Seems nobody helped with the links, so here I am for you!
Thank you Blizzard for tackling some of these greivences! I can’t tell you how much I, and a lot of the community, appreciate this effort! Thank you again!
I’m sick of the match making system (getting punished for playing in stacks larger than a 3+)
I’m sick of the fact that lore is slow (drip drip of comics and 1 PvE scenario a year)
I’m sick of the slow drip drip of bug fixes, updates, changes, and content.
I’m sick of watching Reinhardt have counters stacked on him f…
Most recent update to this thread:
July 15th, 2018:
Thank you once again to Your Overwatch for shedding light on some of our concerns. You guys have the gratitude of all of us!
[Overwatch: Blizzard Ignoring Console Players!? - $30 Lucio Emote Controversy]
Older Updates to this thread, from most to least recent: June 30th, 2018:
Thank you to Overwatch Central for shedding light on Console Player concerns on June 23rd! I cannot stress to you guys how appreciative I am of this!
im 90% sure blizzard will just ignore this but i feel like i just need to rant
someone just told me in the text chat that he would love to see me video tape me ending my own life and 2 other times today i was told to end my life what a world we live in where people feel the need to tell other to kill them selves because that is how we are going to make this horrible world a better place
what normal person tells someone to go kill them selves online
I don’t care if you don’t wanna hear this, y…
sombra ignored since launch
junkrat overnerfed
bastion ignored
reaper trash tier since launch
ana trash
lucios ult has been trash for a year
sym just now getting changed
torb ignored
I only have the threads that have already been shown in this thread. So if you guys find a link regarding other character issues here, please do not hesitate to quote this post and link me a thread for the other characters!
Hanzo 1
Hanzo 2
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