This Game is A LOT better than these forums make it out

I love you RichC! ,


I agree. Played since the beta, and still love this game!
This game has it’s issues, and I hope the devs will work on it, and I want to give them the credit they deserve, because they made a game, an fps even, a genre I disliked before, which I have spent countless hours on.

I appreciate people writing complaints tho, but I just wish they wrote proper posts and didnt sound like whiny children. Most topics here are really toxic, and I do feel this place is way more toxic than ingame.


I’m sure the tank mains are happy DPS are relegated to worst class. But that 46% win rate sombra sure is OP amirite.

I KNOW RIGHT? I’m so just DONE with the amount of negativity on here. Every other post is about some person who said some offensive thing in voice chat or “nerf x, x, and x character because they counter my main” or “meta bad >:( nerf now jeFFFFfFF”. Its stupid, has gotta stop, and its useless. This game is really, really good and all these negative nancys are taking it for granted.

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Blizzard shill how much did they pay you to say positive things?

Funny how this thread was made by the same guy that has made this other thread… in the same forum.

And also

This would be mainly because the majority of the player base is Plat not necessarily because Plats complain the most.

I am glad someone like you (that people will listen to), made a post like this. “Content seems way too little”. Just because Fortnite adds new pointless things every week doesn’t mean that every game is like that. Compared to games like CS:GO and LoL, OW receives actually more (or comparable) amounts of content. Balance can be improved. But no dev team is perfect after all.

I can’t deny OW is a solid game… despite its… questionable balancing.

But ehm… one of the best games in the pst 30 years? I think not.

Overwatch gets more than games that are a decade old? Wut? In all seriousness, I would rather have LoL’s schedule for characters.

It’s like I’ve been saying for days.

It’s not the game that’s failed. It’s the players.


I don’t play a lot of games - I stick to one and ride it till I know it’s time to leave.

This game is great just for the simple fact it’s kept my attention. I have heroes that i enjoy playing no matter the adversity the player base throws at me.

I see a bright future for OW.

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Oh, entirely. When the report of the reduced toxicity came out… I agree with it completely.

People could have their doubts, but playing it I figured… say 1/5 games someone says something dumb to get reported (usually near the end of a game), and as for just obscenely toxic behavior, It exists, I know I’ve run into it, but I can’t remember the last actual case because it was just that infrequent. Even to the degree of having a teammate berating other teammates in chat (mind you, I mostly just play QP at this point.).

Alternatively, as much of a fresh breath of air and great Apex is… I stopped playing it when within an hour or two I just exhausted to hear: “You guys are trash”, “Stop being a — and come here”, “----ing idiots”, and a few other examples (not one game after another, but say every other time someone was on a mic) where I thought… Reported… oh wait… that’s not a function in this game. It led to me just deciding I wasn’t in the mood for it anymore and logged off.

I guess main point. Toxicity exists in all games, and for Overwatch, hearing how horrible it is, I’m not seeing it anymore nearly as much as I am elsewhere.

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What this game is will very from person to person op cause our viewpoint including yours is opinion.

And as others have stated it is easier to see things your way when you main Rein. But us Sym players, Roadhog, Mercy, Bastion and so on might not have the same experience with hero change along with the other problems.

For me this game was a lot better in 2016 than it is now.
And as a fan of shooters this feels like a free to play game that I had to pay for with it’s lack of modes and content.

Ow makes you happy good for you. I thought I was getting a typical polished quality content rich Blizzard game.

Instead I got an esports focused game that so weirdly balanced and buggy that to me it still feels like it in Beta when compared to other games especially shooters.

Much like there exists the “Forum/Reddit” versions of characters (Forum Lucio, Forum Mercy, Forum Sombra, etc) we also have the Forum version of Overwatch.
Which is every game being filled with:
-Enough Toxicity that we owe “System of a Down” royalties.
-Smurfs and aim-bots on the other team… always
-Quitters and throwers on out teams… always
-And of course the dreaded Forum characters mentioned before (and those not mentioned).

All of that gets thrown together and set to a low boil in this soup pot we call the Forum Overwatch experience. Where nobody ever has fun ever, and everything is overpowered except for what we use.

First of all, it’s true, but you can say the same thing about most other games with a large following. I doubt there is a single forum that is full of people talking about how amazing and flawless the game is…

Gather around any water cooler at work and the discussions are of a similar fashion. Most people here are passionate about the game (even those of us who are not the “all important” Masters and GM players who’s opinions are invalid), and we talk about the shortcomings of the game because that’s how you improve right? By analyzing your shortcomings and taking steps to make it better?

That’s where most of our issues lie. We vocalize (or rather type) our opinions and feel validated when others have the same opinion. When those opinions get large enough and have mega threads dedicated to them then it’s safe to say there is a valid argument to be had for change.

The base problem in my opinion that hinders positive change, is that this game was made for esports. It wasn’t made with it in mind, but they literally took a scrapped Titan mmo project and figured out how they could salvage it as a money maker. My guess is the idea to create an esport moneymaker probably was a large part of the decision to scrap titan, although they will never admit it.

Anyway, I agree with most of your points, but OW is unlike any other game to this point in history and it’s becuase of it’s brilliance that it will get more criticism than most games. I think that’s a fine and healthy thing.

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Same, most of my games are a positive experience. But I do my part to keep things positive, I think a lot of the people who complain might actually be part of the problem. They probably say crap that tilts their teams and don’t even realize it.

I have been playing a butt ton of Hammond and Mercy the past month. Yeah so…


Exactly this. I’m fine with criticism. I even make criticism, but a lot of these complaint threads are just unconstructive salty players coming to the forums with their bias venting.

You obviously don’t follow my posts, I do a fair share of criticizing Blizzard. Always have. But I’m also not some chronically negative person either. I praise them when they deserve it.

Yes that’s a great example of how I’m not a freakin’ shill, right? Jee Wizzz- it’s like I can be both a praiser and create constructive criticism!!!? And I said I would return when they fixed the bugs. They fixed the bugs. I was honest to my word, most people wouldn’t have returned, I did.

I main the entire tank class (you have to so you can comp better and counter better). I will also flex into the entire support class. I’m not a one trick.

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Thank god. Someone finally said it.


the forums in a nutshell

OWL bad
Doom bad
OW is dead game
Jeff bad
Brigitte Bad
Rein Bad
Mercy is god
My opinion right, your opinion wrong.

Pretty much. I guess that’s why I felt the need (mostly for myself) to create this thread. It’s crazy browsing these forums, but on the rare occasion, you do get a very well written constructive post. I always love seeing those.