🛡 2019, September 28, Peaceful Tanking Strike. #LetsFixTanks

These reasons aren’t the reason why players don’t play tanks right now. The reason is Sigma’s release with an overtuned kit during peak Orisa meta that degenerated the gameplay completely for everyone else except the DPS. I like playing Orisa and I’m a player that prioritizes winning over other things and I hate the meta which put together with the horrid matchmaking is why I ended up uninstalling the game. Tanking isn’t fun when you’re not doing anything but fight the enemy tanks and their barriers and vice versa

Nah, my reason is 2 2 2 and doomfist, would love to play sigma before they nerf him to ground but cant because i dont wona suffer more brain dmg from plaing agains df.

I love when people attempt to dissuade criticism on a point by opening with this kind of statememt
 doesn’t inspire confidence.

You talk about Reaper, meanwhile Mei does the same thing and more. As a tank really only Zarya and Orisa have a way to counter her ridiculous build-in, no cooldown, no resource CC. If you’re Hog, your ult gets canceled, not just paused, cnceled like you got hit with a stun. And then there’s all the other area denial, spliting teams in half, sniping and self healing she has.

As much as I love playing tanks myself & wanting some of them to be somewhat viable

Mods should just harshly delete all the threads with # on it even you might have some good things said about it but this aint it.

Cause its just gonna ruin the players who mains these heroes reputation regardless just like what happened with the reworkmercy, deletebrig, etc threads

You dont wanna that to happen do ya?
Plus is just pretty cringe to use the # you know.

My #1 irritation when playing Tank is getting booped around from knockback.

The Tanks could use a role based passive knockback resistance. They already gave it to Reinhardt but it’s so little it’s not even really noticeable. 30% knockback resistance was a welcome addition but they didn’t make it nearly strong enough.

I’ve been suggesting knockback resistance for tanks for over a year.

I changed my stance on mobile Tanks getting the passive but suggested reduced resistance compare to other Tanks. In the past before Reinhardt got his passive resistance I suggested.

But since Reinhardt’s passive isn’t really noticeable, at least to me. I adjusted the numbers to be higher.

For me I can live with all the other CC if Tanks just didn’t feel like being a beach ball in a crowd.

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You’re talking about one of the most short-sighted video game companies, man.

The funny thing about this is that now that 2-2-2 is a thing if people get behind this movement it legitimately WILL cause a huge problem.

If this takes off queue times will spike to an unreal level.

This is great, I applaud this!

Personal suggestions for role queue and character rosters:

  1. Reclassify roster based on range and utility, or other common factors instead of health/healing exclusively, merge tanks and supports with dps to balance roles across the roster with a more even distribution.
  2. Let players swap to open roles in the event of a leaver, unless being populated immediately. Slight increase on wait time for a new player but at least the momentum isn’t entirely halted when losing mains.
  3. Provide more approved templates then 2-2-2, 3-2-1 isn’t easy to “break” like in the event of goats, and allows for the flexibility Blizzard themselves wanted to preserve originally and what I’d imagine led to the roster being so heavily skewed to dps.

Between these 3 things, I think every character would benefit from the potential synergy increase and most of role queues problems could be addressed.

I really am curious what’s happening with Blizzard internally that has led to such conflicting design implementations.

I’m all for knockback resistance, it’s so bad right now that I was originally thinking they should just revert the boop buff entirely, but tank resistance might be the way to go. The physics feel wacky and cartoonish. And they’re not all buffed. It feels like they shadow-nerfed D.Va boops as though she needed to die more.

What I don’t understand is why boops need to overrule all movement abilities entirely. Like if I use my boosters and Orisa halts me back to the ground, there is no reason the halt should bring me all the way back to the ground. The fact that I was using boosters should matter and counteract at least a little, and I should end up halfway instead of pulled all the way to the ground. Such a cheesy way to nullify D.Va bombs.

They’re fusion powered jets ffs.


Okay you convinced me, I still won’t tank on the 28th.

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I’m starting to wonder how deluded a lot of tank only players are. You should try playing DPS sometime, and see how well you do. Meta tanks are still ez mode, and barriers are still negate almost every DPS. Winston and Dva could be balanced against Orisa but Rein doesn’t need another 10 year long meta where that’s all everyone picks no thank you.

Meanwhile I see some of these same players hope for some characters to be throw picks for eternity. Sept 28th, the day of hypocrisy I guess.

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You’re ignoring what people are saying. We don’t care about meta tanks. We wanna play the tanks we wanna play, and they’re all garbage. That’s the whole point and why so many of us are giving up on tanking, they destroyed them all for GOATS and then did nothing to fix it. And now if you wanna tank you have to play meta tanks.

No thanks. I’m playing an FPS, not a card game. I’ll play what I want, or play another role. DPS queue here I come.


No one will notice. There are so few tanks that it always feels like they’re on strike lol

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Why don’t we storm the Blizzard HQ instead?

Me last night: oh. There’s a reaper on their team. Guess I’ll just die.


Now I think Reaper is a bit overtuned (only made worse by the armor nerf) but he’s not really comparable to Mei. Reaper has massive burst and has mobility. I can kill Mei and suppress her due to her low damage and lack of mobility. In a lot of cases Mei can’t do what she does best if you play smart.

Not a whole lot I can do against a Reaper that my team cant handle.

Orisa/Hog/Zarya are kinda your best bet. D.Va would be too but she’s in a bad state so trying to use her to counter Reaper isn’t worth it.

I don’t agree with everything that you said, this in particular. I never play Pharah but I think between hitscan, dva and sigma shields there’s a good bit of pressure on her. Having had my own mains trashed in the past I very much am wary of doing that to others.

That being said I agreed with enough of what you said and moreover your sentiment so have a like from me.

Reaper is at the moment a huge part of why it sucks to play a tank and the feeling of helplessness he brings just feels awful. There isn’t a single tank that really feels like an answer to him.

I also agree that the armor nerfs need to be examined. They were made to reign in Brigitte but her armor isn’t permanent anymore, and those changes were also made without any awareness that rally was actually bugged. The moment blizzard found out about that they should have immediately revisited the question of the necessity for the armor nerf, but they didn’t. And everybody makes mistakes, so they didn’t know about the bug, I can forgive that. But not recognizing that it might have influenced their tweaks inordinately and going back to them is on them.

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I made a thread the other day. Complaining about Sigma vs the other tanks. I only got one like and no replies. So i’m copy it here to add it to this cov.

Experimental Barrier:
Who thought it was a good idea. To give him Rein’s shield(-500hp)? With out any of the negative aspects of having Rein’s shield. On top of that to let him place it anywhere he wants to. Without any negative aspects of using it. This ability alone makes Rein look like an outdated, out-classed, slow old man in comparison.

Kinetic Grasp:
This is the same thing as Genji’s deflect. Before the hitbox became more reasonable. It’s also a lot bigger. At least as far as I can tell it doesn’t eat things from behind him.

  • Road hog. Block hook. Got hooked who cares. Whole Hog? Walk right up to his face and block everything for full free shields.
  • Dva? Thanks for the shields.
  • Etc

TLDR: The bigger the target and the closer they are. The easier they are to stun.

  • Dva, Rein, Roadhog, Winston, Wrecking ball all of theses tanks fall victim to being stun by their size and proximity. How many ults does this apply to?

Gravitic Flux:
The worst implemented ult in the game . A set and forget ult that’s guaranteed to do damage or get you off the point etc. He uses it and if you are in the aoe. You are going for a ride and it cannot be stopped. It also punishes the other tanks even more because of their size and the size of the ult itself.

  • Roadhog: He can’t get out of it. He cannot do enough damage to kill Sigma, nothing that roadhog can do helps him or his team. All he can do it heal through the ult.
  • Rein: Charge is disabled. Charge before it goes off? Nope still get pulled up. Guaranteed to screw over Rein everytime.
  • Wrecking ball, Dva, Zarya why does a single ult out class all of theses tank’s ults?

Okay I understand the majority of the thread and it makes sense, and I agree tanking sucks.

 I don’t understand is why you think this “strike” is going to do anything
 Some people decide to not play tank for 24 hours
 okay?? If you want to get your points across in a post I get it, but like the whole strike thing is wasting nobody’s time but your own and won’t accomplish anything other than boring you to death. It’s not like they’re gonna notice a few people decided not to play tank, especially since the forums are a very niche part of the playerbase.

To each their own
 I guess?