Knockback changes have turned tanking into a nightmare

It is absolutely insane. Just give ALL Tanks baseline knockback reduction.

What was the thinking behind this change?


Very happy that D.VA can finally be booped


yeah let’s go ahead and buff the heroes that are currently dominating the meta :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


They wanted a new Pinball meta. :stuck_out_tongue:


They should just decrease knockback when using a defensive skill like Holding up the Shield


I might just be spouting speculation, but maybe they are experimenting with the weight mechanic? They said it might be something they might try in the future, and it’d seem like it’d do nicely with this knockback change. Maybe based off of class? [More weight = less knockback]

Tank - Heavy
DPS - Normal
Support - Light


This game has been CC creeped for a long time and the knockback changes only make it worse.

Now that armor is much less effective, it would be nice if heroes with armor had CC build up resistance. Wouldn’t affect single CCs, only stunlocks and multiple chain CCs.

Couple of months back they said they were looking to reduce CC, but I guess that was a lie, unless they’re working on something and needed the knockback changes to iron out the wrinkles.


Exactly what should tanking be like, in your opinion?

They shouldn’t be knocked back?
They should be immune to CC?

How about damage? Should they at least take damage?


they do have that, unless they changed it and you can boop through shields now

Yeah, I’m tearing things up with Wrecking Ball. It’s ugly how I can scatter an enemy team, get shield, and keep going.

As a tank main I will often heavily consider a barrier tank when facing an enemy Rein (I don’t like giving out free shatters) but Hammond is well worth the risk vs a Rein (and even Orisa now too).

Going to be a good season. Tanking my SR learing Hammond last couple of seasons will not have been in vain (and also maybe they hope Hammond will be a key figure in dismantling the GOATS comp?)

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I since no change from beofre.

Bug fixing.

Dva and Orisa had knockback reduction since forever and it was confirmed as a bug over a year ago.

And to be fair, it’s not just limited to tanks. Squishies and support heroes can be affected by knockbacks as well.

The “bugged” reduction that D.Va and Orisa had was fine.


Hammond is a nightmare for Rein. Maybe they should implement no booping through barriers or something.

Hammond is a nightmare for Rein, but every other boop and displacement is a nightmare for him as well. Momentum is just destroyed instantly by anything half the cast can punt in your general direction.

In a way not a lot changed for Rein since he’s alwyss suffered from this.

Overwatch dont have any specifict balance.

They shoud just buff some of the tanks.

They should just reduce knockbacks across the board.

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I doubt they will buff them because of GOATS.

(Orisa buffs would be nice though.)

Weight classing was something the developers said they were interested in, they might add, but were unsure of.

This might be a decent mechanic to counteract all the knockback if it becomes too much, especially on heroes like Orisa and Reinhardt who can get knocked around like pinatas. Though it should be done carefully.