Symmetra rework has problems

I explained it all in the image, Statistically shes worse now,

Also, i want to highlight that factoring in her avg weapon acc, She does even less damage,

one of the main reasons is that, her damage climbs levels every 2 seconds of constantly attacking, and drops at the same rate, So in theory you would get it in 4 seconds right? Well, Thats the funny part, with the old symmetra that was true due to the autoaim, but in this case, its only true if you have inhuman 100% accuracy or using an aimbot,

at 50% you would take like 8 seconds, And at 30% even more, so turning her into a dps somehow made her do less damage

Also, Charging it against barriers is not that good anymore, In fact, this is the fun part, increasing her damage makes it harder to use barriers to charge up the gun, as, with sym 2.0 i could easily charge my gun by shooting at winstons barrier or any barrier for that matter, because of the damage, But now, Not only it does more damage but it takes longer to charge, So i have to keep shooting at it damaging it more and more, So this is one of those cases where having more damage actually plays against you, the barrier should be destroyed by the moment im done charging,

also, Shes now VERY team reliant, Lets call this the “sombra effect” where shes only good at the most coordinated enviroments, and outside of the ladder, its really hard to get such communication going, especially when your not in top 500

Another problem the rework brought , is the fact that sym is no longer able to defend herself, Sym could sometimes act as a psudo tank (a kinda bad one but still) due to shield gen + Photon barrier + Her autolock, Which made people think twice about getting near her, Creating space, Just like brigitte does,

But now, thats all gone, sym has no way of defending herself, her only “mobility” has a 2 second cast time, and barely gets her out of the situations she needs to escape from, and its very predictable

Her ult is…Meh at best? sure “A MAP SIZED BARRIER” sounds good in paper, but if people can just walk through it, and i cant really do much about it, The best thing i can do is put it across the point slicing it in left and right inestead of up and down and go in and out but its still meh that way,

Her turrets are fine, But they still feel too easy to kill, and plus we lost a total of 30 dps due to the damage reduction, Before we had 6 turrets of 30dps, total of 180 now we have 3 at 50dps total of 150 Who knows if the slow is the same, i dont have the values atm

Also, i cant throw my dead enemies off the cliff nor hoop the basketball

And this is a little bit of a generalist one, but symmetra was a hero that comonly was known for her non-aim but very intuitive skillset, similar to the tanks in ow, she was one of those heroes the game needs that show you hey, Aiming isnt everything, sure her secondary fire needed a lot of “prediction” aim to be able to land it but still, Now shes just…another zarya clone with no mobility but no defenses as well and low hp

i also want to point out that defending is even harder now, Back in time we had mass rez and sym tp to get us back in battle, but now we have like nothing, we lose one fight and its over gg

Shield gen was also a powerful counter vs 1 shots, and we lost it just mid sniper meta, where it was the most useful, A thaumiel comp (Brigitte, Torb and Sym) Was literally unkillable once it was setup,

Therefore, i ask you to either reconsider this rework, Re-Rework it, or just go back to the drawing board and try something else because this is clearly not working, a lot of this ideas you threw in sym 3.0 coul easily have made sym 2.0 better, that + all the feedback sym players have gave you and you somehow didnt see

and another issue is toxicity, now sym players cant really critisize the rework because all we get is “HAHAHA U NEED TO AIM NOW LOL NUB” so theres that (and she is still considered a throw pick)


Symmetra was destroyed (like Mercy) because of the dps whiners. I made it to Diamond with the old symmetra with a 62% winrate. This was no big deal.
Most of Symmetras “poor performance” was team mates who were throwing because of the Symmetra pick.

Now there is a “mechanical skill” in the damage process and nobody complains anymore about it. Also Genjis and tracers now can fight her in close range and she can’t disable any ults with her photon barrier any more.

But in the end it’s all about jealous dps players that weren’t as good as your Symmetra because they had only mechanical skills and nothing else while you outshined them with positional, strategical, tactical and teamplaying skills.

I really would appreciate to get my Symmetra back that has been deleted and replaced by a new hero with the same name.


I literally just invited jeff kaplan to this thread :joy:

see if that gets his attention, but anyways, Thats the issue in general with it, theres just nobody left to play her, a lot of her old players left because they dont like this new hero and there are not many new sym mains


literally a different hero now and a inferior one at that. Feels bad and i dread too think what they do with torb next


No she wasn’t.

She was destroyed because of incompetent balancing. Even Sym players knew she had serious problems still. They wanted to make her more dynamic and active. Cool. Except their way of going about that, in combination with ignoring feedback, turned into an absolute disaster.
“Whining” didn’t cause this. Bad design did. Which triggered a rework. That was badly designed. Which triggered another one. Which was also badly designed…


Personally I actually like new Symmetra much more :man_shrugging: I do think she has problems, but problems that can be fixed by number tweaking, not ones requiring fundamental design changes


Here’s a mechanic I just thought of.

When Symmetra is draining shields, also have it refill her shield health.


That’s how the devs intended Symm 3.0 to be like.

They removed the lock on primary fire, so I’m happy about that. Other than that she’s very fun to shoot.

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They removed the lock-on on primary fire, so I am totally pissed off about that.


Why? It was a stupid ability. No aim on that much DPS was insane especially in lower ranks.


It was very short range, you could easily out range-it and as you see, how her gun works doesnt fit a laser esc type of gun

Unless you had a movement ability or stun, no.

Range was limited. It was her main strength to melt down close enemies even if they are fast moving. It was only harmful to those id**ts who came too close (looking at the stereotype bronze genji/Tracer and his bitter tears back then).

Don’t go so close in the first point! Man, you deserve a horrible death to Symmetra if you walk close to her.

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Ever heard of an ambush? I didn’t have an issue with it but a lot of people did.

I mained Symmetra in Diamnod before Blizzard reworked her to trash. So yes, I know all the tactics (of Sym and her enemies). It was alwys the same: poor positioning dps got killed.

There’s ways to get close. Using something to block LoS to sneak up, dropping down on them, ambushing, etc., but I get the point.

i mean if that happend if you had any kind of mobility you could easily leave, but if you died hey you got outplayed :confused:

she’s an inconsistent DPS (just like sombra).

She relays on her clunky kit (turrets and TP) for damage, but it can be destroyed in an instant (literally a punch, a junk/zarya projectile, a rein swing, etc.)
Then Symmetra’s damage output (and herself in general) is shut down for at least 10 seconds and up to 30 seconds, leaving her only with her puny primary fire and bad orb-spam.

Now add the fact that she’s extremely vulnerable, has almost no survivability or escape abilities (the TP is too clunky to be used an escape way, it’s more of a bad translocator than a solider sprint or mei’s cyro-freeze).

If they sticked with her being a shielding support with just diversifying her shield-giving abilities… maybe she would find her spot. now she’s just a bad inconsistent DPS