok! Ahahah You are on top of the list!

No matter how “good you get with it” it’s very unreliable. I really, really hope the team decides to adjust it to be a proper ability rather than a bug they shrug off and leave in the game. Bap’s super jump is pretty dang smooth and I’m jealous.

Never thought of it that way…Now that I see that, it makes sense. But I will say, when making the proper call with your team, Valkyrie could theoretically should be able to at least assist your team in completing the objective at hand :slight_smile:

why should i? im not a one trick mercy pony that cries on the forums for buffs :slight_smile: my hero variety is large compared to mercy mains looool keep begging on the forum it aint gonna happen

This was the same mentality around brig balance though

She needs a complete overhaul. Not just a rework, but literally start from scratch and rebuild her.

She just essentially is a bot right now, with a bit of healing, a bit of damage boost, the occasional rez.

If I was in charge of Mercy design, I’d make it so her kit is way harder to use, so it can be far more rewarding. Blizzard needs to accept an easy to access hero is bad for the game, and will never fit in. When she’s harder to play, she’ll be easier to balance.

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I strongly disagree with you.

Take a look at Reinhardt. Nothing he does is challenging to pull off mechanically… but I don’t see anyone complaining that he’s an easy to access hero and will never fit in.

Do note, that I’m not saying Mercy is fine as she is. She’s not. However just because she’s easy to use mechanically does NOT mean they should pull as Symmetra 3.0 style rework on her.


he is usable. but i don’t see him being meta

people complain about every single hero in the game it’s not just mercy so what are they? also i can link posts that other people also want mercy changes it’s not 100% exclusive to mercy mains

because she doesn’t. remember that a hero must be fun to play and fun to play against just because she seems fine to you doesn’t mean she’s actually fine

but do you think that?

i genuinely don’t want mass rez back i very much prefer Valkyrie
and i’m okay with rez with a cast time it’s the movement reduction that really hurts her
also i’d be happy if they just replaced the ability
generalizing isn’t nice sweetie

we’ll see about that :slightly_smiling_face:



Please, just ignore this person.

i should do that…

I just logged on for the first time in YEARS. I’m SCREAM LAUGHING. Lawd. It’s been a wild ride, babes.