Even with the Sym community begging for infinite TP to be reverted, it’s still here. over a year later.
To quote AndyGMB (Team Ireland):
”The TP change and the reasoning given to it directly contradict eachother. It was a mistake that I think if had happened to a more popular character, would have been reverted by now.
Symmetra went from an incredibly dynamic character with great (but limited) mobility/escape to a gimped version of her former glory.”
And this quote from DanielFenner (Symmetra streamer):
” Honestly the TP before they made it infinite with a larger downtime was incredible. You could throw it up all the time for little flank plays for yourself and she felt super [dynamic] and interesting to play.
Infinite tp with large downtime gives her less opportunities to make plays, limits mobility and honestly has just made her way less exciting. As Andy said in the top comment, people just don’t care about Symm enough because most of the community still thinks that the infinite tp was a buff when it absolutely wasn’t. Even when Symm was considered strong for a week she instantly got nerfed because people just hate the character. The worst part about that was that it was just perception as people hadn’t figured out doomfist was the way yet.”
Infinite TP was intended as a buff but it has worked out to be a nerf. TP only had a 4 second downtime when it was temporary, but now is a full 10 seconds.
The cooldown beginning upon destruction has been an incredibly huge nerf that has hindered the flank Symmetra play style more than it has helped her.
I hope Zephrin comes by and drops their 2 cents on this.
TP duration is fine. Just press the self destruct button. The only thing I would change is making it self destruct once you die. That way your cooldown resets
I think the problem likes within the post; she is just not popular. If Sym was Genji, Rein, or Ana she would have the TP reverted within a week. But because not a lot of people play her the devs don’t really feel the need to tweak her
Pros and GMs don’t even hate her it’s just that the devs don’t really care about her
The problem with this is having to destroy your only form of mobility, leaving Symmetra a sitting duck for 10 seconds (12s if you include the TP cast time).
Old TP had its cooldown start upon deployment which meant you had 8 seconds (iirc) to use the TP, and only have 4 seconds without your mobility tool.
They can just make it so that the cooldown starts upon deployment and also keep the infinite duration. I like the infinite. I don’t have to count to 12 every time I use the ability anymore
but most of what I want to say is in that reddit thread. if not that one, then in this forum post
Here’s a visual explaining how it isn’t:
It shouldn’t be hard to see how infinite tp leads to less hero uptime overall let alone how much more inflexible infinite tp is when it comes to adapting to the situation since a tp cast is used to flank, escape, get in/out of the front line, team utility etc. A LOT of sym’s uptime is tied to a tp cast. if we can’t cast it much, then we rely much more on team pocket w+m1 and inconsistent distanced orb spam to contribute —> much less uptime. more niche and more team dependent.
I’d be fine if the cooldown occured while the TP was up, or if manually destroying it lowered the cooldown to like 4 or 5 seconds. Same with Torb’s turret.
if we want to go really intricate with the details on the consequences, technically straight up halving the cd if sym destroys it herself will make team tps broken because teams quickly team tp, break, then team tp again within like 4~5s of the 1st one.
BUT straight up copy-pasting torb turret cd mechanics onto tp won’t work either because many uses for tp involve it being easily damaged e.g. many uses where sym is using tp to engage, kite, or escape the enemy (esp if used dynamically as it should be) will likely have an entrance in los of an enemy, if not in very close proximity to be in los. i.e. the “don’t reduce cd if damaged within x seconds” will make the cd reduction basically worthless in most situations because there often won’t be a reduction unless you play as passively as now (which keeps the status quo/her current issues).
the best idea I’ve seen so far for a cd rework that keeps infinite tp is Arcadium’s idea of “tp cd starts on placement, but pauses when half of cd left until destruction”.
it avoids that quick succession team tp issue and also achieves a better dynamic tp. not as frequent as old 3.0 finite tp, but it’s so far the best compromise I’ve seen.
I love how Mcree gets a nerf all the cree mains cry and he gets buffed again straight away, yet some characters have been in the dirt for nearly a year with no hope of them being touched.
Infinite TP is still a buff. The nerf is the increased cooldown time.
That said, I don’t mind just about any changes to Symm right now if they would make her more viable, without making her broken. I do miss the piercing orbs and seeing TP used as more than just a shortcut out of spawn.