Let's highlight a review: Sym Balance Survey results updated 691 responses

Here is the poll to review - Overwatch, Balance Survey

Useless - 15.9% 110 people
Underpowered - 55.1% 381 people
Balanced - 23.7% 164 people
Overtuned - 3% 21 people
Overpowered - 2.2% 15 people


I think that survey should be used for nothing more than entertainment. If the devs were to rework heroes based on player perspective, this game would be an absolute mess.

It also doesn’t give perspective based on rank. Plenty of lower rank players still think Hanzo is OP despite him having one of the lowest winrates at every rank.

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So Blizz con OWL last weekend had Sym play 0%, Torb 1% and D. Va 98%.

Yep no one is totally be favored at all.


So basically what you are saying is we need to nerf dva to the ground. Understood.

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So what your saying is you use straw mans to argue :stuck_out_tongue:

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They need to push her into a real role. I favor a “path of least resistance” model where they make few changes:

Not quite. But if the arguement is… look at these 0 percent pick rates, they need a buff. Then why would you mention a 98% rate, unless you were implying a nerf?

Getting a very strong ‘I told you so’ feeling here right now. Symmetra’s rework can serve as a case study for how to absolutely -never- handle a rework.


I’d say a sample size of 400 people is rather… lacking…

I think the majority DOES agree that Symmetra is weak, but that view is offset by the people who want to charge blindly into combat and get melted by turrets.

Updated to the current 691 responses.

Basically the people who said underpowered have increased to almost 400. (The last sample size)

691 out of millions isn’t much of a sample size, but it does tend to trend. You know my feelings about Symmetra, and I’m inclined to believe I’m in the majority when it comes to feeling she’s underpowered.

Shes is definitely under powered, people who think otherwise are plat and under.

if out of 1000 people, if 60% say she is under powered…(My best guess when and if we reach 1000)

Maybe they will listen… technically reaching 60% in a voting system means something.

If you’re comparing a sample size of 1000 people out of 10000 people, sure, it means something.

When you’re comparing it to the total playerbase of OW, that ends up being like .01%, roughly the representation of Symmetra in OWL. (sorry, that’s just funny)

Lets be honest what percentage of people are actually going to do surveys nowadays.

Well i mean symmetra right now is only used for a teleporter to point gimmick. Having characters that only excel at one thing isnt good.

It isn’t just TP’ing to point that’s strong. Sym with her ult and turrets (and team providing adequate pressure, which they probably will if they were smart enough to TP to begin with) can put an absolute death grip on an area.

People think her defensive aspects and ability to hold an area are weaker, but they are significantly stronger.