If Widow Isn't OP Lend Me Some Help Then

if you stand in her face you wont stop her from seeing you. at best she has to turn more quickly but your head hitbox will take up a larger part of her FOV too.

She can one shot your head, but it is highly unlikely, especially at close range.

But here’s another thing that you can do.

It’s called using your WASD keys or your console joystick, to MOVE. It makes it so that they have to look around. And if you move a lot, it makes it difficult to hit your head hitbox.

“tons of widows cheating every time”.

How are they cheating? There are so many counters to Widow.

Doing damage from range? Not OP. Being able to one shot from infinite range? OP.

Ah yes the many counters she simply grapples away from to an even harder position to get to or right to her team where she’s safe. A widowmaker is also never just by herself :confused:

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This is true. This is how I play against widow too. I play lucio instead of sombra, but the same applies. I try to move unpredictably, but in the end whether you die or not is a dice roll. Even if it’s only 1 in 10 times at close range… it’s still relying on the enemy playing poorly

Yes, but you can outplay widow if you play well or she plays poorly. Like you can outplay 100% of the roster if you play well or they play poorly.

I main doomfist. Playing non meta characters isn’t exactly a problem for me. But when you’re asking me to play a character that is just straight up bad, to counter 1 widow, and which doesn’t even guarantee the widow kill? It’s just asking me to be a detriment to my team.

With widow you outplay them if you play well and they play poorly.
Against any other hero, you will not get outplayed. If they play really well, they might survive, but if you play really well too, so will you. Against widow, the only relevant thing is whether or not widow missaes or hits.

If you try to get an ashe from behind as sombra: you might get headshot, but you still survive if you play properly and translocate out. This is much different from dying entirely.

all characters are broken.
it’s just a matter if you are able to overcome their broken kit with yours.

since widow uses a charge shot and is mostly good on long ranges, how can you fake her out, bait out a shot? block it? or dodge it?

at the other extreme you could try and outsnipe a widow too.
or you can use geometry to your advantage and use characters that don’t have to see their target to hit them.

  1. Out brawl the tanks while forcing the fight somewhere out of the widow sight lines.
    If their team has a widow, it means they are lacking in brawl power. By the virtue of having more brawl you can dictate where the fight will be taking place. You can aggressively push the enemy tanks with speedboost into a corner where the widow will lose effectiveness.
    You’ll need the old brawl shell, Rein/Zar/Lucio and close ranged DPS like Mei/Reaper.
  2. You can commit to dive if it’s a good map. Depending on the enemy composition you have to decide which DPS comp is the best. Sometimes Tracer/Doomfist works sometimes you need a win condition like NanoBlade or EMP etc.
  3. You get your own sniper
  4. You run double shield and stay behind your shields

Easiest counter to Widow is a barrier.

I love having to sit behind my barrier tank the whole game instead of going out and playing the game normally.

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I don’t see any gm widow that’s not smurfing/cheating having 30%+ scope accuracy so yes, u can win the stat game if u can kill her before she fire a 2nd shot.

Cuz u actually don’t need to pray, she missed your head 60%+ of the time, which means u don’t die when that happens.

Yes, that’s the issue. Statistically, you win, but in practice you will still die those other 30%. And that really really sucks. Dying for making the statistically correct play. This is what I mean with “pray she misses”. It’s a dice roll.

Do you honestly think devs are going to weaken snipers?

Cause I sure don’t, and I’ve got a pretty good sense of what the devs will do.

Oh almighty one! Please go tell the devs to not make this a game of hide and seek the whole time.

This whole game is a dice roll in matter of 1 player cannot controll what other 11 players do. It’s the nature of non-full-team play in a team competitive game. Plus, healers and tanks can’t even feel the statisical play in the first place most of the time, which is why not much people wanna play them.

Side note:

It’d be even lower, since those stats include the widow being comfortable and shooting everything w/o any pressure.

Far as I can tell, the devs only really pick up my ideas if they were headed that direction anyways, and were just looking for the implementation steps to get there.
GreyFalcon Topic Codex
So, you know those low win rate heroes which people say are OP? - #11 by GreyFalcon-11737

That said I don’t think they are going to nerf the heck out of 3-4 hitscan heroes.

Especially with how that would also require nerfing the heck out of Pharah and Echo.

And at the end of it, it wouldn’t really benefit queue times.

Especially since players who play precise aim heroes are more likely to just leave and go play Valorant instead.

1 player cannot control what other 11 players do. But when playing vs widow, 1 player cannot even control their own life reliably.

I mean, that’s basically the same for a lot of other dps if u understand what i mean, or rein charge, or a shatter, or a grav.

U can control it to an extent, because, since u do have a lucio icon, enemy movement hinders aim in this game more than others. A sheer aim character is countered best by direct counters, then immediately movement.

A random rein charge siphoning people into it is rn more likely than a stray widow bullet get into ones dome.