Symmetra buffs to give her a solid role / Anti-GOATS

One of the issues plaguing Symmetra (and one that has plagued her since the game launched) is that she is uniquely the only character who counters absolutely nobody. Never in the history of Overwatch has anyone said “They have X, we could use a Symmetra.”

I believe that with a bit of tweaking, Symmetra can truly realize her anti-barrier / anti-GOATS potential.

Primary fire
The charge rate buff and range buff were good. I propose adding two more mechanics to the beam, without buffing damage numbers.

  1. Make it ignore armor. It’s currently crippled by armor due to its tickrate, which gives it a weird self-counter-synergy in its use against tanks / Brigitte. Let the beam treat armor as white HP.

  2. Give it “shield drain”/barrier overheal against barriers. While damaging barriers (and ONLY barriers), in addition to the ammo gain, let Symmetra gain a small amount of dark blue HP (think Doomfist / Lucio) up to a cap of 100 extra.

Let the teleporter activate slightly faster with an increased interact radius. Graviton surge is a very powerful ult, with effectively no consistent answers to it. (You can DM / deflect it but that takes some serious foresight.) Let Symmetra’s teleporter be a reliable answer to Graviton Surge! Most ults are easily countered by regular abilities / holding up a shield, and the teleporter is on a significant cooldown anyway so it’s not a guarantee.

In addition to the Graviton counterplay, and its implications for Symmetra’s self-defence, an improved teleporter would be that much better of a team tool, allowing you to move around heroes like Bastion and Torbjorn who have their own strengths against 3/3 comps.

Sentry Turrets
I believe that her sentry turrets should activate a bit faster upon hitting a surface and perhaps travel faster in the air. They’re on quite a long cooldown for their strength and are easily dispatched. Symmetra’s kit overall suffers from being slow; the aforementioned changes to her teleporter along with faster turrets would alleviate some of that.


Would that make her a wolf… since wolves eat goats? or maybe a mountain lion!


The Dragon’s fire consumes all!


c’mon now, dragon’s just eat everything and then burn the rug.


Isnt goats falling out of the meta though?

It would be REALLY bad for her if it happens like 2.0 did.
2.0 was made to help ease out Triple tank - and the moment it did Symmetra collapsed. But when Brig got added her pickrate and winrate sky-rocketed because she was back with her old slow metas.

If this were to happen it would happen like that. Sym would fall out forever - then comeback - then reworked - then suck - then get buffed - repeat.

However I do like these changes.
(Although I want her old Primary fire and barrier back…NEVER FORGET)


Well actually sym 2.0 was incredibly strong during dive, dps and a healer with upwards of 250 hp was really strong along with sym being able to consistently melt Lucio and zen.

It was pretty good

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I don’t think these are all necessary but it is some good thinking. Nothing too devastating here, decent tweaks.

Could we just have Teleporter cast ignore railings? That’d be a sweet one IMO.

I see your point but I think having extra strength against barriers specifically (which will always be a thing even if it’s not triple tank / GOATS) still gives her a nice niche.

I feel like this is almost a bug fix that we should just have regardless and it’s kind of silly how the TP behaves around them the way I act around a cute boy.

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Yeah. Those were the good old days. I always loved melting Zens.

But when the dreaded Mercy meta began it became extremely hard with the relevance of that dreaded ape.

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Yeah, it sucked without a pocket

Excellent suggestions. Let’s give our queen a real niche! Love the barrier HP shield drain. I don’t think Blizz ever does anything outside of numbers tweaks outside of reworks though. Granted the Reaper reload and Mei piercing changes happened so who knows.

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how does the enemy allow you to flank their backline? sym 2.0 is unique in that her autoaim made her worse and worse the better your opponent was, and the only way to actually kill anybody in dive was to start the engagement with a precharged orb to deal severe damage since otherwise every hero in dive would beat you in a 1vs1

i don’t even know how symmetra can even be considered strong against dive when she loses every 1vs1 except for maybe lucio, had a severe range disadvantage against every hero, the two dive tanks had no issues killing her and her turrets, and the dpses have easiest time destroying her ultimate out of all heroes in the game

she was always far better against deathball compositions and blizzard should do some adjustments to make her very strong against tank compositions and give her a solid and much-needed niche


Honestly Symmetra should’ve been the shield support with utility she was designed to be and to compensate the lack of healing make that the shields she gave functioned like how Brigitte does when she gives armor

I don’t know what rank you played at but even in Masters/Gm games teams would let the Symmetra (Including my own team at times) walk behind and melt the supports.

It really didnt matter what rank you were at. Symmetra ALWAYS found a way behind your backline - she ALWAYS found a way to kill 1 or 2 people then die - and she ALWAYS found a way to easily bring absolute terror into the eyes of Anas and Zenyattas when they heard that lava beam of death.

Maybe you weren’t playing Symmetra the right way? I played sym with a 69% winrate during dive

you can get away with dumb things on a hero in pubs but that doesn’t mean it’s actually good

symmetra, a hero with zero mobility, is only allowed to flank backlines due to how insanely chaotic pub games are
stevo was top 100 in dive and he thought symmetra wasn’t good during dive and that tracer was one of sym’s hardest counters

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All teammates should receive a 25 hit point shield (that doesn’t regenerate) whenever they pass through her teleporter. That gives her the support utility she had at launch. It improves her survivability when juggling herself through teleporters and it actively encourages teammates to use them.


honestly its happening all over again, each new hero doesnt favor symmetra in any way.
ash is cool and all but she literally annihilates symmetra, all of her abilities do it.

Yep, more of the same. Our girl needs some help! I really hope they add some sort of shield HP mechanic for herself (in my OP) or for her team (toned down shield gen, photon shield 1.0) etc. because it’s the only part of her core identity that was completely removed. She needs something.