I'm SICK and TIRED ( šŸ”· LIST )

Not really, I gave Overwatch a 3 or 4 months break, only playing one match or so at every 2 weeks and well, when I came back it was exactly the same thing.


i will never understand the mods tbh


If they continue to Not listen to someone as Dedicated as you, I want my 500 hours of playtime back. -.-

Ever since i found the Forums, you were an inspirational Figure to me, Keeping me Positive with your Upbeat and Extremely Helpful Postsā€¦

To hear that your opinions were deleted, Changes my views of these forums Entirely.

(I tend to have some pretty crazy Anxiety, And Your Posts have kept me playing For Fun, instead of worrying at timesā€¦ Thank you.)


Itā€™s because the Reddit mods have T*


And it was saying this word that got me suspended for ā€œTrollingā€ but it was never that. Iā€™m sure people can figure out what Iā€™m referring toto.


btw: Inboubd ā€œthis thread has been locked bc talking about what the mods isnt allowedā€


I am trying to get he word out there one more time cause I want to try and get some support maybe.

I think these lists of concerns are common sense and legitimate for a lot of gamers who enjoy Overwatch. Iā€™ve bit my tongue because Iā€™ve always given the team the deserved time to try and make things better. But honestly, I feel like Iā€™m being lead around on a leash. Kaplan promised subtitles for the hearing impaired almost two years ago. You telling me you canā€™t get some intern to type up hero dialog and programer to push it out for some subtitles. How difficult is that?!


Iā€™ve actually been privately questioning how much real control Kaplan has over Overwatch anymore. Itā€™s no secret that the President of Activision is personally involved in getting investors and selling the team slots for the OWL. And Robert Kotickā€™s reputation for micro-managing a title once it gets his business attention is well documented over the years.

Iā€™ve been wondering if allocation of Overwatch resources might not be coming from much higher up now.


Yeah console needs seprate balancing ANA is 100% unplayable and useless, winston,torb,sym,mercy,moira and junk are very powerful because they require too little to no aim. Pharah is busted because no one is good enough to be effective as hit scan.

Blizzard doesnt want mnk yet it isnt a reportable offense.

Top 500 is only 100 people because of smurfs


Iā€™m not a game developer, but I would assume itā€™s not hard at all considering that HotS already came with said feature.

But from a Reinhardt main to another Reinhardt main, I hope they give us something to not get countered by almost every single hero that comes out, I mean, whatā€™s the point in wearing an armor and having a shield if both breaks so easily?
Also, why does Brigitte overpower Reinhardtā€™s charge or counters him? Isnā€™t she supposed to be his squire and not the other way around?


I appreciate that man, Iā€™m honestly willing to forgive the mod who did it. Maybe they jumped the gun. I donā€™t know.


I feel you man, it took FOREVER for Ana to get allied aim assist on Console and the fact that she was even nerfed on Console is something that most console players still canā€™t properly grasp to this day.

Another thing that Iā€™m wondering about is when are forum goers who are ā€œtrustedā€ going to get access to sharing links, pictures and all other sorts of privileges?


Iā€™m sick of the matchmaking system focusing on ā€œfastā€ queues for competitive instead of fair.

I know that I play on a smaller region.
I know that I play in a smaller subset of players.
I know that occasionally I donā€™t play at optimal times.

I donā€™t expect 30 second queues for a fair game. Hell, Iā€™d consider even 5 minutes fast sometimes. But Iā€™m sick of getting games where the SR difference is massive that thereā€™s an entire tier between players. Iā€™ve had Grandmasters in the same game as mid/low Diamonds, Platinums in the same game as High Masters and people with the SR to be top 100 being in the same game as low Masters.

The differences between SR like this:


Should be completely unacceptable. I donā€™t care that if I have to wait 20 minutes for a fair game, itā€™s certainly a hell of a lot better than waiting 2-3 minutes for a ridiculously unfair game.


You could list all the positives, all the elements of the game you likeā€¦that would be quite a radical change as I am confident very many of us are sick of these forums being 99.34774356% made up of complaints. The whole ā€œcatch more flies with honeyā€ thing.

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I donā€™t think I will ever be ā€œtrustedā€ because I will (at one time or another) voice my concerns. Iā€™d rather have respect from community posters like yourselves for speaking up when needed, rather than Blizzard stamping me with a ā€œtrustedā€ label so I can post cool .gifs and pictures.

Justice is itā€™s own reward


The ā€˜trustedā€™ thing is complete horse sheet.


Bro, Iā€™ve been very active on the old forums and the new. Nobody has given Blizzard as much praise as I have. And all my praise doesnā€™t deter me from speaking up on my concerns for this game. Read the last sentence of my original post. I LOVE THIS GAME. Which is why I have to say something!


Well, I guess Iā€™m gonna be done with my ramblings. If itā€™s not the one who sees this thread now, it would be the next one who would end it. Iā€™m not gonna continue incriminating myself

Good luck on your endeavours Rich and everyone else


I donā€™t think anyone is ever getting Trust Lvl3, itā€™s just a placebo to get everyone to be active users


Hey, iā€™m just here to back you up! :smirk_cat:

To tell you the truth, i have always felt like a nobodyā€¦ Ya know, Just watching passively from the sidelinesā€¦ (Even here on the forums) So even just having you acknowledge me in your own thread, Made my Night a little better! :smile_cat:

You will Always have my support.

-ChibiFox :fox_face:
I have been Called, After all.
I Must Answer. Always.


Add me, we will play together: RichC#11971