Give the passive to all tanks- not just rein

It’s always boggled me how tiny man with tiny dubstep gun can send fat pigman flying so far.

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The frog man is a menace and needs to be stopped.

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Brig is way lighter than Rein is I’m sure, so yeah

And Orisa doesn’t need a passive because she already has an active that’s even better

Por que no Los dos? :woman_shrugging:t5:

If we’re being frank here, that’s a horrible way to go about balance.

“They don’t need this, but I don’t think it’ll hurt too much, so lets just do it for the luls.”

You sure about that?

Orisa has loads better shield uptime than Rein, and it’s been that way for a long time. The last buff to her uptime was back in May of 2017, just 2 months after her release. Her entire niche has always revolved around the idea that she has more shields than any other tank, but lacks the ability to constantly push because of it.

Rein is the pushing tank. But to do that, he needs to actually be able to push into the enemy, not constantly be booped away any time he tries to get close.

Tanks: Heroes who have the job of creating space and maintaining it for their allies.
Knockback: Different than stuns; knockback tends to displace or move enemies out of position.

:face_with_monocle: I wonder who, out of all the heroes, should truly be booped.

Rein didn’t need knockback resist but I think we will be okay with letting him have it. Every other tank, though? That sounds like a mistake and at that point you might as well rework Pharah/Lucio’s knockback since the best things they can do with their skills to help curve a fight is move the tank somewhere else.

Interesting idea.

I would like Armor and Shields to matter more in game, especially after the Armor and Brigitte nerfs. Brigitte bringing a form of “stability” to her allies could seem attractive and give more value to her ult in the face of an oppressive Wrecking Ball/etc.

Maybe melting armor off of a tank first before CC-ing could be a nice change of pace, meaning tanks start off feeling “thicc and tough” but can be pushed around after they lose their armor.

I wouldn’t want matches to feel like a slough of DPS racing all the barriers in the game and then the armor in the midst of all of the healing, however. Outside of insta-kills from snipers, knockbacks was how you’d pick out targets from this formula and deal with them.

Side idea: Make Bastion all armor.

No, I think it’s for overall design… As said in my post. Let the tanks start equally on some fashion.

…yes. thus why rein had been the go to tank for most of overwatch for most players.

I’ve literally never seen such a take. Fascinating. But I don’t think her being the “stand your ground tank” is equally applied.

Rein’s the go-to when there’s an objective, you need presence on the objective, not away from it in the corner. And Rein is much better at shoving his way onto the point than Orisa is.

And I’ve never seen someone actually try to claim that Rein has the “perma shield” when compared to Orisa’s when he needs to stay behind a corner and recharge it point by point and only when its not in use while Orisa’s gets to instantly refresh 900 shields every 8 (9) seconds, regardless of if it’s in use or not.

Not sure what you mean by that, but there’s a reason Orisa has always been the go-to for bunker comps, whereas Rein has been the pick for Deathball. Only reason Rein has typically been picked more across the board is because scrappy, uncoordinate Deathball playstyles are more popular, especially when you lack a proper team.

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That orisa rose when everything was stripped. Orisa doesn’t feel bouncy because she isn’t. Her boop resistance while firing and fortify, when everything else was stripped down made her the solid tank…

But rein is and always has defined his meta around others. So by striping down others outside of their boops, you leave him vulnerable.

This just didn’t apply as equally to orisa by her own unique design.

Which one rein is now encroaching on imo. But I don’t think that’s bad inherently in thecaveat that all tanks start on equal footing.

Why did I laugh for ten years?

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i remember a cool idea i read was adding a “weight” class to heroes.
The idea is that the heavier the hero, the weaker the knockback.
Like rein and hog could be super heavyweight.
Maybe zarya is “normal” heavyweight.
Someone like tracer or lucio would be “light” and say mc cree or soldier could be “normal”.

Basically, like smash bros.

All tanks? Absolutely not.

Your Opinion has been noted.

It doesn’t even make sense to give it to all tanks. Rein is the only one that needs it because he’s the only melee based tank. It made him too easy to shut down. Every other tank hero should receive full knockback.

Like imagine buffing Orisa. The character is already near-mandatory at the higher ranks with an insane win rate. It’s just illogical to even suggest a buff to her.

His Metas before don’t imply this

If all tanks get it, this wouldn’t be relevant.
Additionally, orisa has been meta for five minutes after a series of nerfs to others. Her rise, isn’t on her alone so much as being the last one standing.

Alright then what major buffs is Lucio getting in return? Because that’s a major part of his kit.

i dont think he would need buffs for having environmental cheese on just the tanks nerfed a bit.

that said they should revert the speed boost nerf regardless of this boop discussion.


I could see it for D.Va since she is in a large armored suit, which is probably heavier then Rein’s armor.

Could see it for Hog too since he apparently weighs half a ton if not more.

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I think the same, Rein really needed it because playing him Vs a Lucio and Ball is just a pinball game of how long can i stay in the air.
Monkey could also use this so jumping Ash and Lucio is less of a No U to your face as monkey when they push you back for 2 years away.
I also think giving a passive to Hog to help him feed less would help him be better or something of the sort.
But ya main tanks need the cc help, right now playing anything besides Orisa is reallllllly hard to have fun let alone do your job.
I have been playing tanks for over 2 years now and the cc has just gotten really bad and that is not just stuns, anything that moves ya from where you want to go is a cc.

It’s something I’ve thought the tanks have needed for a while. They keep introducing more forms of knock back making it really annoying to play Tank.

Might change the percentages to something like.

80% resistance

  • Reinhardt
  • Orisa

60% resistance

  • Roadhog
  • Zarya

40% resistance

  • Hammond
  • Winston
  • D.Va

My reasoning is I don’t notice any difference on PTR with Reinhardt’s new passive he still gets bounced around super easy. So I had to up my theorized percentages to match my experience on PTR. Unless the passive is just bugged and not working or it’s not giving the correct resistance.

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