Thank you Blizzard for tackling some of these greivences! I can’t tell you how much I, and a lot of the community, appreciate this effort! Thank you again!
I’m sick of the match making system (getting punished for playing in stacks larger than a 3+)
I’m sick of the fact that lore is slow (drip drip of comics and 1 PvE scenario a year)
I’m sick of the slow drip drip of bug fixes, updates, changes, and content.
I’m sick of watching Reinhardt have counters stacked on him for an entire year. While also living with terrible bugs.
I’m sick of the fact there is no Honor System to reward/promote good behavior in the community.
I’m sick so much time and resources have been invested into boring Arcade modes and not into a Tournament/guild modes.
* I’m sick of the fact that there is no LFG feature
- I’m sick of the fact that the PTR isn’t a place to “test” balance but a gimmick to get their loyal fans to become unappreciated bug testers. They refuse to listen to feedback.
* I’m sick of the fact that the PTR isn’t used to test things like a role queue system. I’m not asking for it in the game, just the freakin’ chance to test it.
I’m sick of lopsided matches (both winning and losing) it feels terrible.
I’m sick of the fact that every new hero is loaded up with more abilities (including passives) while older heroes don’t even have a passive.
I’m sick of the bugs and broken hit boxes.
I’m sick of how console players are treated
I"m sick of Blizzard completely abandoned any hope for the South American Servers and South African Servers.
I’m sick of how after two years they can’t add subtitles for the hearing impaired, or efficient color blind option.
But most of all, I’m sick and tired of people not realizing that there are legitimate reasons for a fan ( and HUGE lover/promoter of Overwatch ) to be concerned for this game.
I can no longer be positive in this game
And im not a positive person in general
Its like 1 loss equals 3 wins in comp
LIST) really is the worst man
I’m sick of people that uses mouse and keyboard on console, and I wish Blizzard could do something about it
I could not agree more.
Console specific Balancing is basically unheard of, And Character balancing in General is taking literal Years… 
And it really does seem like our collective feedback falls on deaf ears…
Technically there are 2 pve events every year, but its true that there is only 1 lore based event per year.
And that IS quite disappointing.
Meh, can’t really disagree with these points, except maybe two or three of them. The rest have good reasoning and points

I’m sorry you are frustrated RichC. I didnt see you on today or I would have played with ya.
I’m livid right now because some mod thinks it’s cute to delete my posts just because I shared some concerns. I wasn’t even being inappropriate or impolite. I was coming from a perspective of caring about the game.
I agree with you on alot of these fronts. As much as I love overwatch as a game, its starting to show all the holes and imperfections in its seems and it does start to get frustrating at times
I’ve taken several breaks, some times thats just what you have to do. 
And unfortunately, there’s no way to make a formal complaint about them. So their word is law and they can do whatever they want (based on the response email I got, I was essentially told that the CoC does not have to be violated for them to take action on you)
It’s not me playing the game that has me livid, it’s whatever forum mod thinks it’s fine to delete my posts for voicing my concerns.
You will see when we play together, I’m actually a very happy upbeat gamer, I’m always this way when I game because I’m fully aware I share my gaming experiences with other gamers, and I want them to have as much of an enjoyable time as I do.
I understand where your coming from actually I posted some concerns And wasn’t being impolite I got banned and never got the account unbanned. Anytime I tried saying anything about it people would dismiss it as A salty kid who broke the rules.
The only people who ever get supports even when their in the wrong are pros unfortunately. I eventually gave up they even know this account is a second account and they let me keep posting.
I don’t think its that bad but it could definitely use some work.
I’m just sick and tired of being sick and tired, man.
Wow that’s a Bit Low.
Can we not care deeply about the game that we spend hundreds of hours practicing and playing? Hundreds Of Hours…
It’s why people say the subreddit is better than the forums. One of the main factors is the mods that control it.
There was even a thread that questioned the actions of the mods that had some decent discussions, and it was 404’d. For what reason? No one will ever know, I’m sure it was not breaking the CoC
This is why I feel Blizzard should do a review of their own forum mods. Because I feel some here are “jumpy”, but I won’t continue describing the issues I have with them because I can get suspended again, for stating my opinion of them
I mean, I can live with them saying, “hey we disagree” or “hey, that’s not the direction we want to take the game in” or WHATEVER PR pivot they want to feed me. But just deleting my post. That’s just not cool.
Yeah, I hate that. I’m anti-Moderation anyway, but the fact people need to go to reddit to hold a conversation is lame…
Rich, are you sure we aren’t the same person but from a different timeline? Wth, most of what you listed is exactly what has been making me frustrated on the game.