If Widow Isn't OP Lend Me Some Help Then

The Ashe power creep is insane and needs to be dialed back a bit. Felt like she got a buff every month. Mccree needs big changes to his fall off damage so he’s actually a mid ranger instead of 3 tapping from across the map. Widow needs 150hp and range nerf to grapple.

The problem is when snipers can easily contest at close and mid range. Doesn’t help that her mobility can easily get her to safety which would never happen in another shooter.

LOL? That’s not a counter. She’s keeping the other team suppressed where they can’t even come out and fight back.

No not really.

Again not really. Very few people will pick Mercy if there is a Widow on the other team. Also a half way good Widow will one tap that Ashe first.

She can get 2 120 damage body shots in on them faster killing them.

I’ve seen several times in higher ranks a Widow head shot a Winston, he turns and jumps at her then Widow gets the second head shot him while he’s mid air. Also Widow can be well out of their jump/booster range because she has zero damage fall off.

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Ask the devs to buff flankers and not listen to Supports who whine about it.

Increase the risk and skill, make the reward better.

I still think it would be good for the game if they turned natural shield HP into “anti-burst” the same way armor is “anti-chip”.

Ie, make it so that if you still have natural shield HP remaining, any damage you suffer can’t damage your white HP bar until your blue HP bar is depleted. Add a cooldown between “shield burst” so that you can’t just pocket a Zarya and make her immortal, and suddenly a shield-based team become a new counter to snipers.

I specify natural shield HP, so that Doomfist don’t become more untouchable than he already is. Ideally, they would re-code Lúcio ult and Doomfist shields to be “temporary HP” instead of “temporary Shield HP”, so that you can reintroduce a shield-based support that would be the go-to defense against sniper teams by applying temporary shields like Brigitte adds temporary armor.

Also, maybe add a damage threshold to the shield protection, so that people can’t laugh in the face of a Self-Destruct or RIP Tire just because they have shields.

The other option would be to nerf Widow HP down to 150, so that she becomes a proper glass cannon.

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i think you summed up how fps games truly are very neatly.
an elaborate hide and seek.

well done!

Shields and map cover. Break LOS with widow and she can’t really kill you.

I also enjoy how her ult gives her entire team a cheat ability folks pay for in other games. Knowing where the other team is for your entire team is absurdly strong and often overlooked.

“jUsT uSe CoVeR”

The best thing you can do about widow is pray that the player using her isnt good at her.

You’re definitely right that a lot of ultimates are similar. A rein charge, is not. It can be dodged.

usually if widowmaker is oppressive enough where she is hitting headshot after headshot is because no one is contesting her, an uncontested widow who can hit a high shot critical percentage is dangerous so if the team doesnt do something to counter and contest her they deserve the L

this can go for a number of heroes, a doomfist or tracer for example that harasses a team with that team not figuring out a counter usually loses

so basically widow is the same as most of the other dps if she was some god hero that is broken she would have a higher pickrate winrate in the higher ranks

You either use the map (walls/objects to block LOS), mobility to dodge her shots, play a ranged hero that can compete with her, use your tanks barrier if you have one, or use the space your team creates to push.

Widow can’t do much vs. double shield or a coordinated brawl comp. Just put barriers in her way or play as a group, she can’t stop you. Dive is possible too, but you have to be very coordinated for that.

Not only is contesting widow in of itself difficult, but widow is given 3 different tools that allow her to be on the level of people who dive her.

Imo if she is going to be that ungodly strong by herself, when someone gets to her she should die.


I would love to know these situations where Widow is untouchable as I can never seem to place myself in those situations when I’m playing Widow. Anytime I ‘pop off’ I notice that teams that want to be successful make hero changes to deprive me of sight lines or distance. I have never seen this 100% safety location you’re talking about.

If you’re playing an FPS and you think the advice of using natural cover and sight lines is bad advice… Well you don’t fundamentally understand fps.


Imagine Dive not existing Anyway either your shield can block them while you rush to cover, example that one left entrance to point on Temple of Anubis, or they are exposed and you can snipe them down, example that one high place in front of point on Temple of Anubis.

for tanks id suggest picking road or winston if you want to actively fight her, supports zen or ana since you can either sleep her for a while or take her out with zen, brigitte would be the passive way because of her shield and dps depending on the map sombra junk rat doom fist mcree or soldier are my picks but i dont know if they would work out for you

Why not lucio, he is more reliable than ana in those situations.

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i cant hit anything as lucio and i dont know why

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Widowmaker’s problem, however, is NOT how effective she is. I mean, in most ranks she’s total dogs***, yet people complain about her anyway (and no, the complaints are NOT about how much of a throw pick she is).

Widowmaker doesn’t offer up any interesting counter-play. Her design is entirely subtractive and restrictive. She shrinks the total amount of possible gameplay for the opposing team and leaves you with nothing but the above-mentioned options: Dive the widow, mirror the widow, or barriers for days. If you try anything else you’re throwing because the Widowmaker prevents it from ever being a viable options so long as she’s alive.

She needs limitations that enable fun counter-play at a general level. Just like how running a McCree enables the enemy team to pick long-range heroes, encourages enemy squishies to play closer to their tanks, or gives you the option to force him to keep his head down through suppression tactics, Widowmaker needs counterplay that almost everyone has some kind of access to.

Because right now, there are only around 6 to 8 heroes in the game you can play into a half-decent widowmaker and everyone else is limited to hiding behind barriers.

Your average hero needs to be able to do something fun, and Widowmaker doesn’t let them.


I’m having Symmetra 2.0 flashbacks here. Because those were the exact kind of complaints that eventually led to her complete kit overhaul.