Reinhardt is literally made out of helium


Only if you don’t understand how to out-position them or kill the supports propping them up.

another CC counter is needed anyway so just ask for the next support to have an ability to cleanse CC or something

Did you know that his shield can actually block most of the CC?

CC is like Rein’s only counter besides “shoot the thing” which is the counter to literally everything. He was also mandatory for winning for over a year, even with all the CC in the game. it’s actually nice to see Orisa get some gameplay and Rein didn’t even get nerfed for it to happen, even though he should have been when looking at his pick and win rates.

Her slow speed and lack of verticality keep Orisa pretty well balanced.

Just gonna quote myself from another thread.


Every main tank needs CC reduction passive, period. Orisa just got lucky, but she’s affected by CC creep as well.


a Wreckingball main. (p.s. you should get back to comp, you’ve decayed.)

The reason why people say sombra hack needs no nerfs is that you can still shoot her. Rein can only swing, Reinhardt being hacked gets rid off all of his defense.

What can you do to stop getting punched, hacked, booped, slept, frozen, etc. you get punched(either the punch connects or you have to counter charge. while stunned, you get hacked, then slept, then booped. That’s not poor gameplay, it’s called CC. what do you do.

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No that’s definitely Hammond

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But that’s what they want!

We need a weight class.

250hp < = Normal
250 - <400 = Less affected by boops
400+ = Greatly unaffected by boops ( bug)


And don’t forget getting blamed on top of everything by the other 4 DPS in your team that haven’t killed a thing the whole match besides an AFK Roadhog and are flexing on them Bronze damage medals for every single failure of your team…

Remember last time people called for buffs for Rein? Literally nothing changed for him and he went from arguably the worst to the best main tank.

Then people cried for nerfs because he was the best.
Again, he wasn’t touched, and now he’s falling back down.

And now we’re back to asking for buffs.

I can’t be the only one to see this right? The dude’s fine. I agree that CC is annoying, but that’s the job of the tank, to take the brunt of the blow so the squishies behind don’t pop. Just how it goes.

You’re doing your darn job then, stop complaining, whats with these threads? from troll alt accounts presumably. No one smart enough would like the op either, so its obviously a discord raid fishing for buffs.

Rein was/is meta in a comp that stacked CC out the wazoo.

  • Shatter.
  • Rein’s Primary.
  • Charge.
  • Grav.
  • Zarya’s right clicks.
  • Bash.
  • Flail.
  • Lucio’s Boop.
  • Dva’s booster.
  • Dva’s bomb.

Or if you wanna go Ana goats, add Sleep to that as well.

CC is one of the many strengths of GOATS.

Not as much as Orisa’s Golden, but he does need it.

Maybe 10 or 20% all the time.

Length of time should have no bearing on the way the game is balanced.

If something is broken, it should be fixed, not ignored because it worked well in the past.

That said, I do agree that Rein doesn’t need any buffs. Just please, don’t go with the argument if “he’s already had his time in the spotlight and I didn’t like it”.

Yet this isn’t my 9 to 5. No one will do it if it’s not fun. This is a game. The point of it is to have fun.

The massive CC increase has made this game a bouncy castle simular for any hero, that’s a problem for everyone. Main tanks just happen to take the brunt of it.