Knockback changes have turned tanking into a nightmare

It last 4 seconds. You can force her to use it by shooting at her, or just getting near her. Then you wait, then you can boop.

It’s the easiest ability to play around in the game because it’s so obvious when she’s using it.

I think Orisa, of all the tanks, should probably have a permanent knockback reduction. That’s because she doesn’t charge you, so knockback will only ever be used against her offensively. Whereas DPS and supports really need knockback to make space against Rein, Winston, and Dva especially.

Hammond is going to be meta this season. the shield buff along with knockback will be good for him.

Get ready to be juggled like a bowling pin.

I experienced something today which I did not enjoy, and did not seem to honor basic laws of physics. I was playing Dva and was charging Doomfist with my jetpack. Doomfist concurrently charged his punch and hit me, after I had initiated my thrusters. When we met, I was entirely knocked back off the ledge into the water in Paris (defending the first point).

The mechanics of this interaction indicate that Dva has zero mass, her thrusters have zero power, and when encountering Doomfist’s punch, I might as well not exist.

I would have anticipated some sort of offsetting effect that recognized Dva’s Mech’s weight over Doomfist as human, and perhaps some effect between Dva’s thrusters and Doomfist’s punch. Though, I am unclear what powers Doomfist’s projection forward and I am not certain how much power that punch has based on it’s propulsion mechanism. If he’s jumping, I’d anticipate a rocket fueled mech to have substantially greater force.

It’s why we need CC build up resistance. Stop stunlocks and CC chains, not singular CC effects.

Most CCs have lower CD than Fortify. You can outplay it by accident, it’s not enough.


Hmm. Maybe. That would not stop me from throwing a tank out of my face. But it would make heroes interact in odd ways and I’m not sure it would be a good thing.

Not saying it would be easy, and surely it would need exceptions like Hook, but it’s better than to nerf CC heroes into crap tier like it happened with Doomfist.

It also makes designing future CC effects easier, since you don’t have to worry about adding to the already existing CC creep.

I think it’s important that knockbacks work reliably now that Baptiste is in the game.

Knockbacks are very important counterplay to his immortality field and if characters that are able to protect the device are also resistant to knockbacks then it severely reduces the available counterplay when dealing with it.

I wouldn’t mind seeing some kind of diminishing returns mechanic on consecutive knockbacks for all heroes.

Doesn’t matter what role your playing, it’s equally frustrating not being in control of your own movement for some seconds because a rolling hamster knocks you into a lucio, who boops you into a doom uppercut, letting you land just in time for hamster to fly into you again.


The very fact it’s been a bug since beta, took 2 years to be addressed, and 3 to be patched out giving the community ample time to adjust to a bad string of code in a positive light.

I do agree though to an extent, while I do enjoy the change as a player who uses abilities to knock around heroes, I can understand that tanks should have some modicum of resistance to it.

The changes make zero sense from a practical perspective. How much dev resource was spend on this? It was a non-issue for years, no one cared, I never heard a single comment - not here, not on reddit and not in game - about how “problematic” knockbacks were that heroes could move against them. Suddenly now it warrants a global change? Why?

It was informed in November CC was being looked into with intention to reduce its effects. Now they have increased it again, so what gives?

The only answer I can figure is that they are working on something related to CC and intent to change it even further, but they needed to iron out the wrinkles on the system before building on top of it. Hopefully something that actually helps with CC excess.

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pro tip: they weren’t

Eh, to Jessika’s point though, this was never really a problem though. Plus, just because something was unintended doesn’t make it bad or something that should be removed. I don’t think the case of it being a bug is a very strong case, but that’s just me I suppose.

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To make knockback NOT a buggy mess

If that really was a problem, it most likely would have not taken them years to fix it.

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I wish the entire Tank roster had varying amounts of passive knock back resistance.

75% resistance

  • Reinhardt
  • Orisa

50% resistance

  • Roadhog
  • Zarya

25% resistance

  • Hammond
  • Winston
  • D.Va

Other then barriers and big health pools this could be another trait for the Tank class. It would certainly make playing them more bearable with so many sources for knock back in the game.

  • Junkrat mines
  • Pharah conc rocket
  • Doomfist
  • Lucio boop
  • Brigitte whip shot
  • Ashe coach gun
  • Wrecking ball
  • Roadhog ultimate
  • Winston ultimate

Playing as a tank shouldn’t feel like a being a beach ball in a concert crowd. I’ve had times when playing Tank where I didn’t touch the ground for several seconds because the enemy team was chaining knock back abilities on me. Which just feels absurd when you’re playing someone like Reinhardt who probably weighs half a ton with his armor on.


To be able to cancel mercy rez in valkyrie because apparently it is very hard to aim at a 75% slowed down rezzing mercy so they need to add blanket change just to have more option in cancelling rez

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Pretty sure “firing” is not a defensive skill.

Before they reintroduce tank biased inconsistency they should give Orisa fortify on a recourse meter.

What’s the thinking behind this change? Oh I dunno sometimes my concussive blast sent heroes flying into a pit 30 meters away from their spot and sometimes you couldn’t even boop a Roadhog into the Ilios well even if they were standing right next to it. Rolling a D20 for crits every time you use your ability is pure toxicity in a game like this so having the boops be consistent is a very healthy change for the game.

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