Let me explain: is she situational? Yes, I can’t always use it, that’s clear. But I think there is some exaggeration from many in asking for more damage in her kit. maybe it’s because I feel sooo good about manually managing her primary fire, but I don’t mind having to have some tracking on the enemies to get a good result in game. I simply like that a lot of manual precision in contrast to the automatism of the turrets.
I quite agree that what makes Symmetra trashy are two factors: the absence of an heir support shield and the TP.
The first point I think is rather a matter of both moral and practical: we are extremely short of support and Symmetra has never had real support experiments, but a direct rework to dps without any optimal replacement for those who loved the idea of the support shield . I like to take Brigitte as an example: she was literally Torbjorn’s legacy in supporting armor, one of the reasons why you never see nostalgia topics about Torbjorn’s armor (well, now Brigitte is just a shadow conventional stand with a pizza box as a shield is another story). Conversely, Symmetra didn’t have any new heroes with a fresh and revamped concept that would provide a supporting entertainer to users who liked these mechanics.
On the second point I agree with what is written here:
I add that Symmetra’s “shame” today is that she is still a hero who needs to understand how her TP should work instead of playing Taximetra in the OWL. I am quite proud of the many tests done on the ever-disputed accuracy of the Moira beam, but I am rather annoyed not to see the same analytical treatment for the TP. NOW the experimental mode exists, why not start an intensive TP test as soon as possible?
And nothing, I just wanted to say that in my opinion Symmetra dps is “recoverable” but it is necessary to act seriously on the two real problems that brought its rework 3.0: a new support shield that decently inherits the concept of the shields and an analysis to the weakest kit that makes Symmetra situational even before any damage, the TP.
There’s no question that her damage is high “situationally”. The problem lies in how infrequently and inconsistently she can make that situation happen.
She can’t stand on the frontline melting barriers and charging her gun if she has no sustain, no active mobility, and a giant hitbox.
Symmetra needs a niche that is actually realistic and in line with the rest of her kit.
The suggestions I see are generally about making Symmetra have more consistency, not ramping up raw numbers (outside of improving level one beam). Stuff along the lines of increasing her beam’s range, giving her more HP, speeding up RMB’s travel time or reducing the cooldown on her TP.
The main issue with Sym’s beam number is that the game seems balanced around her having a full power beam all the time, when in practice you’ll be at one third of that value. This make absurdly hard for her to secure a kill or chase someone fleeing.
The ramp-up was a mechanic to balance the autolock. Once the autolock was removed on the 3.0 rework, so should had the ramp-up. Or if you want to keep it as nostalgia factor, then tight up the power levels. Eg, 120-150-180, or if this is too much, 90-120-150.
I agree with a lot of what you said, specially the idea of a support focused around shields (sym going back to support could be viable if blizz then fills in her space as a dps now…)
that said, just because OWL doesn’t step outside of taximetra doesn’t mean that she’s trash, people need to understand that OWL optimizes everything and having other heroes with more juice to squeeze isn’t a reason to buff sym in any way
OWL players livelihood DEPENDS on winning, if it was any of us would you risk it with sym? of course not, unless you had spent a crazy amount of time with her and have ironed out all of her possible outcomes but as things stands today, pros simply PREFER to spend their time training on other heroes
so let me get this straight once and for all, just because you enjoy the character doesn’t mean someone from the OWL would therefore a meaningless buff won’t suddenly throw sym in the league, however, in console sym is very high on ladder and she also was for the longest time top 10 in both console and PC
TL;DR pros won’t put in the effort in playing sym, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t though
I feel like the low DPS comes from the fact that tier 1 is very low DPS, and most of the times you can’t even reach tier 2 unless you’re getting pocketed with 2 shields
This is why maybe old tp was better, you could take odd angles easier and quicker, as well as mixing set ups and teleporting objects more often
I remember you’d see a lot of tp bomb back in the day, but now?
I think I’ve only seen one and that was like 4 months ago?
Really bad
OWL doesn’t step away from taximetra because Blizz literally neutered everything else on her kit preemptively, and with that objective. She quite literally doesnt have the kit power or design to function in a basic DPS role. She brings nothing to the team that isnt a deficient dps hero from a design and mechanical standpoint. And after all the damage nerfs, also numerically.
I find extremely insulting that you people still spew this recycled nonsense about how Sym players, even GM ones, havent learned the ‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘true’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’ Sym gameplay after 2 years of 3.0 existing, which people who clearly dont play Sym insist exists.
The only thing that remains ungutted in Sym is her taxibot capacities. If you arent a taxibot begging for pocketing, you are throwing. And if you arent playing with an organized team, taxibotting isnt happening.
Its rather insane the massive standards at which people hold Sym against, while other heroes get away with the same thing people ask Sym to have, and very often way more. Today, I saw some moron saying that Sym had to ‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘‘earn’’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’’ the tools to exist at her effective range, something that no close range dps ever had to deal with.
Nope… it’s her survivability. Look at Mei and Reaper, both close range heroes. Mei has far less damage but has FAR more high rank play time.
A fully charged Symm weapon vs. Rein. Rein will win every time just swinging his hammer and hitting her. Hog just hooks and shoots and a backup melee just incase she lives though the shot. Winston just shield dances while holding down left click. Zarya bubbles, gets charge and melts Symm. Orisa just aims for the head.
Symm is a close range attack hero with no survivability. All she can hope for is to sneak in and start melting and hope the enemy stays to distracted on others. This works up till maybe gold but over 2.5k she’s as good as dead.
You should look at over all GM over the past 4 years. That’s what I’m referring to. Symm has maybe 2 weeks total over 4 years. Mei has months and months total.
Mei was super op back then so you can’t compare anybody to that mei. She was picked for CC and wall.
I do agree sym survivability is trash, but it is also due to her beam being unreliable shortrange, they need to increase its range and give it one solid dmg number, like quake lightning gun, the whole level 3 be holds her back its rarely used for shield break. Others like hanzo are far better and safer for shield break.
No one is complaining about her damage being too low(because it’s not), ppl want either consistency buffs or buffs to her survivability because that’s where she’s struggling.