I'm qutting overwatch

I wanna give a huge thanks to Overwatch for making me happy for the last 2 years. It’s one of the only online FPS I play, but lately, I’ve been getting r e a l l y unhappy with this game. Season 10 was good. Lost 2 and won 8. I got into diamond but dropped out to 2702. Then Season 11 came. I lost 9 matches and won 1. Is it my fault? No. I play support. I do what I gotta do. Heal. That’s it. I got platinum. (2562) The game has a kinda good community and The game isn’t fun anymore. Overwatch was this game that I could go to get my mind off of things. Now it’s this game has gotten nerfed to hell that it’s not fun. I feel like they put too much order in this game which has made so much chaos.

Why is this game making me unhappy?


  1. Mercy:
    I feel like mercy is now a healbot. Let’s go through the history of mercy changes that I liked and disliked. Mercy’s heal go buffed from 60 to 75. She had her self-heal decreased from secs after being attack to 1 sec. Now mercy gets the immunity that her resurrected targets get as well. Let jump ahead to her resurrect ablilty. They made her a new ultimate ablilty Valkyrie. She had AOE healing and AOE damage boost. Her resurrect was turned into an ability with two charges. Then they nerfed it by decreasing her movement speed, not giving her a chance to gain resurrect when she goes into valkyrie, also lowering the duration from 20 to 15. Now, her heal got decreased from 60 to 50. I am fine with the other healers buffs but this nerf kinda push me over the edge. She has been drilled with nerfs.

  2. Competitve

I’m done with this. I can’t put the time into trying to rank up anymore I think it’s not worth it to put 3 hours of my time into Competitive and just go back to the same rank I was before. I got into diamond but I dropped but It seems that I only go back down when I try to go up. I’m not saying this is how it is for everyone. This is how competitive for me at least. I just feel like I’m wasting my time on the main aspect of this game and I should just move on. Sometimes I lose a match where my team gets steamrolled but I play support and there are some drawbacks that don’t allow me (as a support main) to change the aspect of battle. Mercy isn’t getting any fun. I remember when I first played this game I was too scared to touch competitive. Now I just don’t like it. It’s like a life bar of likability and it goes down just draining me slowly. I feel like I’m drowning in the same thing all over again. Placements, same rank, and never get up. It’s been like this (for me) since Season 9. Sure play with friends but an introvert like me, make friends. You’re funny. It’s hard for me to make friends.

  1. The Events Are Just The Same thing With New Items

The events aren’t getting better. There just getting boring in my opinion. It’s the same thing all over again but just new skins (that I am in love with h a v e y o u s e e n z e n y a t t a ’ s k i n ? !) Lucioball has been the same thing again. I mean change it up a little!

  1. I’m getting into newer games.

I’m getting into LOL (League of legends) and I’ve been playing that more than Overwatch lately. There is so much more out there in the gaming community and I’ve been just forgetting that this game existed.

I don’t know if I’m gonna keep staying with this game. Now days when I come on Overwatch and see then competitive sign I just log off. It just seems like this game isn’t going to change.
**EDIT:**I’ll stay updated with the patch notes as well.

Thank you, Overwatch.


take care


I have been much happier with this game since I stopped caring about and playing competitive.
QP with LFG will get you good enjoyable games.
Take a break, if you need to as well.


When you play League of Legends, Overwatch’s failings become much more noticeable. Compared to LoL, OW has a ridiculously tiny hero pool, the skins are flat out terrible, and the devs of LoL are far more interactive with the community than Blizz is to OW’s community. I can’t remember a time when I randomly came across a dev comment on a thread on these OW forums, but it happens all the time on the LoL forums. They actually care about what the LoL community has to say. They’ve done a bunch of things to the game purely because the players asked for it, such as a community run tribunal for players who get reported, and the TRUE role queue that game has. If the LoL community wants more balancing and less skins etc, Riot Games delivers. They make the skins people ask for, and they REALLY deliver. The skins in that game make these Legendary skins in OW look like merely uncommon rarity skins. Look at Pulsefire Ezreal and DJ Sona for example, they’re vastly different and awesome. They’re also very transparent and up front with what they intend to do. They pay attention to what you and I say and they’re not afraid to read the bad with the good. The LoL developers are well-loved by their community for that. No offense to the Blizz devs, but they’re walking memes usually. A stark contrast to the attitude the Riot Games devs get.


Take care, hope you find have fun with other games

You do realize that lol has way less to render for characters, so they take waaaay shorter time to make, LoL is notoriously unbalanced as well. Role queue works because LoL is a MOBA, which OW isn’t.

Good decision, when you are no longer enjoying the game then it’s definitely time to move on. Your happiness and fun is more important.


Everything you just said is wrong. Good grief

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No not really. 3D rendering vs 2D overhead? Good grief.

You have to balance your games. Overwatch is something you play for a bit and stop. If you’re have a good night, keep playing. If you’re feeling constant pain: stop.

Also, this is a general rule for ALL games… it’s infinitely more fun and relaxing when playing with friends. I know you’re an introvert and all, but you can’t expect companies to understand the big difference between solo que and team que. They will only push a product and take your money. If you think they will be understanding and cater to your wants without giving them feedback in advance, you’re gonna have a bad time.

In any case, I hope you find more fun in other games. No shame in walking away from something if no longer brings you joy.

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I really like how Riot is handling their games. I fell in love when they created the Tribunal system awhile ago… and watching the extreme toxicity of the game DROP within a months of it’s release. It was literally like playing a different game. Best part was that it continue to maintain itself and was a pleasure environment to play in until I eventually just stopped (nothing wrong with LoL, it’s just after playing WCIII DOTA for years… I just got bored of MOBA game).

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League is 3D…

Doesn’t sound like you’ve ever played that game, it does actually require a decent computer at the standard graphics settings to run smoothly

I’m not trying to compare the two In my last statement. I just checked it it out and I fell in love. They also have to come with lore for there characters which Overwatch clearly lacks with.